Wait so which stream is carrying NCR Melee?
www.twitch.tv/meleeitonme is doing NCR. (Toddhunter should really update the NCR OP with it).
If you want to watch both, use: www.multitwitch.tv/meleeitonme/vgbootcamp
Wait so which stream is carrying NCR Melee?
Jumping to conclusions on day what? 2?
Are we doing this again?
BTW im fixing a bit the overlays for NCR, easier to read now!
Namco Bandai's fiscal reports are all shipment numbers, unless otherwise noted (citing NPD, Media Create, etc).
This applies to all companies.
They sold the games to retailers, and thus it counts as "sold" for them.
Everything (number of characters, complexity of characters, quality of character models, quality of stages, stage interactivity, etc) is determined by budget, and your budget is simply what money the publisher is willing to spend (and of course, they want to see a significant return on).
Then, it would say shipped, not sold, or at least news articles would point out the difference.
No, they're reporting an accurate statement.
The company sold the game, it doesn't matter if it was to retailers or consumers, it was a sold copy.
Let me do an easy comparison.
Namco Bandai sold 550k (ignore the million, it's actually 10,000) copies of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure All Star Battle and 630k copies of God Eate 2.
However, sales to consumers were 469k and 536k respectively.
Companies have no incentive to report sales to consumers unless it would greatly benefit them (as is the case with Sony right now).
I'm no developer, but I really disagree with the statement about how things like character complexity and stage interactivity are functionally the same in 2D and 3D fighters. 3D fighting games have so many more options that a designer must accommodate for. Also, the stages play a huge role in the gameplay, Not at all in 2D fighters (outside Smash/PSABR).
This is a budget/design/choice thing. There are 2D fighters with complex stages and interactivity, and those, like any feature, drive the budget up. (Injustice)
I wouldn't exactly call Injustice's stage items to be complex stage interactivity but that's just me. Injustice is not a good comparison at all when you have stuff like this (one of the many examples of stage interactivity) that you have to balance a game around.
Kanchou in 720p
also some other Faust faces
So you think balancing a 3D game around having a wall/corner is more complicated for development than doing the same with intractable background objects in 2.5D game? Agree to disagree, then.
It's not just about having a wall. It's about how you're using the 3 dimensional space to your advantage and manipulating the environment to create angles and new scenarios and situations for repositioning characters. There won't be any "angled" hit in a 2D or 2.5D stage environment. I don't see (haven't so far seen) Injustice being nearly as complex with its stage interaction.
Edit: Please don't confuse "I haven't seen this done" with "this isn't possible".What you've linked is, again, simply the character colliding with the wall triggering a new reaction state. It is extremely possible in a 2D or 2.5D game.
Couldn't you say it has already been done with things like wall bounces?
SSBM & Project M regional Fight Pitt VI is live: http://www.twitch.tv/vgbootcamp
Ky and I-No sure get into it.
I know I'm planning already to play as May and Slayer, but I might also check out Faust as well. So fucking weird.
Its just collision, man. You perceive the the ground planes (X and Y) as creating 'angled' hits, but its no different than using the Y and Z planes for gameplay and having things hit at angles from the sky. You can use 3D collision systems in 2.5D games, too. I think you've just decided that because a character is a allowed to move on the X plane that its vastly more complicated to develop. It isn't.
When a character is hit, he goes into a reaction state. He can be hit again by attacks or projectiles, and in Tekken, he can be hit by the wall which changes his reaction state. Its just another feature, its part of the design and the budget. I recommend grabbing Unity or Unreal 4 and trying some of this stuff for yourself.
Edit: Please don't confuse "I haven't seen this done" with "this isn't possible".What you've linked is, again, simply the character colliding with the wall triggering a new reaction state. It is extremely possible in a 2D or 2.5D game.
Couldn't you say it has already been done with things like wall bounces?
Really no difference? I mean there has to be some difference. lol
www.twitch.tv/meleeitonme is doing NCR. (Toddhunter should really update the NCR OP with it).
(It's dead lol)
For a modern fighting game? It will be a 3D fighter, just restricted to a 2D plane.
I don't think it's that simplified. There are so many factors to consider ranging from movelists, animations, character varieties, etc.
Not to mention when you start having games with re-used assets from previous games.
I don't think there's a vast difference between developing a current-gen 2D and 3D fighter in terms of budgets. The biggest difference IMO is that the absolute floor for a 2D fighter is much lower, as you can make a sprite-based 2D fighter and actually sell it to a playerbase -- a small one, but enough to make the venture profitable, as there are a few boutique developers that only work on 2D fighters (like French Bread, Examu, FK Digital, etc.). Nothing like that exists with 3D fighters, and I doubt there's a market for a fighting game that looked like it came from a past generation.
I'm so lost with I-No. I really want to play her, but i can't even do her bnbs..
I respect that.
I didn't say that, and it assumes a lot.
I'm so lost with I-No. I really want to play her, but i can't even do her bnbs..
Who says every vega can hit one frame links consistently to begin with. I'm not even sure why you're arguing the point of accesbility.
Not to mention when you start having games with re-used assets from previous games.
It's not like Namco is making Paul's Death Fist animation from scratch for each Tekken game.
And MVC2 didn't have a huge budget despite it having 56 characters... most of those characters were literally just copy/pasted in.
So there are many factors going into development and budget.
There is, but then you look at number of characters, number of stages, mechanics like x-factor, stance changes, customised moves, online features, marketing, letting your characters wear hats, a side scrolling beat-em-up mode...
Then you have to think do you have a 2D animator sitting there doing nothing or do you need to hire one? If you are an indie or small team, you might have a gun 3D guy but nobody who can program menus properly.
Basically the more stuff you pack in, the more it is going to cost and that isn't really tied to being 2D or 3D. There are just too many variables to say one is going to be easier than the other. It'll just change with every game and every studio and what staff they have and what deals they have for things like licensing engines and tools.
And this is even before you account for actual quality.
If you are the guy sitting there unable to figure out why "angled hits" seem more complicated to you while everyone else is saying otherwise, your best bet is to just try to make a game. You'll learn a lot!
Ibuki players have nothing to worry about in Ultra..
It took less than 2 days for this Ibuki to adapt to DWU, lol. Gotta respect that.
That Ibuki went on a 40 game winning streak holy crap. Vortex still looks pretty braindead to me even with DWU.