I'd love to see some time![]()
66P (CH)
use OM to get side turned
charge K
if opponent blocks K, follow up K is unblockable
I'd love to see some time![]()
Rkappacan you blame us when our only news source is rkappa?
Tuesday boys. It goes down.
What's this with Harada?
Just got a haircut. Damn it feels nice. Sucks that it's just gonna grow back completely in a month or two though.
Oh yeah, sup MiniBossBattle ��
Smash 4: Zero, Mr.R, meI need notables for GG, Pokken, Smash both of them, KI and MK.
Beef in top 8 confirmedSmash 4: Zero, Mr.R, me
Beef in top 8 confirmed
I need notables for GG, Pokken, Smash both of them, KI and MK.
This upcoming Tuesday I'm copping Assault Suit Leynos and VIDEOBALL.Tuesday boys. It goes down.
This upcoming Tuesday I'm copping Assault Suit Leynos and VIDEOBALL.
Is FG-GAF interested in either?
Looks coolThis upcoming Tuesday I'm copping Assault Suit Leynos and VIDEOBALL.
Is FG-GAF interested in either?
Looks cool
Let me check my schedule
It just says Monster Hunter, Monster Hunter and Monster Hunter
I had the PSP ones for years and they never clickedMH seems like a rad series but I played Tri and 4U and just couldn't get into it
Happy it and RE exist so Capcom can eat tho
I need notables for GG, Pokken, Smash both of them, KI and MK.
After playing the story mode in SF5 (i didn't get it) I went back to playing Mad Max I got for 15 bucks. I should be playing Balrog or Ibuki but I have things to do in the wasteland.
edit: oh man, Monster Hunter Generations is coming out soon, isn't it?
I need notables for GG, Pokken, Smash both of them, KI and MK.
This upcoming Tuesday I'm copping Assault Suit Leynos and VIDEOBALL.
Is FG-GAF interested in either?
Fightcade is for stuff like ironclad and Pulstar from the SNK bundle recently. This doesn't include the stuff I bought for 360 like Trouble Witches Neo, Triggerheart Exelica, Bangai O Missile Fury, Akai Katana,Otomedius Exclellent, Deathsmiles 1 &2, Muchi Pork/Pink Sweets, Mushihimesama Futari, Espgaluda 2, Dodonpachi Resurrection, Raiden IV , Raiden Fighters Aces, Mother fucking Wartech (why you no Senko No Ronde Duo?) and a couple of indie things like Shnops attacks and Chronoblast.Shaowebb's shmup library because you can never have enough bullets said:
66P (CH)
use OM to get side turned
charge K
if opponent blocks K, follow up K is unblockable![]()
not quiteIsn't 66P a launcher that knocks them down in a slow stun animation on CH?
I need notables for GG, Pokken, Smash both of them, KI and MK.
You guys think we will see an Ibuki or Balrog in top 32? Both? At least one?
I don't think so. I specifically had to log in on my X1 with the same XBL account I used on PC yo get everything to move over. If you could "borrow" someone's X1, put your account on there, and then boot the game there then everything would transfer over.
Did it come with any codes to redeem or is it all on disc stuff only?
If it's code based, you can use the xbox website.
You guys think we will see an Ibuki or Balrog in top 32? Both? At least one?
I need notables for GG, Pokken, Smash both of them, KI and MK.
I'm surprised some of you aren't more hyped for the GPD Win. Just today it was announced it was going to use the Z8700 Atom processor, which was what the Surface Pro 3 uses. Now you can play modern fighters like SFV or Xrd on a true portable.
Here's someone running SFV on Surface Pro 3 at 60 fps on some low setting --
Now if he had used mods he could of further optimized the experience by removing background elements and whatnot.
http://www.capcom-unity.com/haunts/blog/2016/07/08/street-fighter-world-panel-at-evo2016With over 5,000 competitors for Street Fighter V, EVO2016 is the biggest tournament in the history of the franchise! We couldnt be more hype to be there to experience all the action and of course share some exciting news with all of our fans.
For those of you attending, we hope you can join us for our Street Fighter World panel where we will be sharing all kinds of information on Street Fighter V and unveil some new details surrounding the game. Hit the jump for more info.
Panel Location: Las Vegas Convention Center Central Hall N101
Panel Time: Friday, July 15th 10:00 AM
SFV Content Updates
SFV Dev Updates
Capcom Pro Tour Discussion
Q&A Session
Again, we hope you can make it if youre there in person and we cant wait to speak with you all directly about our future plans for Street Fighter V!
Last year's panel was recorded and put on Youtube somewhere, so I hope this year is as well. Since I got the okay to take two days off from work, I'm going to try to make it to this one and see what they say.
Does tekken even have unblockable setups usually
I don't think so? I doubt there's a string you can do on somebody and then launch them low for free.
There's that one Julia string where the first hit is both a high and a low, but IIRC you can duck it beforehand to block the low.
I think Aris mentioned that Tekken 6 had a lot of 50/50s due to the heavy emphasis on pushing your opponent into the wall, so I wouldn't be surprised if a few characters had some unblockable setups.
I personally don't know Tekken though so I could be wrong.
I need notables for GG, Pokken, Smash both of them, KI and MK.
Daigo to the new generation players on his stream (paraphrased by Jiyuna): "Why are you playing fighting games instead of FPS? If I was your age I wouldn't be playing fighting games."
I need about 20 for each.
I'm surprised some of you aren't more hyped for the GPD Win. Just today it was announced it was going to use the Z8700 Atom processor, which was what the Surface Pro 3 uses. Now you can play modern fighters like SFV or Xrd on a true portable.
Here's someone running SFV on Surface Pro 3 at 60 fps on some low setting --
Now if he had used mods he could of further optimized the experience by removing background elements and whatnot.
You guys were wondering about unblockable setups, this is an example. That setup worked because the Hei player anticipated a tech roll which the unblockable move tracked towards.
I need notables for GG, Pokken, Smash both of them, KI and MK.
Smash players (In particular, Melee players) were complaining that some pools were directed straight to semi finals while other pools had an extra quarter finals to go though in order to get to semi finals.
Basically, the math worked out that way, but all players will be playing 6-7 rounds anyway to get to semi finals.
daigo about to be a full twitch streamer. He said he's gonna be streaming HS in the future. Time to send him my business card and give him some lessons