I'd be down with that roster. Some solid favorites, as well as some fairly obscure additions.
Right now, I'm more eager to see what changes with the already existing characters.
What leak?
Damn no Fei Long, oh well. I also wanted to see C. VIPER in SFV engine.
Where's this coming from
Also Abel is the best character to come out of SF in every way in the last millennium anyone who denies will get cl.mk to death
Someone mentioned at the tournament that it had been leaked, and phone + google led me to that result. <shrug> I'm 99% sure on Sagat, fwiw.
Oh I met Shouta and Cybit and Rocwell and Bumble this weekend.
Shouta brought me the best sandwich I've ever had ;~;7
That sandwich had magical powers, Shouta texted me to ask Tokido whether he wanted a sandwich as well, and Tokido looked up at me with full little kid joy when I asked him. Rest of the players were confused when Tokido and I (aka a rando) ran off into the VIP section so we could see how many JP players wanted the sandwiches, lol.
I think Shouta was wondering whether that sandwich sapped Tokido's powers for grand finals, lol.
I'd like Viper over Sodom for sure. I also think they should let one of the characters be chosen by the CPT winner. Talk about a prize.

(MtG has something similar where the winning player gets to design a card for a future set)
Actually I'd go 8 characters a season if possible. 6 for your normal season, 1 winner's choice from CPT (must be an existing character), and 1 as a stretch goal for CPT DLC (If X copies of the DLC are bought, an 8th character is added, and it is voted on by those who bought the DLC). Or maybe you do 6 characters, but 4 are picked by Capcom, 1 by CPT winner, and 1 as a stretch goal.