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Fighting Games Weekly | Aug 3-10 | Rising to the Occasion


Niggas lose lives in China KOF. They serious over there.

They aint even joking.
Fucking knives start coming out in China. Insane...

EDIT: Also on the crazy stuff I mentioned in Arcana Heart 3 Love Max earlier I'm curious on one person's input.

Yo Beardo! This Game has a character called Lieselotte who has a sorta Dbo/Eddie thing happening and you can pair her with The Halo Arcana To gain another stand like trick for unblockables and an extra character as you attack. In a sense you can have 2 stands plus yourself on some setups. You're the stand player, a lover of Eddie, Dbo, etc etc.

Whats your theory fighter take on this sort of thing because I've never seen this before?
If its not enough data thats fine, but I figured I'd ask you since you're the resident stand dissector.


[QUOTE="God's Beard!";174180135]Honestly, Vega probably should be a motion character to begin with. His moveset doesn't really lend itself to holding charge, he wants to be wiggling around playing footsies with his crazy pokes and godlike walkspeed. Not to mention that half his specials are garbage anyway in SF4.[/QUOTE]

Cosmic Heel doe


Talking about making games: shaowebb, do you have any good unity/maya tutorials? I tried to mess with them like a year ago, but my old pc couldn't handle much, and I missed all the info I had


I did manage to cop one of those HRAP4s Fry's had on sale (they had about a dozen of them at the local Fry's!)... so now I have a couple of FC4 pads I need to unload. I probably should post it in B/S/T, but they're brand new in box and unused. I'm thinking about $40 for one shipped anywhere in the US (I have two to sell). Anyone hit me up by PM if you're interested.

If they do, I'm expecting the community to say it's a feature that's never been done before.
Like the open crossup corners SF4 has that everyone calls SF4 corners even though they were in AH1 about 2 years earlier? They also make more sense in the context of the game, because if you could shut down some of the crazy bullshit cross-ups it would actually make the corner... weirdly appealing?

I want to make games. Why cant I make games? Wy am i the dumb?
Try more harder.

I wish I had the tools that are available now back when I was in college, actually dicking around. ;_; I have a couple of ideas I want to mess with; I just want to get them down a scope where they're actually possible.


So they require even less IQ to use?

No thanks.

Parasol has charge times of around 35f if I recall correctly and there's nothing braindead about that character. So I don't think low charge times = auto-bullshit. Of course, you can't just be take an established character like Vega, reduce their charge times and call it a day. You have to design the character around that - which of course could be done but its a matter if you want to and how it fits into the context of a particular game.


Playing some more UNIEL. Chaos's window to chain normals is huge. Experimenting with blockstrings and 50/50s really fun with him.

I should stop using him asap, it's only going to lead to disappointment


Parasol has charge times of around 35f if I recall correctly and there's nothing braindead about that character. So I don't think low charge times = auto-bullshit. Of course, you can't just be take an established character like Vega, reduce their charge times and call it a day. You have to design the character around that - which of course could be done but its a matter if you want to and how it fits into the context of a particular game.
It was a joke. Only people like Low Tier Fraud think that charge characters are for low IQ players.


Definitely gonna look more into Claw now that he isn't a charge char. I liked his buttons in SF4 but I hate playing a charge character so this is fairly welcome, lol


It was a joke. Only people like Low Tier Fraud think that charge characters are for low IQ players.

I thought you might be saying that making charge times that low would be inherently problematic - I didn't really interpret that statement as some sort of roundabout insult via the association of character archetype and personal intellect - it didn't feel like you were actually going for that. Of course you didn't even mean that so.......*shrug* :p

In my defense, its hard to discern jokes on the internet.


I liked using Vega and now i will like him even more. Him Birdie and Nash are the stuff.
The rumored 3rd strike chargers should get this treatment.
i can adapt, but i will admit this is rather disheartening since Vega has been a staple for me since SF2.

charge characters always resonated with me due to my lack of execution and defensive style of play.

i understand that maybe capcom wants more in-your-face or active gameplay. but i hope it doesn't come at a great cost of those who prefer charge moves.
He said a tournament worthy fighter.

Tales already is kind of like a fighting game. I can't think of many RPG's that have multiple combo videos for each game. All it would need is some proper tweaks to movement and you could turn any Tales game into something that two people could play each other in.

There's also Tales of Versus but I don't think there's a competitive crowd surrounding that one.


Somebody literally loses their eye on a Killer Instinct match.

I hope he sues that piece of shit.


Talking about making games: shaowebb, do you have any good unity/maya tutorials? I tried to mess with them like a year ago, but my old pc couldn't handle much, and I missed all the info I had

Best bet is to get a basic book first. I recommend Game Development With Unity by Mechelle Menard as a general easy to follow primer to working in Unity. Its what I use at the moment, plus there are a lot of general unity things to read and learn one tool at a time. I'm using an GUI that's open source I can custom code more features into if needed called Universal Fighting Engine. It has some good tutorials out by its creator and the license was cheap.

Here's the thing though...just because I'm working on something or someone else is doesn't make any of us good. The whole "I'm not good at making games" thing isn't an individual failing on anyone's part. This shit don't come naturally. Its a skill and you train it same as drawing or learning another language...because essentially its both and more.

Just learn to accept that you won't know things, and it wont work and you will have to fix stuff, ask questions on other forums, find tutorials, and learn a lot of things. It stops being a blow to your ego and a crushing thing early and becomes what it should be...a learning process and an adventure. Sort of like fucking around in Scribblenauts unlimited with the scripting options to see what you can get things to do only on a much larger and less limited scale.

Don't start out trying to make your game. Start out trying to learn your software and follow its tutorials one at a time till you can follow along and make the stuff in the tutorials properly and with a real grasp of how it all works. THEN start to try and push seperately to build what you need a piece at a time with the basics first and all that.

All I got at the moment is a shitload of tutorial time, some models, and a lot of notes, keyframes, and UI stuff to finish before I can even engine dump anything...and thats all without animations. Things aren't fast, things aren't easy, and things WILL fail. You just have to accept it and the idea that its your job to do things till they fail and then train to get past those issues. There are shortcuts to help like using Fuse, Mixamo,mecanim, or any number of plugins for procedurally building cities, and terrain to take load off on assets, but know when you need to go in deep and do your own stuff and accept it takes up your evenings, and is hard sometimes.

Its worth it. Start small, just aim to finish tutorials and book chapters and move on from there. I set aside several days a week just for tutorials to train my software skills to make life easier as I go. I just set the goal to learn more each week and as I do I take note of anything I learned and if anything I learned that week was directly applicable to what I was needing to build next. If not then I just work on what I can and keep training till I have enough to start on the first parts of what I'm doing in the game. This was Zbrush/Maya day and later this week is Unity/C++. I've actually structured every day of the week with stuff to do. It helps to have weekly goals and to stick with them even if its just " complete several chapters of tutorials" or "complete a full import and edit of one model into Unity and apply template animations to it properly without fail".

Baby steps. The game wont be made in a day. Grow alongside it.

EDIT: Besides its either do this for me or accept that I may forever be stuck working with guys who randomly shout "COCK!" and hang trucknuts from there gigantic redneck pickups. :p
Well that explains why I have zero issues with him; I play like that every match


In all truth I used to think that but there is a rhythm to the fight. Its just like...idk. High speed footsies/reactions.

No, it really sounds like matchup in-experience.


You know how the guys who cockblocked Watson over super arcade about fighting game hoodlums? In China some of them arcades are run by gangs and are in some shady ass areas.
Why can't you raw super in KoF 97?

In KOF games, raw super is generally a lot worse than a raw super in something like the SF series. Most of them don't have invincibility on startup or not that fast, so there have been many cases of something like getting jabbed right at super flash which is pretty hilarious when it happens. So if you got hit by it, you may be extra salty because it's like getting hit by a wakeup or random ultra with less benefits lol.


You know how the guys who cockblocked Watson over super arcade about fighting game hoodlums? In China some of them arcades are run by gangs and are in some shady ass areas.
I'm pretty sure that some kind of organized crime outfit has (or had) it's hands in arcades in every part of the world where they were ever viable. The potential for them as a money laundering front was (and still is?) way too good. People don't make jokes about Sega or Examu having yakuza ties for nothing. :x

more like time to jail. you can't have somebody commit assault that leads to someone losing an eye and just leave it at that.
*There's nothing stopping him from seeking civil and criminal redress. And generally, if you can win a criminal case it makes the civil one pretty goddamn free; it just comes down to how much the damages are worth (and how much they're worth).

*Not real legal advice.


I'm pretty sure that some kind of organized crime outfit has (or had) it's hands in arcades in every part of the world where they were ever viable. The potential for them as a money laundering front was (and still is?) way too good. People don't make jokes about Sega or Examu having yakuza ties for nothing. :x

Twtich has Yakuza ties. The CEO of Twitch's grandfather is Kumicho of the Yamaguchi Gumi the worlds largest organized crime syndicate.

In China can't even blame them, sometimes that the only way they get arcades in there great money laundering front and something to make the goons look legit.


Best bet is to get a basic book first. I recommend Game Development With Unity by Mechelle Menard as a general easy to follow primer to working in Unity. Its what I use at the moment, plus there are a lot of general unity things to read and learn one tool at a time. I'm using an GUI that's open source I can custom code more features into if needed called Universal Fighting Engine. It has some good tutorials out by its creator and the license was cheap.

Here's the thing though...just because I'm working on something or someone else is doesn't make any of us good. The whole "I'm not good at making games" thing isn't an individual failing on anyone's part. This shit don't come naturally. Its a skill and you train it same as drawing or learning another language...because essentially its both and more.

Just learn to accept that you won't know things, and it wont work and you will have to fix stuff, ask questions on other forums, find tutorials, and learn a lot of things. It stops being a blow to your ego and a crushing thing early and becomes what it should be...a learning process and an adventure. Sort of like fucking around in Scribblenauts unlimited with the scripting options to see what you can get things to do only on a much larger and less limited scale.

Don't start out trying to make your game. Start out trying to learn your software and follow its tutorials one at a time till you can follow along and make the stuff in the tutorials properly and with a real grasp of how it all works. THEN start to try and push seperately to build what you need a piece at a time with the basics first and all that.

All I got at the moment is a shitload of tutorial time, some models, and a lot of notes, keyframes, and UI stuff to finish before I can even engine dump anything...and thats all without animations. Things aren't fast, things aren't easy, and things WILL fail. You just have to accept it and the idea that its your job to do things till they fail and then train to get past those issues. There are shortcuts to help like using Fuse, Mixamo,mecanim, or any number of plugins for procedurally building cities, and terrain to take load off on assets, but know when you need to go in deep and do your own stuff and accept it takes up your evenings, and is hard sometimes.

Its worth it. Start small, just aim to finish tutorials and book chapters and move on from there. I set aside several days a week just for tutorials to train my software skills to make life easier as I go. I just set the goal to learn more each week and as I do I take note of anything I learned and if anything I learned that week was directly applicable to what I was needing to build next. If not then I just work on what I can and keep training till I have enough to start on the first parts of what I'm doing in the game. This was Zbrush/Maya day and later this week is Unity/C++. I've actually structured every day of the week with stuff to do. It helps to have weekly goals and to stick with them even if its just " complete several chapters of tutorials" or "complete a full import and edit of one model into Unity and apply template animations to it properly without fail".

Baby steps. The game wont be made in a day. Grow alongside it.

EDIT: Besides its either do this for me or accept that I may forever be stuck working with guys who randomly shout "COCK!" and hang trucknuts from there gigantic redneck pickups. :p

Good stuff man, sounds like make this game is a dream of yours, and I respect that, keep going!

Back when I first tried Unity I watched a few youtube tutorials and got some things done mainly because you can program on Unity using Javascript (I work with Javascript since 2008 but only know the basics of C++), but never got anything from Maya. I write codes while drinking coffee for a living but I don't know shit about graphics and 3d models and that kind of stuff.

Will definitely do some research and follow your tips, thanks for the reply


Twtich has Yakuza ties. The CEO of Twitch's grandfather is Kumicho of the Yamaguchi Gumi the worlds largest organized crime syndicate.

In China can't even blame them, sometimes that the only way they get arcades in there great money laundering front and something to make the goons look legit.

lol, is this true?


As a guy who likes Smash and Street Fighter.

This backstory from Scar bores the fuck out of me.

Is this dude on CPT the same guy that was on Yung Art's salty suite during evo w/ a drunk ass pepeday and infiltration?

If you're talking about da Split guy, no, that was a different white guy.


Scar with the .75 GPA
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