Living good right now because Balrog is hella buffed in S2.What's PR Balrog's status this week?
Will announce retirement if they nerf Balrog before the start of CPT.
Living good right now because Balrog is hella buffed in S2.What's PR Balrog's status this week?
That team is quite playable because it has two great assists on the team. Magneto and Dante are examples of characters that can be played on point while also having support tools... they are what characters should be in these games. It's easy to fit Dante and Magneto into any team.
If I change it up and say Nova/Wesker/Wolverine. All characters that I feel are good to great but this team is bad. There's no good support on the team. I can make this team like 10 times better by just replacing someone like Wesker with Doom, Akuma or Iron Man or EVEN Arthur. THAT'S the issue with the game. It's less balance and more design although balance is an issue too.
You got a link to that? I'd really be interested in hearing that fleshed out a bit.It's not an assumption, that's what they said. They even cited spreading out damage and tools in the game with the TAC system in mind. Their approach to team construction was that you would pick a pixie character who can get int and get the hit but does low damage (so like Rocket Raccoon) and then TAC into Hulk who has high damage but has trouble getting in.
That's the game balance fault for making Doom broken as a support but not as good as on point. If Doom wasn't as broken as an assist then you would have more reason to other support characters like Iron Man.
To me a well designed Marvel team is something that can be played in any order and works with each other where every character provides something to the team.
I will use one high end example and one low end example so people don't think I am focused on balance here.
Low End example:
Iron Fist/Strider/Arthur - You see this team and you think this team is garbage. 2 bad characters and one good character. Let's ignore stuff like DHCs and TACs and focus on assists. Iron Fist has access to a vertical Vajra assist and a slow moving projectile... that's two assists he very much needs. If we switch up the order and have Arthur/Iron Fist/Strider... Arthur has a pseudo get off my assist with Iron Fist's assist and a vertical assist for cover. Now with Strider on point, he has a great slow moving assist and a Rising Fang assist for combos and teleport mix ups. You can play this team in any order and it's FUNCTIONAL. The real issue here is balance as an assisted Iron Fist is still garbage and these characters aren't the best TAC characters (a SEPARATE ISSUE ENTIRELY).
Vergil/Doom/Strider - The classic Clockwork team. This team works in any order. Strider on point with Vergil for combos/mixups assist, Doom for neutral (Vergil for DHC combo damage). Doom on point with Vajra assist is super good for mix ups/combos along with Rapid Slash for keep away as it pushes people back. And of course this team is played with Vergil on point standard. Every character on this team is playable on point and supports the other character. This is how a team SHOULD function.
Another in the middle example is Dual Kevin's team of Deadpool/Dante/Hawkeye. Deadpool is the one lacking in support options and is thus played on point but the rest all support each other in different configurations. This is a rare example of an honest and functional team in Marvel 3 that's also decent to good.
So these are the types of configurations that should be designed for and it's only really possible if the support value of a lot of characters is brought up and the point value of others brought up.
Lobbying for Balrog being mid tier to save him from nerfs, so he'll probably still play this season.What's PR Balrog's status this week?
Uh... OK, first Xrd Rev 2 changed from Spring 2017 to simply "2017", but now Tekken 7 is changed to just "2017" also? I hope this doesn't mean a delay and is just all much ado about nothing.
Lobbying for Balrog being mid tier to save him from nerfs, so he'll probably still play this season.
i decided to play MKXL on the PS4 with a friend just the other day and i like it ( i also have MK9) thing is im wondering if there is much of diffrence betwean short cut moves ie L1 for a Grab Vs Saqure + X for a grab move ? ie stronger ? logicaly some of these same combos should be weaker or none chainable
is there a fighting game thread i should ask in or an MK thread i should ask in ? ie for talking about move sets and combos ?
Just released my latest trailer! I am REALLY happy with how it came out
It's for KBR 2017 and before anyone bitches like last time, it's Kuwait Battle Royale, not Kane Blue River
I honestly think outside of the documentaries I did, this is my favorite/best video so far. Hope you enjoy it!
Look at how SNK, Capcom and a few other companies do character designs
Just look at the whole portfolio instead of cherry picking pictures to try and win your own argument. Look at the MK games from past to present, look at the rest of the fighting games series from past to present. NRS always goes over the top with adding things, unnecessary things to their design because they cant think of anything. Capcom, specifically SF itself hasn't any any super dramatic costume changes until SFV itself.
Bane's d+2 didn't become "decent". It became OD. I'm triggered.
and the moment capcom did character design changes, they were all shit lmao. so no, it's not an NRS exclusive thing at all.
let's change ken's hair and add a ponytail and front bits
let's add a beard thing to akuma...totally necessary. dude even is glowing, your exact complaint about Injustice 2
again, it's a design you don't like. that doesn't mean it's bad design.
Are you working on IJ2?
Bane's d+2 didn't become "decent". It became OD. I'm triggered.
Like can you really picture Batman running around trying to be all stealthy but having these neon green things stuck to his arms? That's what I mean by impractical. You can post Mika wearing her gear but she's a wrestler who's job is to entertain. Her outfit complements her fine.
But I cant really blame them. They know what they are doing in order to get sales. People like flashy things. I do too but I know when they are over the top.
For the record I think Tekken has the best designs.
Way too much talking in it tho
On ign gamescoop podcast, Vince Ingenito, the resident FGC guy said that Tekken 7 coming out March 17th.
On ign gamescoop podcast, Vince Ingenito, the resident FGC guy said that Tekken 7 coming out March 17th.
On ign gamescoop podcast, Vince Ingenito, the resident FGC guy said that Tekken 7 coming out March 17th.
Yeah, I have been from the start. I'm a permanent employee here.
I am guessing Namco will reveal the date on Jan 24th, the Evo lineup reveal.