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Fighting Game Headquarters |3| [Cinematic Title Expansion Coming Soon]

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some of ya'll waking up right now thinking "did I really post that long ass diatribe about games as art last night"

not sure what to make of Wolfkrone: The Return other than Champ's going to eat him alive
what can you do?
You can:

1. Take the L
2. Take the L
3. Pull off a GootecksShimmy™
You played Elena. This is some karmic justice man
Chun beat Elena in USF4 too tho
He dumped Deejay like a bad habit when Elena came around. Dude is unfaithful to his waifus
Elena was my reward for using Deejay for so long. All my struggles finally answered in a character that had a 6-4 MU against more than half the cast
Just became able to play SFV, so: people who play Chun, Cammy, Sim, Nash, could you tell me or direct me to resources that list:

1. A basic blockstring or two
2. A basic combo
3. Upclose punish
4. What V-Skill/Trigger nonsense does the character have?


Cock Strain, Lifetime Warranty
New Fighting Commander without the adjustable dpad thing?
naw the FC4
Step cancels area little tricky but seem doable, definitely better than standard pad on any console to me. prolly won't replace stick anytime soon but its more convenient than lugging that around.


For me, there are games that rival books and movies when I factor that extra dimension in. Lufia 2 is a great example for me. It's not the most amazing story but the way it works as a game is so poignant to me. The story is enhanced by the journey I personally make to the end. I traversed those dungeons as them. I fought those battles as them. Then
seeing Maxim and Selan still die on Doom island hurts all the same, maybe even more. despite knowing from onset of the game that it was their destiny. Getting to see Maxim fight to his last breath to save the life of his son from the crashing fortress then seeing his and Selan's spirit as they make their journey to see their baby boy with that music...
So many tears after I finished that game back in the day. ;_;

That part when you reach really new material in Lufia 2 last dungeon,
you hope and hope that maybe they get a happy ending but you know you're just fooling yourself ;__;
btw, got my TE S+ yesterday. It's probably the reference stick for the generation:

Sturdy body
Kickass artwork
Sanwa parts
Despite no advertisement, has the no-slip bottom of TES+ 360 and TE2.
Low input lag (about FC4 grade according to Teyah)
It's not uncommon for people to hate on an entire entertainment medium. People do this with anime all the time. But instead of dismissing opinions as stupid or as "worst post in GAF history," they should be constructively engaged. Cindi makes great points - video games for the most part have piss poor storytelling and the experiences aren't meaningful beyond the "fun" that they provide. Books and movies can be very emotionally captivating via the storytelling - e.g. they can have the power to make a racist individual more accepting and open minded, which would be a life altering experience that leads to a more fair-minded individual. The decisions and choices that individual makes can then have a positive impact on society, instead of negative. I don't think I could name a single video game that could have that sort of impact, but I can name multiple books and movies.

If something has the potential to be meaningful in more than one way, it should be. Video games have that potential but it's not realized that well.

With that said, of course I don't agree with blanket statements that mark the video game medium as completely useless. But I do agree that it has potential for major improvement. Nevertheless, statements like that should not be shocking. A lot of people think video games are a waste of time (including I'm sure many mid-aged or older parents), but Cindy's post is being treated like it's blasphemy of the highest extent. Just think it should be constructively engaged because there are valid points inside her post.

Yup. Thanks for the support!


Guess I'm returning to stick. Just paid for a new updated Hori Kai 4 with the new Hayabusa buttons. Ordered it off the Hori site instead of Amazon because of the coupon code WEDNESDAY2 that saved me $15 off the price, which paid for the tax and then some.

No idea when it comes though.


Guess I'm returning to stick. Just paid for a new updated Hori Kai 4 with the new Hayabusa buttons. Ordered it off the Hori site instead of Amazon because of the coupon code WEDNESDAY2 that saved me $15 off the price, which paid for the tax and then some.

No idea when it comes though.

What's the code valid on?


You can:

1. Take the L
2. Take the L
3. Pull off a GootecksShimmy™

I played a FT10 set with a solid Chun player as Laura and we were even the first 3 or 4 games until he realized I have basically no answer to instant air legs and st. HP.

You can't elbow pressure her with LP elbows because every time it's blocked you're either forced to eat a throw or risk a shit load of dmg because she can hit-confirm into MP, cr.MK xx EX Legs off a crouching jab, so you absolutely cannot try to tech a throw if she blocks your light elbow. Neutral jump also doesn't work because her anti-air is fucking godlike and she has time to whiff 20598 crouching jabs and still anti-air you, dash under you and do that lame ass crouching jab hit confirm again.

You can't offer any options on oki pressure if she has meter unless you want to just neutral jump to try and punish a whiffed ex SBK. Her normals at close range seem to beat everything Laura has and there's no reason for her not to mash out those crouching jabs since she can do such big damage off of it.

The best luck I had was hovering outside her st. MK range but fishing for crush counters with st. HP.

It's not impossible, but unless I'm missing something, the odds are stacked heavily in Chun Li's favor.


Been playing more Blaz Blue Chrono Phantasma Extend...and not just story this time. Really digging Jin. Just feels easy to pressure and pin people down. Just feels like theres a tool for everything. Also feels pretty good using Kagura and Azrael. Man once either of those dudes get going the damage is just there.

Having a blast working my way through the cast legit for once. I think I might be close to the end of all the main story too. Not certain if the extend stories are more than side stories or if they are like an epilogue to what I just saw in the main story mode. Gonna put off the recap stuff of going through CT and CS stuff for awhile.

Really diggin this game. The movesets are just so loaded with shit to enjoy. Its like every character has some seriously powerful tool or another to learn to maximize and it makes for a fun ride. I can see this becoming my new main game with frequent pit stops to keep playing more TVC, and Arcana stuff.
Re: All the games as a medium / boredom / etc. talk I haven't read yet:

Like many, I've grown more and more bored of video games lately and don't play much besides fighting games and some Path of Exile with friends nowadays. And, at least for me, it's had a lot to do with games becoming less and less like games. I see games trying to be some kind of "art" more and more: Epic, movielike experiences with lots of plot and Zimmer or Williams-inspired scores, serious presentation dealing with serious issues, or mechanics-based "experiences".

I think a lot of that development is missing the point, and doing so by a mile. What we get in return for that epic presentation are QTE-infested, "press button X to execute script" laden pieces of dogshit. We get games that are ostensibly a great adventure but built to allow anyone to clear them, because the point has become the plot rather than the game. And, after all, what is there to play? Pressing a button repeatedly? Sitting in a ditch while invincible AI teammates clear everything?

Some games want to be unique, but is unique a substitute for being good, truly so? Are you ever going to play Limbo more than once? Fez? What about games like Spec Ops: The Line which is a game that sets out to make one point?

Because that's where games lose. People rightly note the ability of movies and books to move people, and how they have a high status in society. People want that recognition, so games should strive to be a seriously taken form of art.

Frankly? I don't think they have the chops to. The core of the game as a medium is interaction, player choice, feedback. Good books, good movies are good because they're well put together. They're a transfer of the author's or team's ideas to the recipient. The more you strive to allow feedback, high interaction and player choice into the game, the more you have to sacrifice this composed quality which is at the heart of books' and movies' ability to move people. The more the game reduces to what ifs. The more you rein it in, the more you force players into false choices without meaning or eventually just railroad their whole experience (Press "Shaun!" to continue).

At which point, why are you making a game? Why are you torturing a thing into doing something for which it is fundamentally unfit?

I can still play my way through and tremendously enjoy an old game like Sonic 3, for example. I still have fun playing Castlevania. They play to the medium's strengths: Immediate feedback, high interaction, a high degree of player freedom. You can explore a world at your leisure, and the translation of your intent into game result is direct.

What these games have, and where I think the "art" lies in games and has increasingly been lost in the areas that matter, is craftsmanship. The developers place all the attention to the movielike elements, to the small details of certain textures so forum goons can jerk over their favourite game. But what gets left behind? The feel of the controls, having actual gameplay to begin with, challenge - Dark Souls is scary and feels meaningful largely because you can die and you will die - the terrain in both being interesting to navigate and in terms of looks. Places aren't made, they're kind of thrown together. The aesthetic of large-scale terrain features, likewise. They're not where the effort gets put in. But those are the precise places where it should be, if we are to truly elevate games into being something great and not a second rate movie (Press "Shaun!" to continue).

To illustrate, think about the mountains in Skyrim and Planetside 2, and contrast them with something like Xenoblade Chronicles or, hell, Dragon's Dogma. Contrast how present the terrain is in something like Skyrim to Dragon's Dogma and Dark Souls, or, alternatively, Metroid Prime or Golden Sun for a completely different pacing. These are all games that have had a lot of attention paid into their environment, and they feel the part unlike Skyrim's walking tubes. Craftsmanship.

Many modern games also try to look good primarily by tech. Just cram effects in and it will look good eventually. That, obviously, doesn't last. Golden Sun, Metroid Prime, Mario Galaxy, Journey, hell, even Xenoblade Chronicles will continue to look good because their art direction is good. It's not technical spectacle but craftsmanship.

I don't even need to get into the difference in feel in regard to something like Skyrim or QTE sequences when compared to actually good games, or the feel of stage design in modern attempts at retrogame revival when contrasted with what has come before. Most attempts just suck at the things the genre does best. Level flow in many modern titles is a joke.

So, can games be art? I think they can, and they ought to. But "art" in gaming terms is far simpler, more straightforward, and less glamorous than trying to do grandiose storylines, appear deep or making a point. Art, in terms of videogames, is craftsmanship in building the conditions for action. In providing the preconditions for someone to express themselves and to have fun.

I want to go back to that. I don't want to press "Shaun!" to continue.
I played a FT10 set with a solid Chun player as Laura and we were even the first 3 or 4 games until he realized I have basically no answer to instant air legs and st. HP.

You can't elbow pressure her with LP elbows because every time it's blocked you're either forced to eat a throw or risk a shit load of dmg because she can hit-confirm into MP, cr.MK xx EX Legs off a crouching jab, so you absolutely cannot try to tech a throw if she blocks your light elbow. Neutral jump also doesn't work because her anti-air is fucking godlike and she has time to whiff 20598 crouching jabs and still anti-air you, dash under you and do that lame ass crouching jab hit confirm again.

You can't offer any options on oki pressure if she has meter unless you want to just neutral jump to try and punish a whiffed ex SBK. Her normals at close range seem to beat everything Laura has and there's no reason for her not to mash out those crouching jabs since she can do such big damage off of it.

The best luck I had was hovering outside her st. MK range but fishing for crush counters with st. HP.

It's not impossible, but unless I'm missing something, the odds are stacked heavily in Chun Li's favor.

You're not missing anything, the matchup is ass.

Those scumbag tactics.

coming from the scumbag lord smh

First off...GAT DAYUM @ those SFV numbers. Well deserved, but even I couldn't see it doing numbers this big so fast, very Deadpool-esque. I thought it would hit 3k, but just barely. I think these numbers are very front loaded so I don't expect 5 or 6k. But 4k is looking like a real possibility as more people keep flooding in through the coming months. Thank you SFV for saving EVO for the FGC. Not a Smash tournament afterall.

Secondly, you gotta admit had USF4 been there that would have a lot of people who would be like "Oh USF4 is there, yeah why not". USF4 finishes with 2500+ just because :p
It all goes back to the "games as art" discussion and how people want games labelled as such for the sake of recognition. We keep having those threads, elsewhere you'll see some developers acting like they somehow elevate games by making them more like other media and/or not focused on fun (whether that's by resorting to the usual "cinematic experience" bullshit or based on the subject matter they choose for their game), in some other places you'll find people overanalyzing jRPGs and looking for references to books or whatever all in an attempt to prove that shit is deep.

It takes different forms depending on who does it but at the end of the day it always involves the idea that "there's more than fun to this game and that makes it better than the rest of the shit and proves that gaming can totally be on par with books/movies/whatever I swear omg senpai pls notice me look games aren't dumb now because they can teach [insert socially acceptable thing]".

Except that when you actually value having fun playing games as something worthwhile in and of itself rather than something so wasteful (some people would even say shameful) that you absolutely need something to go along with it to compensate, that kinda falls apart. When you don't subscribe to the idea that everything one does needs to further personal growth and/or end up being beneficial to someone else in some way to be worth doing, when you don't believe that one should be ashamed of spending time enjoying themselves and nothing else, it follows that you don't think that games absolutely need to go beyond providing fun. It's just something that can be nice when it happens rather than something that someone would have a responsibility to push for or make happen.

I die a little inside when people try to call video games "art."

My sentiments exactly.
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