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Fighting Game Headquarters |3| [Cinematic Title Expansion Coming Soon]

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damn they already found Daigo's CFN account lol

no tech will be hidden today beast~san.

for reals tho they should really make an option if you want all your replays public or not. if this game was made with E-sports in mind, you would think they would've thought of that. While I do like it that it's so easy to see anyone's replays, it's also really easy to download someones strategy by looking at how they play certain matchups and such. Poongko got mad at Yogaflame24 for uploading some of his matches in SFV and I can sort of understand why, but at the same time Poongko was already streaming and it's all public lol.

or he was mad because it was an L


Just became able to play SFV, so: people who play Chun, Cammy, Sim, Nash, could you tell me or direct me to resources that list:

1. A basic blockstring or two
2. A basic combo
3. Upclose punish
4. What V-Skill/Trigger nonsense does the character have?
I don't know any good resources but I can tell you a good amount of solid Cammy info.

Great pokes: St MK, cr MK. Option select HK Spiral Arrow with cr MK at far distances to catch people slipping. Cr HP is alright too as it moves her closer and can punish stuff that cr.MK can't like Chun Li's Sweep at max range.

Great anti airs: The DP of course. St.HK is a great anti air as you can throw it out early and still get them. Can crush counter for juggle or reset opportunity. Back MP is a great anti air when people are jumping close to your for cross ups and stuff.

Cross up: j.LK, pretty weak cross up compared to what other characters have, low hit stun and has to be very specific on timing and spacing. One of her few weaknesses.

Air to air: Another sort of weakness. Neutral j.HK good air to air, j MK only good for hitting people above you. J.MP is good for jump backs defensive, j.HP is her primary jump in move.

Specials: Dive kick isn't that good use sparingly. EX Dive kick is still good although you get a juggle from it instead of full combo like before,safe on block no matter where you land on body. You want to end every single combo with HK Spiral because that gives best damage, stun, oki however when you want to combo into super you want to do the DP into super. V-Skill very good for shutting down projectiles, can cross up when close up to opponent but can be jabbed out of. If you land it you get cr.MP off of it (into special or go straight into V trigger). Hooligan is alright the throw version kinda sucks because it doesn't seem to grab crouching opponents. The dive from this is better than normal dive kick.

Super: Very good. Distance depends on kick pressed. Long distance punish, can't really be hit out of, goes through projectiles, easy to combo into.

V-Trigger: Basically use this like an Ultra or as a long range punish like a Fireball. You always want to combo into it by landing a combo into either st.HP or cr.MK. After that you want to do Spiral Arrow into Cannon Spike into each other because it combos for good damage. If you see someone do a Fireball you can activate V Trigger on reaction and do a Spiral Arrow as this version of Spiral Arrow goes through fireballs. This is easy to do in terms of reaction just be warned that V Trigger eats your inputs so the Spiral Arrow might not come out if you do it too early/fast.

Blockstrings: St.MP is godlike check as is cr.MP. Both of these link into cr.MP Spiral Arrow although only st MP links into cr.MK. You can do a couple of mediums then either do a st.MK or go for a cross up or walk up throw after the first medium. Jabs still work too but this is SFV! St.HP good for frame traps and can counter poke too, just be ready to confirm from it.

You don't want to use st.HK CC for frame traps because it whiffs on crouching opponents. Use the heavy punch standing or crouching instead or just another medium. If you have the read on someone you can also do f+HK but it's minus on block so don't always through it out at end of a string.

Punishes: Depends on ranges of course.

At close body, st.MP, st HK, HK Spiral (always HK Spiral Arrow ender for best oki) is best value. This is also best combo from a jump in HP.

Slightly further if you know your opponent whiffed something big forward HK, cr MP HK Spiral.

Some moves you can punish with cr.MP, which results in cr.MP, cr.MP Spiral Arrow combo.

Some moves you can punish with cr.MK Spiral Arrow.

Crush counter punish: St.HK dash up target combo (back MP, HK), Cannon Spike or Medium Spiral Arrow. You can also do EX Hooligan Dive Kick into Cannon Spike if you have meter.

This is best punish from CC but I don't like using it because it's easy to miss. I just do lazy man cr.MK Spiral Arrow after CC or if I am closer I do forward HK cr MP Spiral Arrow.


J.LK, cr.LP crLP Spiral Arrow -Bread and butter cross up combo also fastest punish for Cammy at close range as the jabs are 3 frame.

St.MP cr.MK Spiral Arrow - This is my personal BNB. For best damage you can do st.HP instead of cr.MK but it misses at far ranges of st.MP so it's really only used for punishes. You can also do cr.MP if you confirm it from block string but that also can miss at far range. Cr.MK always links from st.MP.

Cr.MP cr.MP Spiral Arrow. BNB if you like the cr MP starter. Cr.MP is faster than st MP so it can punish more but you have more frame advantage after st MP and more range. Good low check too.

Cr.LP Target Combo into whatever - This is big damage off of light but you need to be hugging the opponent.

Cammy also has a bunch of counter hit combos but a notable one is st.LP CH st.MP st.HP Spiral Arrow.

For combos into super: Just replace the end Spiral Arrow with Cannon Spike to go into super. .

For combos into V Trigger: Any medium or higher move you have enough stun to do Trigger into st HP or cr MK Spiral Arrow and Cannon Spike.

Oki stuff: Off of HK Spiral Arrow you can do:

Safe jump (walk back a bit)
Cross up j.LP (walk back a bit)
Meaty st MP, forward HK, cr MP
Meaty tick throw from cr Jab or just straight up meaty throw
Hooligan into whatever

You don't get much off of throws unless in corner.

CC cr.HK (sweep) you get safe jump by doing dash up cr.LP neutral jump j.HP/j.HK.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
$10, but that's before that esports money kicks in. I don't recall exactly what the standard evo payout for 1st is, either 50 or 60% if I recall correctly

Capcom has a $50k pot bonus for SFV on top of the entry pool.

Someone gonna get paid.
Great write ups Crab Milk and Dahbomb. Talking about my two favorite characters in the game right now.
That oki after HK arrow looks cool. I always defaulted to MK arrow because I thought it allowed me to setup more.

I thought meaty was only refereed to attacks, not throws. I often missed/whiffed/miss-timed throws only to get wokeup thrown by the guy i knocked down. Found hitting standing MP or standing lightkick to throw worked for me.


Booked my room for EVO, 4 nights at the Luxor for a little under $380.

I probably should find somebody to room with me, lol.


I want to go, but I know that it's going to be a madhouse, and that a local major (like say, TFC) would probably be more fun and less stressful.


I want to go, but I know that it's going to be a madhouse, and that a local major (like say, TFC) would probably be more fun and less stressful.
Well, I always promised myself when I got a full-time job that I would finally go to EVO. I do now, work is stressful and I gonna go even if I know I'm going to need a vacation after this vacation, lol.

I actually went to Las Vegas during EVO last year with non gaming friends, that was a bit weird knowing it was literally down the street from me, but I didn't have time to go.
$10, but that's before that esports money kicks in. I don't recall exactly what the standard evo payout for 1st is, either 50 or 60% if I recall correctly

Capcom has a $50k pot bonus for SFV on top of the entry pool.

Someone gonna get paid.
At this rate if the entrants keeps growing like that first place may make more than if they won Capcom Cup. I can see them spreading out the money a little more though like to top 16 or so.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Can't wait for EVO when 10,000 people will be doing it in the crowd

I just hope Capcom patches in the ability to use character themes in local versus, I need to hear a packed Mandalay Bay arena singing the Rashido theme.

Of course that also means someone needs to make Top 8 with Rashid.


I just hope Capcom patches in the ability to use character themes in local versus, I need to hear a packed Mandalay Bay arena singing the Rashido theme.

Of course that also means someone needs to make Top 8 with Rashid.

People talk about Chun, I doubt she'll win Evo

Rashido will


Only if Floe enters Evo as Rashid.

God that stream was legendary.

He will play Vega and get bopped in the first match and sent to losers.

Then during his last match in losers switch to Rashid for the audience, and then go all the way to GF.



Don't know who Ino is, but he does not seem to like Option Select in SFV.


Any OS is cheap and not fit for SFV .
CAPCOM must delete diffend OS.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
got a link?

I can't remember what day it was unfortunately.

But as a quick summary:

- Floe talks shit about how garbo Rashid is, calling him the El Fuerte of SFV and saying he would never ever play the character
- His stream badgers him into playing Rashid
- He spends 5 minutes in the lab before saying fuck this and jumps into ranked
- Match #1: Tampa Bison. He bops Tampa free
- Match #2: Alex Valle playing Rashid. Bops Valle free
- Match #3: Lamerboi playing Rashid. Bops Lamerboi free
- Match #4: Arturo Motherfucking Sanchez as Dhalsim: Bops Art free
- At this point it's clear he is the chosen messiah of Rashid, the stream monsters dub him Floeshido. He freaks out, gets mad and shuts the stream down.
I can't remember what day it was unfortunately.

But as a quick summary:

- Floe talks shit about how garbo Rashid is, calling him the El Fuerte of SFV and saying he would never ever play the character
- His stream badgers him into playing Rashid
- He spends 5 minutes in the lab before saying fuck this and jumps into ranked
- Match #1: Tampa Bison. He bops Tampa free
- Match #2: Alex Valle playing Rashid. Bops Valle free
- Match #3: Lamerboi playing Rashid. Bops Lamerboi free
- Match #4: Arturo Motherfucking Sanchez as Dhalsim: Bops Art free
- At this point it's clear he is the chosen messiah of Rashid, the stream monsters dub him Floeshido. He freaks out, gets mad and shuts the stream down.

He really played those 4 guys in that order? Along with everything else that happened that is quite epic lol.
I can't remember what day it was unfortunately.

But as a quick summary:

- Floe talks shit about how garbo Rashid is, calling him the El Fuerte of SFV and saying he would never ever play the character
- His stream badgers him into playing Rashid
- He spends 5 minutes in the lab before saying fuck this and jumps into ranked
- Match #1: Tampa Bison. He bops Tampa free
- Match #2: Alex Valle playing Rashid. Bops Valle free
- Match #3: Lamerboi playing Rashid. Bops Lamerboi free
- Match #4: Arturo Motherfucking Sanchez as Dhalsim: Bops Art free
- At this point it's clear he is the chosen messiah of Rashid, the stream monsters dub him Floeshido. He freaks out, gets mad and shuts the stream down.

I can't remember what day it was unfortunately.

But as a quick summary:

- Floe talks shit about how garbo Rashid is, calling him the El Fuerte of SFV and saying he would never ever play the character
- His stream badgers him into playing Rashid
- He spends 5 minutes in the lab before saying fuck this and jumps into ranked
- Match #1: Tampa Bison. He bops Tampa free
- Match #2: Alex Valle playing Rashid. Bops Valle free
- Match #3: Lamerboi playing Rashid. Bops Lamerboi free
- Match #4: Arturo Motherfucking Sanchez as Dhalsim: Bops Art free
- At this point it's clear he is the chosen messiah of Rashid, the stream monsters dub him Floeshido. He freaks out, gets mad and shuts the stream down.



I can't remember what day it was unfortunately.

But as a quick summary:

- Floe talks shit about how garbo Rashid is, calling him the El Fuerte of SFV and saying he would never ever play the character
- His stream badgers him into playing Rashid
- He spends 5 minutes in the lab before saying fuck this and jumps into ranked
- Match #1: Tampa Bison. He bops Tampa free
- Match #2: Alex Valle playing Rashid. Bops Valle free
- Match #3: Lamerboi playing Rashid. Bops Lamerboi free
- Match #4: Arturo Motherfucking Sanchez as Dhalsim: Bops Art free
- At this point it's clear he is the chosen messiah of Rashid, the stream monsters dub him Floeshido. He freaks out, gets mad and shuts the stream down.

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