3S handled it the worst, among other things aside from maybe music.
Shit's turrible
3S handled it the worst, among other things aside from maybe music.
until we are turn-based fighting games ala final fantasy where moves are preset before the match.
Hey...that might be interesting
How long are we going to have this conversation? Until every game is like Rising Thunder or Smash?
Lack of single player content is a much bigger detriment to fighting games than execution will ever be.
Lack of single player content is a much bigger detriment to fighting games than execution will ever be.
Worst is alpha 3 cause full Vism and which ever ggxx made rc and frc domineering.
BlazBlue has you covered!
Tutorial Mode
Training Mode
Challenge Mode
Story Mode
Teach Me More, Miss Litchi!
Remix Heart Gaiden
Library Mode
Arcade Mode
Abyss Mode
Score Attack Mode
Unlimited Mars Mode
Highlander Assault Mode
Gallery Mode
That'll never happen, and it shouldn't. Anime games have a hardcore niche they service who actively enjoys the difficulty. Note "Stylish" mode- it's not like the BB devs aren't aware of the barrier. Those games have a pretty high initial barrier to entry on the "not ezmode" side, and so it's not a big deal that competitive play as lots of characters requires all sorts of nutty execution requirements - if someone is playing already and trying to advance, the biggest hurdle's already been passed.How long are we going to have this conversation? Until every game is like Rising Thunder or Smash?
I like how easy it is to build meter in Guilty Gear AC/+R. Some characters really rely on the meter and aggressiveness combined with smart pokes builds it ridiculously fast. All the Roman Cancels and Force Break moves resulting from that forward pressure makes oldschool Guilty Gear one of the most enjoyable anime games to watch by far. Skullgirls is also particularly unique in how it handles DHCs too. I don't remember any other "versus" style game reducing 3 or 5 bar supers to 2/4 bars when they become a DHC, but anything that allows for extra meter usage in a versus style fighter is a welcome addition as far as I'm concerned.
until we are turn-based fighting games ala final fantasy where moves are preset before the match.
Hey...that might be interesting
Yomi is funIsn't that Yomi?
amazing post
you should definitely play it/buy it, although it might be worth waiting for a patch or confirming some bros to play w/
I like it a lot. it's honestly a top notch fighting game, but it has serious shortcomings in terms of featureset and everything. once you're actually playing and the session is going, it's as good as it gets IMO, with enough playstyle variation among the cast to satisfy most people.
How does this look like in game? Wouldn't it be super noticeable
was going to day Arcana Heart but that might be a different movewhat game is that?
if it's what i'm thinking it is, the character goes into a stance at the beginningHow does this look like in game? Wouldn't it be super noticeable
Thing I don't like about GG meter build is how little you get for normal blocking or just straight up getting hit. It's possible to get hit during opening gambit and never get enough meter to DAA before losing the round. Neg pen is also dumb.
what game is that?
DAA isn't really all that great. Game doesn't want you to gain enough meter to where you can FD too much if you stay on defense. I didn't really like BB and P4's Negative penalty even if they didn't occur often, but GG's didn't bother me for some reason.
FGW | Then With Good Timing
Could still give more meter for getting hit- so many defensive options tied to meter.
Neg pen is just bad design imo. If it rarely/never occurs, why have it? (parsimony and shit) If it's necessary for preventing people just running away the whole round, your game is fucked up on some fundamental level.
Is Yatagarasu worth getting? I played the demo which only lets you use one character and it was alright.
Is there a good online population or is it barren?
Because you get meter for approaching. If you approach but then run away and repeat, and then use meter on top of that to help run away, they don't want that. Which is why NP will drain all your meter.
And getting hit means burst gauge gets refilled. So there's something at least.
The thread is still alive with GB at the helm? Maybe we can survive!
If that scenario actually occurred, they could remove meter gain for forward movement
and further trim the fat
Forgot about burst refilling- oops. You can still never get burst if you start a round with little/no burst guage and get touched early though, no?
FGW | Splinter FGC: Whitelist
Meter features I like:
Narukami's secret super?