Fighting Game Headquarters |4| Cheers Love, the Anime's Here!

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Speaking of SFxT, I just found a random indie FG that's trying to be Tekken in 2D using Mugen.

That last vid is pretty dope. I like that jester character and the effects on no faces projectiles. Needs mad polish, but looks like it has a strong foundation.
I'll have to keep an eye on strides2gloryvs to see if they get more maps and such on those models to clean up their look in game in their engine.


Opens up a spot for Sonic Fox

I can't wait to see him in Marvel. I expect solid things considering how well he translated to Skullgirls, and other anime titles. He's not just a one trick NRS prodigy. Kid is a legit fireball player of all games. Would love to see him, J Wong, Chris G, F Champ, and Combofiend team up to take on other teams survivor series style.


Kind of curious here...In Arcana Heart its no secret I love playing Dorothy. The reason is mainly one common theme with her.I can setup a trap in front of and behind someone at the same time from long range.

She can either fire akuma-like fireballs that stick in the ground in front of and behind someone and once there are 5 they pop up and hit or she can slide cards along the ground that when the opponent is above one hits multiple times.

I know there are trap characters in other fighters but are their any that let me setup traps BOTH in front of and behind someone like that from long range other than AH Dorothy? I just really dig those RR style traps that lay on the ground you can push folks towards and the ability to send them out from long range behind someone. I would love to hear of other folks that specialize in this.If so please tell me. I'm still working my way through Ougun Musou Kyoku and Melty so I wouldn't be surprised if any were hiding in their rosters, but I still haven't played much GG yet. I think I wanna try and go harder in on such setup characters than my usual rekka/rushdown folk.

EDIT: bout that. On an unrelated SFV note I beat all the stories and the story mode proper you get juuuuuust enough to buy one dude in SFV and not quite enough to buy any other cast. ಠ╭╮ಠ

Do I really care to play past buying Urien though if I already got Juri? Its alright but after playing it for a little bit I still feel KOF 14 is more fun for this sorta thing.


EDIT: bout that. On an unrelated SFV note I beat all the stories and the story mode proper you get juuuuuust enough to buy one dude in SFV and not quite enough to buy any other cast. ಠ╭╮ಠ

Do I really care to play past buying Urien though if I already got Juri? Its alright but after playing it for a little bit I still feel KOF 14 is more fun for this sorta thing.

Honestly I don't turn on SFV much anymore. If I were you, just turn on the game once a week and get those FM bonuses. They usually give 5k or something for ones that you can do offline, then I just ignore the online ones.


EDIT: bout that. On an unrelated SFV note I beat all the stories and the story mode proper you get juuuuuust enough to buy one dude in SFV and not quite enough to buy any other cast. ಠ╭╮ಠ

Do I really care to play past buying Urien though if I already got Juri? Its alright but after playing it for a little bit I still feel KOF 14 is more fun for this sorta thing.
Story mode can be finished again in a higher difficulty where it's not a complete bore fest to play against the AI(you can skip cutscenes). Pretty sure doing that with the characters trails, which are super easy outside Karin's #6 should be enough for at least two characters. You can also watch(or skip ;p) character demos for some free cash.

If you can tolerate Survival, doing all characters easy and normal survival mode with the previously mentioned stuff should be enough for all season 1 characters.


Story mode can be finished again in a higher difficulty where it's not a complete bore fest to play against the AI(you can skip cutscenes). Pretty sure doing that with the characters trails, which are super easy outside Karin's #6 should be enough for at least two characters. You can also watch(or skip ;p) character demos for some free cash.

If you can tolerate Survival, doing all characters easy and normal survival mode with the previously mentioned stuff should be enough for all season 1 characters.

Wow...not certain I really enjoyed it enough to even go through that. It just felt so basic. Koihime and KOF 14 felt better for non airdash footsies and fun for me. It had some nice things, but it just still felt so close to SFIV even if it was a bit faster and didn't rely on focus attack stuff.

Not my style I guess. Some of the V triggers are neat though. I liked Rashid, and Laura.
I dunno, I'll play it a bit longer I guess and see if it grows on me or not. Once KI arrives though I know where I'll be hanging. KI and BBCF still.


Story mode can be finished again in a higher difficulty where it's not a complete bore fest to play against the AI(you can skip cutscenes). Pretty sure doing that with the characters trails, which are super easy outside Karin's #6 should be enough for at least two characters. You can also watch(or skip ;p) character demos for some free cash.

If you can tolerate Survival, doing all characters easy and normal survival mode with the previously mentioned stuff should be enough for all season 1 characters.

Karin #6 is super easy on stick.


All the best players are being flown out.
And SonicFox is not the best doa player, that is either JC akira who spanked him and the dude who has the most wins against sanc fax xcalibur blades


Jesus Christ Frosty Faustings looks amazing this year.

$1100 GGXrd Revelator
$1000 Skullgirls 2nd Encore
$1000 Killer Instinct + KI World Cup Qualifier
$1000 Smash WiiU
$500 UMVC3
$100 TVC



Well there are OT's for every fighter and the weekly tourney thread eats all the posts this one would have about the FGC happenings. What's left to discuss here that doesn't have a dedicated topic thread?

Most I can come up with is playing odd factoid references towards various poverty fighters.


We are in the off season now. No CPT and just NEC/FF to look forward to but this weekend is kinda in this weird zone. SF players want Season 2 already, NRS fans want Injustice 2, Marvel fans want Marvel Infinite and Tekken fans want Tekken 7 in consoles.

Give it a couple of months and things will pick up back again.


Really though, it's the end of the year. Not sure what's there to talk about now besides NEC and not SFV related news.

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