I thought it was just weird how people just decided to leave the community because it got moved to community. It's nothing wrong with staying here and keep it alive.
I understand that people are used to the fact that our community have been in gaming forum more than few years but it's a time for us to change. Nothing is wrong with the changes but people are not making any efforts to embrace the changes. I was astonished how people just gave up the community easily and leave, rather than making the efforts to keep the community up and alive. It really show us whose grounds people really stand on. If people left our community because of the moves then that's their losses.
There is a way that we could pull members in but I'm not sure how effective it would be. My suggestion is if we kept advertising this thread by linking it in every new news (FCG-related) threads and tournament threads (Apex, EVO, etc). It's possible that people would notice that and decide to join with us.
For people who kept saying that we get new information weekly. I agreed with the notion that we actually get new streams and tournament weekly. Sometime if tournaments are not huge then we still could talk about it here. Like, Please remember to drop by Fighting Games Community. (Link included).
There are many OT threads that are still active because they still get updates monthly or bi-monthly. Like Destiny, Smash Bros, Mario Kart, Splatoon, Halo, WWE/Pro-Wrestling, MangaGAF, Sports, many more. I'm pretty sure that this community would stay alive for long time as we still keep chatting.
God's Beard, I urge you to not quit too soon. If you update your OT, then just let us know that Official Post got updated.