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Fighting Games Weekly |8/17-23| It was a little beta this time.

that's not even remotely a fair fight for any sf char

look at this man's fierce

What's even hitting the guy in the back?

Marvel hitboxes?


Guess I'll mess with it a little sometime (or maybe just Alpha 3 MAX I will lol). I saw mostly Athena in that first match, I want to see some Kula. Super at the end was somewhat neat.

You see a bit of that in the next two matches. It's not as heavy as her Athena influence but it's there.
This is too awesome.

I bet we see guest stars for SFV down the track.

That would be awful. Only guest characters that are acceptable are characters that can legitimately be part of Street Fighter from that point on like Haggard. Keep the other guest characters in the VS series.


D I A M O N D T I E R B O Y S in Rising Thunder

if this string of wins continues... (Seth, pls no chel or edge, k thx)

I don't want Ingrid

so you would say you're Outgrid then

edit: also they ought to port Alpha 3 MAX elsewhere where I can play it with a stick and netplay
I'd love to see guest characters in SF if Capcom could make them work like NRS.


You guys are trying to kill my Street Fighter. Only ones that can work in SF is if it seems entirely possible that their universe can coexist with the SF universe. Final Fight was one of those universes and Rival Schools could possibly be one too. If a guest character has no hope of being integrated into Street Fighter they should stay out. It would kind of suck to see some SF character left off for some guest character.


I think Matt Edwards (who I believe does the Street Fighter twitter/facebook accounts) is just trying to build some hype, I don't personally think Ingrid is going to be in SFV.

Could be wrong though! Just put a bet on with a mate.
excerpt from psychochronic's guide on gamefaqs

From a sweet appearance she calls out her mysterious
"abilities" to make fun of her opponents. The purposes
of her birth, fight and so on are wrapped in mystery.

Roll Wakeup Data:
-Forward: 64 frames / 64 invincible
-Backward: 59 frames / 59 invincible
Roll Data: 36 frames / 30 invincible
-Forward: 23 frames
-Backward: 27 frames
Vitality Points: 13600
Stun Points: 55

Known players to use Ingrid:
-Ultrayox (France)

Best Matchups: Guile, M. Bison
Worst Matchups: Nobody...

Command Normals:
Glowing Hook: F + MP:
*Damage: 800
Ingrid does her glowing fist as it has slow startup time
but sdoes okay damage.

Hop Kick: F + MK:
*Damage: 1000
Ingrid does a hop kick towards the opponent that does
good damage, the same hop kick animation seen at
the end of her Sunshine.

Slide: DF + MK:
*Damage: 600
Ingrid does a quick slide attack to the opponent which
can do a good mind game.

Special Moves:
Sunshot: QCF+ P:
*Damage: 900
Ingrid's projectile as it goes slowly and at an angle. This
move is great to knock down an incoming opponent from
the air and it gives full damage until the fireball vanishes.
Also great to build meter while playing a defense style
but not good to do an MP or HP version because it will
not go over the opponent's head (majority of the roster).

Sun Dive (only in air) QCB + K:
*Damage: 887 (LK)/300 (MK/HK)
Ingrid does a ballerina-like spinkick in the air landing very
slowly. This move is okay to stall in the air to attack down
to the opponent quicker.

Sunupper: QCB + P:
*Damage: 1600
Ingrid's countermove where she stands and holds a shield-
like projectile. This move is passable for an anti-air and to
ruin someone's jump-in and close range game. The bad
thing is that it has slow recovery once the shield fades
out so watch the timing.

Sunlower: QCB + K:
*Damage: 1600
Same as Sunupper but a lowerish crouching version of the
move. This is great to counterout an opponent crouch game
such as low normals and sweeps. Even though Ingrid's
ground style isn't used much oftenly, the same negative
properties still apply just like Sunupper.

Sunrize: QCF + K:
*Damage: 2281
An advancing and anti-air special. Ingrid does a forward
hop-like spin then does a Sunarch. Very good for hop and
advance game but using it can very risky and can be easily

Sunarch: F, D, DF + K:
*Damage: 1100
Ingrid's flipkick. A very good anti-air and great on wakeup.
The LK version minimizes the height and the HK version
leaves her wide open so watch out.

Super Combos:
Sunburst (1 meter): QCFx2 + P:
*Damage: 2400
Ingrid's best super and agreed by most others. This is where
she blows a larger and slower-like Sunshot and it explodes
on impact or after a short distance which is perfect for mid-
screen or anti-air game. The fireball's movement is slow and
the explosion impacts half the screen. A fast damaging super
for 1 meter but it takes time to reach to the opponent. Also it's
it's two hits by Parry or Ultimate Guard.

Sunshine (2 meters): QCBx2 + K:
*Damage: 4000
Ingrid's only super that involves physicality and easy to combo
into. Ingrid does a few Sundives across one after the other and
ending with her f.MK. Good for doing up close and for some
chip damage.

Sundelta (3 meters): QCBx2 + P:
*Damage: 5500
Ingrid's super that must be done in the right time. Ingrid does
a modified but extension of her Sunupper and when it connects,
the opponents gets hit multiple times in the air. The LP version
hits close, the MP version hits mid-screen and the HP version
hits from far away. The risky part is that it costs Ingrid her entire
meter which is the majority of it. The rewarding part is that it's
great on turtle situation. Again for this super, the same negative
properties as Sunupper.

Pros and Cons:
(+): Plays a combination of Cammy and Athena from CvS2.
(+): Standing MK is a really solid poke.
(+): Crouching HP tends to crouch under some fireballs
(Ryu's for instance), so if you ever get into a fireball fight,
just do crouching HP or something.
(+): Sunupper to Sunburst is great for defensive games.
(+): Any fp of hers is fucking annoying (Which is great
for rushers or turtlers)!
(+): Her slide is a great tool if you want to get in closer
after throwing a fireball.
(+): Has the highest Roll Wakeup frames of 64 forward
and 58 backward (also including invincibility).
(+): Standing FK seems to be a retarded, FAST overhead.
Might be 2-3 frames, who knows,but it's good to use once
in a while while you're trapping.
(+): She's a very small character which makes it somewhat
hard to attempt a crossup.
(?): She's the only person to roll.
(-): Her damage is low, she doesn't have much in the way
of combos unless she's point blank and her meter takes
awhile to build.
(-): She has lower life and the lowest stun (55).
(-): She can really only throw LP and MP fireballs unless
they're jumping backwards and her fireball is at a weird
angle(which is a between degree of Gambit's Kinetic and
Trick Cards from MvC2).

Early Impressions (studied by RenoROB):
The dark horse. St first everyone said she was suppose to
be amazing; the more people played her, the more people
was like "she sucked". I've tried to keep an open mind and
I think I'm starting to see why she's an alright character (for
a tiny girl, she deals some damage), she's not fast, she's not
much into combos but her any form of HP's and her standing
and crouching MP's does so much damage, far more than
what anyone expected her to dish out. She has a decent
game of mix-ups and pressure than can sometimes get
annoying. Her Sunburst is her anti-air and her Sunupper
and Sunlower definitely can become annoying since they
seem to come out really fast.

Overall Impressions (studied by Psychochronic):
A combination of Cammy and Athena from CvS2 becomes
this annoying little girl. She may have low defense like
Athena but has a projectile as similar to her and a spin
attack too. Pokes are also like Cammy as it nearly equals
the fast recovery and can get excessively annoying. Her
counters to Sunburst play very well and her rolling goes
useful in certain situations. Recommended for the poke-
abuser but must be in a defensive state in all times due to
her low life.


I'd love to see guest characters in SF if Capcom could make them work like NRS.

I actually like how the NRS guest characters fitted into their games, still I don't think they should be there. The thought of having a character from a complete different universe in SF or MK doesn't sound good to me at all


As someone who's not into the SALTY STREAM MONSTERS BASED SWAG stuff, what does the current "B O Y Z" thing mean? Is it a meme or something?


As someone who's not into the SALTY STREAM MONSTERS BASED SWAG stuff, what does the current "B O Y Z" thing mean? Is it a meme or something?

dunno. it's just fun to say. like, today I'm also D A Y O F F B O Y S and now going to S M O K E A C I G A R B O Y S 'coz I'm good* at R I S I N G T H U N D E R B O Y S


As someone who's not into the SALTY STREAM MONSTERS BASED SWAG stuff, what does the current "B O Y Z" thing mean? Is it a meme or something?
Yes it's a meme. The meme origin is from DOTA 2 actually, team EG used that tag at some point "S A D B O Y S". It's a play on some bad rap song. From there on they just tacked it at the end of every comment like "we lost boys" and it spread from there.

It's really no different from saying guys at the end of a sentence. Like saying "let's go home guys".


tagged by Blackace
Yes it's a meme. The meme origin is from DOTA 2 actually, team EG used that tag at some point "S A D B O Y S". It's a play on some bad rap song. From there on they just tacked it at the end of every comment like "we lost boys" and it spread from there.

It's really no different from saying guys at the end of a sentence. Like saying "let's go home guys".
Not a play when they just stole the group name.

it's also a good song

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