Fighting Game Headquarters |4| Cheers Love, the Anime's Here!

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what you guys know about dolphin netplay? i seen aris playing sc2 on it and saying its nice. i would love to try that as well as GGXXAC which got a wii release.
what you guys know about dolphin netplay? i seen aris playing sc2 on it and saying its nice. i would love to try that as well as GGXXAC which got a wii release.

All I know is setting it up from this post

It does use some kind of server to send out hexcodes so people can connect, so there have been times during Aris' stream that they crash it from having too many people try to play. But I heard players can do a direct p2p connection if they want.


Mrs. Harvey
It seems GAF tournament viewership is way down from previous years.

What's this big Smash drama everyone is talking about?
It seems GAF tournament viewership is way down from previous years.

What's this big Smash drama everyone is talking about?

Fighting Tournament Weekend is part of the reason why. Those threads are trash. The title is confusing and easily overlooked.

Just make a thread for majors and that's it. We can discuss the smaller events here.
It seems GAF tournament viewership is way down from previous years.

What's this big Smash drama everyone is talking about?

I think most people tuned in to watch SF. But after SFV offered nothing for the most casual viewers here in GAF they could have lost interest.


It seems GAF tournament viewership is way down from previous years.

What's this big Smash drama everyone is talking about?

Fighting Tournament Weekend is part of the reason why. Those threads are trash. The title is confusing and easily overlooked.

Just make a thread for majors and that's it. We can discuss the smaller events here.
Thread is actually tracking at the exact same pace as last year's CEO thread for day one, it's actually creepy looking at the two threads with stream going down at the end of the night and thehadou reporting back to Gaf around the same time(page 8 at 50ppp ;p), don't give Gunslinger false hope.

Fake edit: too late.

Also, half agree with ZTS, FTW should probably be dropped for big events like CEO, but the weekly version is great for most events, Tripon is doing a fantastic job with those.

some asshole pretended to be a dying girl and tricked a big smasher (mew2king) into believing it.


Junior Member
nah that one just a little trolling lol. But seriously I agree with ZTS. These FGC weekly thread sucks. They should just have a Major event thread where people can discuss the smaller events.
Hopefully we can go back to event-specific threads for EVO.
the three trolls bitching about a weekly thread some guy makes on his own time so ppl on gaf know what's happening over the weekend? Sounds about right
Yeah i don't read the backlog on threads much so i always appreciate seeing Tripon's new threads on what's happening on the weekend. They're very well made and informative threads.


The tournament threads are fine. The only difference is SFV being hot ass and Capcom pissing off the casual fan.

what you guys know about dolphin netplay? i seen aris playing sc2 on it and saying its nice. i would love to try that as well as GGXXAC which got a wii release.

I been trying to get Aris to use Dolphin for months. Now that he finally has, more people are wanting to try it. Netplay is great but the downside is that you have to follow the instructions correctly to avoid desyncs.


Really appreciate Tripon's work on the weekly threads, zero reason to hate on them.

Some info from an SNK interview regarding the online play for KOFXIV:

- The online lobby (Free Match) has 3 modes: Team VS, Single VS, Party VS. Up to 12 people can enter and also spectate

- The user can play games while waiting for opponents in Ranked match.

- Ranked Match has about 30 ranks and you can earn titles in the higher ranks. Also at the beginning, you can chose to jump to the higher ranks if you're an experienced player; the game will score you in your first 10 matches and jump you to an appropriate rank. That way you can skip time climbing up the ladder and avoid killing noobs.
what you guys know about dolphin netplay? i seen aris playing sc2 on it and saying its nice. i would love to try that as well as GGXXAC which got a wii release.

GGXXAC+R is on steam. I dunno how active it is but it's gotta be more active than an out of date version on an emulator, right?


Really appreciate Tripon's work on the weekly threads, zero reason to hate on them.

Some info from an SNK interview regarding the online play for KOFXIV:

I like the idea behind qualifying matches, worked well in KI for the most part. It seems the issue with these games is its always a crapshoot who your getting matched with until the player base has time to disperse appropriately. That's the nature of the beast though.




Mrs. Harvey
It has nothing to do with anybody really. The decline in popularity, certain people moving on to bigger things and people not liking GAF anymore is the cause of it.

I always take care of the EVO thread. If anyone needs something to add just PM me. I'll be asking for the notable players as usual.

I find it hard to believe that this year will surpass the recording breaking last year but we'll see.



It has nothing to do with anybody really. The decline in popularity, certain people moving on to bigger things and people not liking GAF anymore is the cause of it.

I always take care of the EVO thread. If anyone needs something to add just PM me. I'll be asking for the notable players as usual.

I find it hard to believe that this year will surpass the recording breaking last year but we'll see.

This all started with the move to Community. I used to post in these threads a lot when it was weekly.


As always, if you feel that there are says to improve those weekly tournament threads, you can PM me or say it here in the FGC OT, or in the discord chat. I tend to check both regularly.

The main reason, I (or anybody else) don't make an OT for Fighting Tournaments in general is because the mods have made it clear that FGC content like that made in an OT is community forum material.

I'm open to changing the name or dropping it from Majors. But if I remember correctly one week, when I tried to abbreviate the title one week so I could fit more tournaments into the title, zero the shadow bitched that he couldn't find the thread. That's why I try to include the full title every week. If you can think of a better title to call the thread, by all means, suggest one. I was going to drop the FTW title this week for CEO and changed my mind because I thought somebody like ZTS would miss it because he complained about the issue before.

Also, again if there is a tournament you particularly feel passionate about and want to take over making the thread for that week, please feel free and go ahead. If you just want to try to make a thread for a week, go ahead and do it. I only make the threads because I'm interested in getting the info out and feel they are useful for people. If that changes, then I'll adjust. Sounds like more people than not want the threads to continue as in. I actually don't want to make the major tournaments threads like EVO, CEO, Final Round, NCR, etc. Because I know other people are interested enough to make them. But for whatever reason I made them all this year so far.

That said, the only big tournaments before EVO that I can see are that Chinese CPT Premier tournament that is designed to pick a Chinese local and won't be streamed on Twitch, and an Spanish Major called Sonic Boom that most gaffers won't pay attention to. So I guess the tournament threads will take a break anyway until Defend the North which is two weeks after EVO. So those guys get what they want for a while. Haha.

Also, Kadey, I'm glad you already volunteered for the EVO thread. Thank you for doing that.

Well, those are my thoughts on it.


There's like a tournament every weekend now. Sort of makes the occasion less special compared to pre-CPT and early CPT days.

SFV being what it is and Capcom being incommunicado hasn't helped. Also no new Marvel hype.


Kadey always delivers quality FGC threads, good to hear she's on board for EVO. Speaking of which, can't believe it's right around the corner now.

Beyond the matches is there anything you guys are looking forward to this year? I'm expecting a Kombat Pack 3 announcement, new Injustice 2 roster announcements/new build and probably the reveal of the last character for KI this season.

Not expected but hoping for at least one new Tekken 7 FR character. Got to have my boy Lei back in there. Although I'd be fine if the roster stayed as it is currently, can't have everything you want (TT2 came close tho.)

As for tournament threads, as long as someone post the link in here I usually just subscribe so no need to go trying to search it out later.


Not expected but hoping for at least one new Tekken 7 FR character. Got to have my boy Lei back in there. Although I'd be fine if the roster stayed as it is currently, can't have everything you want (TT2 came close tho.)

They've been strongly hinting at something being announced at EVO, not sure if it will be a character though. Someone jokingly said that they would announce Bob, that would be pretty funny.
Kadey always delivers quality FGC threads, good to hear she's on board for EVO. Speaking of which, can't believe it's right around the corner now.

Beyond the matches is there anything you guys are looking forward to this year?

What I hope to see:

--New Tekken 7 roster addition(returning character)

--Final KI Season 3 character

--New Injustice 2 character

--New KOF XIV Team Trailer(in addition to the trailer that would be shown that week!)

--MKX Kombat Pack 3...with NO guest characters.
Kadey always delivers quality FGC threads, good to hear she's on board for EVO. Speaking of which, can't believe it's right around the corner now.

Beyond the matches is there anything you guys are looking forward to this year? I'm expecting a Kombat Pack 3 announcement, new Injustice 2 roster announcements/new build and probably the reveal of the last character for KI this season.

Not expected but hoping for at least one new Tekken 7 FR character. Got to have my boy Lei back in there. Although I'd be fine if the roster stayed as it is currently, can't have everything you want (TT2 came close tho.)

As for tournament threads, as long as someone post the link in here I usually just subscribe so no need to go trying to search it out later.

Balrog trailer

KoF XIV trailer

New KI character

Maybe Dizzy gameplay?

Ultimax on PS4 announcement.


Kadey always delivers quality FGC threads, good to hear she's on board for EVO. Speaking of which, can't believe it's right around the corner now.

Beyond the matches is there anything you guys are looking forward to this year? I'm expecting a Kombat Pack 3 announcement, new Injustice 2 roster announcements/new build and probably the reveal of the last character for KI this season.

Not expected but hoping for at least one new Tekken 7 FR character. Got to have my boy Lei back in there. Although I'd be fine if the roster stayed as it is currently, can't have everything you want (TT2 came close tho.)

As for tournament threads, as long as someone post the link in here I usually just subscribe so no need to go trying to search it out later.
Mokujin in T7
Riot fighter info
Ibuki removed


Hmmm. Does that mean Japan will stop playing it over the course of one-two years? Thank god for Mexico and Korea, I guess.

On that note, if Japan isn't supporting a game enmasse due to not having arcade version will that ultimately hurt a franchise? I legitimately have no clue as to how much revenue the Japanese market represents for their locally developed fighters or how lucrative arcades are there currently.

I ask because I saw the quote from Daigo about SF V longevity based on no arcade version and wondered just how much does that ultimately matter in the grand scheme of the games being profitable.


That quote about the game "feeling" like 98 or 2k2 with 2-4 frames of lag made me throw up in my mouth. The issue isn't how the game feels online compared to other games offline, the issue is how the came feels online compared to itself. It's still going to degenerate into uselessness if online play in XIV feels completely different to offline play in XIV, and if they're talking about frame delay like that it's pretty much a lock that is going to happen.

They're going to fuck up the one thing they have to get right, aren't they? Sigh.


Kadey always delivers quality FGC threads, good to hear she's on board for EVO. Speaking of which, can't believe it's right around the corner now.

Beyond the matches is there anything you guys are looking forward to this year? I'm expecting a Kombat Pack 3 announcement, new Injustice 2 roster announcements/new build and probably the reveal of the last character for KI this season.

Not expected but hoping for at least one new Tekken 7 FR character. Got to have my boy Lei back in there. Although I'd be fine if the roster stayed as it is currently, can't have everything you want (TT2 came close tho.)

As for tournament threads, as long as someone post the link in here I usually just subscribe so no need to go trying to search it out later.

I want to see the Rising Thunder devs' new game


I want to see the Rising Thunder devs' new game

Had completely forgot about that, I'm interested to see what they come up with as well. I expect some pretty unique stuff considering they are part of Riot now. Amazing net code is probably a given.


Hmmm. Does that mean Japan will stop playing it over the course of one-two years? Thank god for Mexico and Korea, I guess.

I think the only major fighting game series that would be hurt by the lack of focus on the arcade would be ASW games (and all those school girl 2D fighters). The arcade scene in Japan is dying.
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