Yeah it's new ground, now they are charging for their big updates that used to be free
I don't quite remember any update that was free yet had as much content.
I can remember several that ended up full games though... but it could be because painful memories tend to remain more than others !
what does "online revamped" entail?
We don't know yet. Hopefully changed how ranked works ?
Team stuff back ? They were vague.
Maybe I'm not as hardcore as I used to be since the Rev2 announcement bothered me a tad.
Like, let's say I did already own Revelator, but I'm one of those guys who doesn't care about the story mode, and I just play Sol and Ky. Rev2 is apparently giving every character a new move in addition to balance changes, and I think in order to be able to play as those newly balanced characters, I'd need to pay for the Rev2 upgrade. Maybe I've been spoiled by SFV and KI, because they don't gate new seasonal system mechanics and seasonal balance changes behind $10-20 DLC.
I am a player, but I'm also a consumer. If I had just bought Revelator for the PC when it came out last month(at full price, mind you), I'd probably be more annoyed by the Rev 2 announcement. I will end up getting the retail version of Rev2, since that should hopefully come with all of vanilla Rev's DLC+all the new content, and I'm glad I have that option, but as a consumer, I think I have the right to be annoyed by Rev2's announcement.
Those are fair points.
But you also have to acknowledge the fact that a 10-20$ update is better than a 60$ game. GG had avoided the dreadful BB model, so it might be baby steps, but it's definitely going in the right direction.
If they see people are into it, they are more likely to go that route than if it tanks completely.
Also, personally, with good timing, Arcsys offered me all the dlc characters, that's something that has to be noted. They are usually pretty generous. They can't work for free either, the production values on this are huge. ( so the update price is probably what I would have spent )
Like sorry if you don't care about story/modes/new characters.
Though at least you do get the new moves etc.. that can still affect your characters. So it's not just useless fluff.
It's about supporting a niche game at this point. Wait until it's discounted I guess if it bothers you that much.
SFV's model is nightmarish IMO.
KI is really close to the gold standard yet a few things hold it back for me.
As for the PC version, you're right, I can't defend that... but it's PC, getting used to being treated like that now...