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Fighting Game Headquarters |4| Cheers Love, the Anime's Here!

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How do you delete a DS4 device from the PS4 if there is not a 3rd controller paired up with it?

Like if I we are both using DS4's and there are no other controllers synced, how do we both delete our controllers off the PS4 so they don't mess with the next match?


How do you delete a DS4 device from the PS4 if there is not a 3rd controller paired up with it?

Like if I we are both using DS4's and there are no other controllers synced, how do we both delete our controllers off the PS4 so they don't mess with the next match?

As far as I'm aware you can't delete your own ds4 off of there, someone after the match will have to delete it off of there. But the menu option on the PS4 home menu is settings>devices>bluetooth devices, then just delete each Dualshock from there to make them not able to interfere anymore.


BTW man capcom needs to make those shadoolo stages and some of the other alternate stages from story mode available. Also you think we will get a remake of SFIV stage since Juri is from SFIV next patch? If so which one?

Can't you already buy those alt stages?
As far as I'm aware you can't delete your own ds4 off of there, someone after the match will have to delete it off of there. But the menu option on the PS4 home menu is settings>devices>bluetooth devices, then just delete each Dualshock from there to make them not able to interfere anymore.

Yea, that's where I was confused. I am trying it at home, and I can't delete my own controller. I always assumed that's what they guys were doing at the events.

Does anybody know if EVO is going to have wired controllers laying around to delete DS4s at the stations?


Yeah I tried it on phone and home PC with an EIZO monitor. 211 on the PC, 255 on iPhone. Big difference depending on what you use. But the point is the same—8 frames is 133ms, and the average response time is 240-260ms. Most moves that require reaction responses can still be reacted to.
These raw reaction time tests are a bad test to evaluate these fighting game elements.

1) You aren't reacting to just one thing in the game, you are reacting to several. So instead of asking the person to left click when green pops up, in a real fighting game situation you might be asked to right click if it turns blue, middle click if it turns yellow and left click if it turns green. If all people had to look for were overheads then no one would get hit by them because 24 frames is well within more people's capability to react to.

2) Extra input lag throws away previous knowledge of what is considerable as fast vs slow. If an overhead that was 22 frames before was considered medium at 22... then at 19 it would be a fast overhead. So now when you are looking at the frame data you have to take into account that what was "slow" in SF4 may not be as slow in SFV.

3) The extra lag affects way more than just reacting to high/lows, it impacts footsies, anti airs, movement, confirms and general special moves. It even impacts when you can command throw or not. So if your raw reactions are at 250 MS, with input lag that's really more like 280-300.

If you look at on paper frame data... no one should be getting scooped by dash up throws in SFV because adding up dash with throw is over 20 frames in most cases but with the extra lag that has become a legitimate mix up to the point that everyone gets hit by those.

The question really is whether this is by design (aka intended) or not. We have gotten mixed comments about it from Capcom. If they fixed that then the feel and meta of the game would alter considerably... I guarantee that.



Yeah, I went over this exact math back in my Red Bull piece with the exact same conclusions and I was being generous with the numbers just to prove a point. I even pointed out that certain animations even "hide" what mix up is coming well into the animation frames sometimes which fudges the numbers even further because you can't identify what the correct answer is.

Dahbomb is right. The only thing is the numbers can get wonky with freaks of nature out there or people reducing the number of stimuli they want to react to, but the wisdom still holds up. I put a lot of research into this over different periods of time and have talked to a lot of top players about it. There are extreme outliers of people claiming to block "instant" mix ups on reaction, but here's a lot more to that than reaction time and I'd take those claims with a grain of salt. There are other extremes of people who in certain moment to moment interactions (read: Momochi) actually show they react a decent speed above what "conventional wisdom" is possible. That does happen, but there is a factor of consistency stopping it from being the norm. Momochi is by far one of the players who reacts to things faster than norm sometimes, and yet he still gets hit by "reactable" mix up more consistently than not.

There's a lot more to this, but the end story is Millia Blocker is actually a better simulation of how you'll actually need to react to stimuli. I won't vouche for the numbers it puts out, just the simulation gives you a better idea of the way you can react to that stuff, especially since there are multiple answers in regards to an animation.

Did she do that to someone? Is there a vid, I'm curious lol.

edit: Wait a minute, did she used to play aigis in P4A? I think I remember hearing her name when Dacid used to stream. Could be a different Mue or maybe spelled differently.

You're thinking of Mui.


So dsp put out his SFV story mode review. Lol he hated it haha. He said the last few matches the AI cheats and reads your button input like crazy lol. I would link his video but eh....If you want check it out at his channel on KOgaming. Also it seems to me dsp is not a big fan of SFV in general.

BTW man capcom needs to make those shadoolo stages and some of the other alternate stages from story mode available. Also you think we will get a remake of SFIV stage since Juri is from SFIV next patch? If so which one?

Why would anyone give a shit what that whiny bitch DSP thinks about anything?


These raw reaction time tests are a bad test to evaluate these fighting game elements.

1) You aren't reacting to just one thing in the game, you are reacting to several. So instead of asking the person to left click when green pops up, in a real fighting game situation you might be asked to right click if it turns blue, middle click if it turns yellow and left click if it turns green. If all people had to look for were overheads then no one would get hit by them because 24 frames is well within more people's capability to react to.

2) Extra input lag throws away previous knowledge of what is considerable as fast vs slow. If an overhead that was 22 frames before was considered medium at 22... then at 19 it would be a fast overhead. So now when you are looking at the frame data you have to take into account that what was "slow" in SF4 may not be as slow in SFV.

3) The extra lag affects way more than just reacting to high/lows, it impacts footsies, anti airs, movement, confirms and general special moves. It even impacts when you can command throw or not. So if your raw reactions are at 250 MS, with input lag that's really more like 280-300.

If you look at on paper frame data... no one should be getting scooped by dash up throws in SFV because adding up dash with throw is over 20 frames in most cases but with the extra lag that has become a legitimate mix up to the point that everyone gets hit by those.

The question really is whether this is by design (aka intended) or not. We have gotten mixed comments about it from Capcom. If they fixed that then the feel and meta of the game would alter considerably... I guarantee that.

1) definitely agreed, the purpose of the red->green test is just that most moves that require reaction responses are not impossible to react to in SF5.

2) previous knowledge is really only relevant if the software is the same. Sf5 is a different game system from sf2 or sf3. Things should be judged in the context of the relevant software.

3) yep, agreed. But those are all things that are accounted for with mastery of the game, having the right plan, knowing your options, knowing your opponent and what to expect at what moment.

I don't think that a pure reaction speed test is indicative of fighting game reaction ability. My main point is that, as of now, the input latency is part of the fighting system in SF5, and SF5 requires more commitment and rewards hard reads more. That's the game we got.

Instead of reacting to the throw part of the dash up throw, you have to be reacting to the dash. I tech dash up throws a lot against certain characters because I expect them, I get scooped up when I don't make the right read. The window of reactable moves is smaller because of the input latency, no doubt.

I would prefer they adjusted it to have less input latency. I think the game would benefit from that. But i would also prefer if there wasn't so much damn whining. The pros whine, the community whines, and it sounds a lot like an excuse for people who don't have the skill, the knowledge or the work ethic to be better than they are. Meanwhile the guys who are universally top tier FG players: Wong, Tokido, etc. are still top tier SF5 players.


I would prefer they adjusted it to have less input latency. I think the game would benefit from that. But i would also prefer if there wasn't so much damn whining. The pros whine, the community whines, and it sounds a lot like an excuse for people who don't have the skill, the knowledge or the work ethic to be better than they are. Meanwhile the guys who are universally top tier FG players: Wong, Tokido, etc. are still top tier SF5 players.

People whine because literally every other HD fighting game on the market right now is better in this regard, and it's completely fine for players to demand that the game be better. SFV's input latency creates a different and generally undesirable type of experience to the norm, and that's a fact.

People who are good at SF will still be good at SF (granted it can affect some players moreso than others). That doesn't mean people can't say "this is shitty and is affecting the game in a way that we feel is negative compared to the norm."

Edit: I'll add to this on the Tekken thing. When TTT2 came out, some Tekken players did actually notice and complain about the added input delay. It was there. It had a negative effect. It wasn't brought up as much though because it affected things a lot less and Harada and co. were pretty upfront about what it was. By virtue of Tekken design and the way we know how it all worked out, people weren't too upset. SFV doesn't have any of those benefits right now and is being put up against 2D fighting legacy. Note when HD fighting games became a thing, this same discussion happened with the move away from CRTs. I think we all know why things ended up how they are now though. SFV isn't the result of new display tech or some other type of design. It doesn't have to be this way and we have no real idea why it is like it is.

Probably because he knows that Tekken's native input delay is on the high end (and yes, I have heard people complain about how heavy and sluggish Tekken can feel at times, and I think that is in part due to the game's inherent input delay). However, I do think he is right in that it ultimately doesn't matter exactly what the input delay is, but instead what the overall experience is. It's relative input delay that can really cause issues. Games play differently if you end up having more or less added delay than what the game was designed for.

^^^^^^^ SFV's relative input delay compared to its design and legacy don't add up at all.


People whine because literally every other HD fighting game on the market right now is better in this regard, and it's completely fine for players to demand that the game be better. SFV's input latency creates a different and generally undesirable type of experience to the norm, and that's a fact.

People who are good at SF will still be good at SF (granted it can affect some players moreso than others). That doesn't mean people can't say "this is shitty and is affecting the game in a way that we feel is negative compared to the norm."

Edit: I'll add to this on the Tekken thing. When TTT2 came out, some Tekken players did actually notice and complain about the added input delay. It was there. It had a negative effect. It wasn't brought up as much though because it affected things a lot less and Harada and co. were pretty upfront about what it was. By virtue of Tekken design and the way we know how it all worked out, people weren't too upset. SFV doesn't have any of those benefits right now and is being put up against 2D fighting legacy. Note when HD fighting games became a thing, this same discussion happened with the move away from CRTs. I think we all know why things ended up how they are now though. SFV isn't the result of new display tech or some other type of design. It doesn't have to be this way and we have no real idea why it is like it is.

^^^^^^^ SFV's relative input delay compared to its design and legacy don't add up at all.

People whine and demand and if they get what they want they whine and demand something else. Sorry but it's not for me and its bad for the community environment.


People whine and demand and if they get what they want they whine and demand something else. Sorry but it's not for me and its bad for the community environment.
Translation: I'm an apologist for the status quo, whatever that may be, because I perceive any attempts at changing it to be "whining"

It's not bad for a community environment, you and others with this perception simply want a hugbox where any semblance of a negative opinion is forbidden because it makes you upset.


Translation: I'm an apologist for the status quo, whatever that may be, because I perceive any attempts at changing it to be "whining"

Sick of vociferous whining. Must be because I'm a status quo apologist. :lol

Actually it's because I've worked in game dev.

It's not bad for a community environment, you and others with this perception simply want a hugbox where any semblance of a negative opinion is forbidden because it makes you upset.

Swing and a huge, huge miss.


I'm glad you don't anymore, because you clearly don't understand how to synthesize negative feedback.

It's shocking how willing you are to make giant assumptions and even worse how consistently wrong they are. But then again this is NeoGaf, it's what we do.


People whine and demand and if they get what they want they whine and demand something else. Sorry but it's not for me and its bad for the community environment.

So you're just wanting to be wrong. It's probably a good thing you're not in game dev, sounds like you'd ship a known issue to your core gameplay and just dismiss complaints as whining.


watch poongko body korean fools in tekken 7
Tekken 7 keeps looking better and better
So, a tweet was recently posted regarding Tekken 7: FR, the home version to be specific. Recent screens were taken of the arcade version's character select, and the recent E3 version's character select:

...FOURTEEN more characters could possibly be added to the console version? Seems too good to be true.
I hope Muigel is one of them

for me he's tekken cody, love the guy



Oh man, look at that. Huh


Your attitude is awful. That's not an assumption.

You actually came at me with some low blow personal attacks because I obviously struck a nerve. Somehow my attitude is awful?

You guys clearly have borked barometers on what constitutes legitimate feedback and what's whining.


You actually came at me with some low blow personal attacks because I obviously struck a nerve. Somehow my attitude is awful?

You guys clearly have borked barometers on what constitutes legitimate feedback and what's whining.
Your response to people you view as whining: whine about them. Yes, that type of personality is incredibly unpleasant, especially when you see it all the time outside of a gaming environment when serious issues are at stake.


Your response to people you view as whining: whine about them. Yes, that type of personality is incredibly unpleasant, especially when you see it all the time outside of a gaming environment when serious issues are at stake.

And when serious issues are at stake it's actually worth being aggressive over.

Are you actually equating like, police brutality with 8 frames of input latency? :lol like I said. Barometers are borked.


You actually came at me with some low blow personal attacks because I obviously struck a nerve. Somehow my attitude is awful?

You guys clearly have borked barometers on what constitutes legitimate feedback and what's whining.

People with shit attitudes like yours toward making a decent product are part of the reason I left the industry.


So dsp put out his SFV story mode review. Lol he hated it haha. He said the last few matches the AI cheats and reads your button input like crazy lol. I would link his video but eh....If you want check it out at his channel on KOgaming. Also it seems to me dsp is not a big fan of SFV in general.

DSP hates everything; his opinion isn't worth much imo
Looking at the EVO bracket for SFV. Most people will have to win 11 straight matches to make top 8 and 14 straight to win EVO. For anybody who loses their first match, they'll have to win 21 straight to make top 8 and 26 straight to win EVO(27 straight sets since you have to reset in GF). Their are some exceptions though. A small percentage of the SFV players will receive a bye so that means 1 less match they'd have to play compared to the vast majority.

I remember how Gamerbee lost his first match at EVO 2010 and went on a crazy run to finish 5th that year. I think he had to win something like 13 straight to make top 8. I can't see anybody doing something like that again at EVO.

In 2015 Nemo lost to Chris T in round 3 of pools and beat 15 people to make top 8 then beat 2 more for 4th.

I think the most impressive run in EVO history is Luffy in 2014. He lost a bit later, out of pools, but the comp he had to beat to place was significantly stronger than the guys Nemo went through.
Yeah doesn't its only practical application exist in VR?
Chromatic aberration hasnt been practical for anything VR in my experience. You get it naturally in VR with current headsets as is. Unless I'm mistaking what I'm seeing

Chromatic Aberration is the absolute worst effect. Its awful in every game no matter what. Even games with it only as a "minor" effect it still stands out as ugly. When games heap it on it just gets horrid. Bloodborne is one of the worst examples, the worst I can think of is Life is Strange. Played it on PC and it wasnt even in the options to disable. Had to dig into ini files to find it. Luckily I did.

Game's stylized look was actually pretty nice after I got rid of it.

Its looking pretty terrible in tekken 7 as well. Fortunately I'll be buying that on PC as well.


Cock Strain, Lifetime Warranty
are we arguing about whether or not people are justified in not wanting 8 frames of delay

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