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Fighting Games Weekly | Dec 15-21 | I did the math; it came out to 500,000

Azure J

Too bad PM won't be shown there.


BTW, how are you feeling about Smash 4 currently? I'm at a weird point where nothing I try feels right and the good characters are "eh" to super boring for me. I'm also beginning to think that Shulk is both my demon and the character that makes me saltiest in this game just because he manages to exist in a game where sword characters all took the L with the buttons he has.



BTW, how are you feeling about Smash 4 currently? I'm at a weird point where nothing I try feels right and the good characters are "eh" to super boring for me. I'm also beginning to think that Shulk is both my demon and the character that makes me saltiest in this game just because he manages to exist in a game where sword characters all took the L with the buttons he has.

I feel like Brawl had a better neutral game than Smash 4 in some ways. Smash 4 is more fun to play, but I'm not having that much fun with it on a competitive level. I just have some issues over some of the design choices and they just begin to add up. There's also some bad programming errors regarding Z-drop on some characters and of course the terrible C-stick.

I have friends that play the game rather competitively, and they don't like the top characters either. They are pretty boring and not fun to fight against. Diddy's the biggest problem right now. Unfortunately, like other fighters, a lot of top players will flock to them which sort of halts progress on other characters in the cast.

Shulk is pretty decent, yeah. From my experience, Shulk has some pretty onesided matchups. Some are absolutely awful for him (Yoshi, Diddy, etc) while some he can shut down. Shulk has a lot of interesting stuff I didn't know about until I saw this video


But yeah, I'm kind of putting Smash 4 on hold again lately, especially with Xrd. I feel like some of Smash 4's excitement regarding competitive play isn't loud as before. It's still being played a lot though. The players that like it will definitely still stick with it. The people that love Melee or PM have probably went back by now.



BTW, how are you feeling about Smash 4 currently? I'm at a weird point where nothing I try feels right and the good characters are "eh" to super boring for me. I'm also beginning to think that Shulk is both my demon and the character that makes me saltiest in this game just because he manages to exist in a game where sword characters all took the L with the buttons he has.

I've said this before and unfortunately, nothing has changed. No one in this game feels as fun to play as Brawl MK, Brawl Snake or Brawl Marth for me. Marth and MK have been nerfed to fucking hell, and Snake is gone with no replacement. Sheik and Diddy are as close as it gets, but it's not the same.

Generally, the engine is a step up from Brawl but it's still miles away from Melee or 64. Unfortunately, an improvement over Brawl doesn't mean too much if I find no one fun to play. That's tough.

I'm not giving up on the game, but it sucks that no one feels great to play. Marth in Brawl was a day one thing. It just clicked. We're sitting at almost a month after launch, not including 3DS... and nothing.


I have to agree with you guys. After the honeymoon period was over I lost a lot of interest in the pace of play and the competetive aspects. I feel like you have to work so hard for scraps, while in other games punishing an opponent's mistake feels easy and fluid. I'm done trying to take it seriously.

I was actually surprised at how fast I started playing melee regularly again after S4 came out.

Mr. X

Played some Smash 4 Wii U tonight

I like it more than its 3DS counterpart.
Recovery is too long on a lot of things, it's a bit jarring when everything else seems to flow decently.
Salty Suite confirmed for Apex 2015. Thank you based god.
speaking of Apex 2015 and the inevitable money matches there, what are the terms for the Leffen/Chillin MM?

BTW, how are you feeling about Smash 4 currently? I'm at a weird point where nothing I try feels right and the good characters are "eh" to super boring for me. I'm also beginning to think that Shulk is both my demon and the character that makes me saltiest in this game just because he manages to exist in a game where sword characters all took the L with the buttons he has.

would you say that....you're not really feeling it


Azure J

I feel like Brawl had a better neutral game than Smash 4 in some ways. Smash 4 is more fun to play, but I'm not having that much fun with it on a competitive level. I just have some issues over some of the design choices and they just begin to add up. There's also some bad programming errors regarding Z-drop on some characters and of course the terrible C-stick.

I have friends that play the game rather competitively, and they don't like the top characters either. They are pretty boring and not fun to fight against. Diddy's the biggest problem right now. Unfortunately, like other fighters, a lot of top players will flock to them which sort of halts progress on other characters in the cast.

Shulk is pretty decent, yeah. From my experience, Shulk has some pretty onesided matchups. Some are absolutely awful for him (Yoshi, Diddy, etc) while some he can shut down. Shulk has a lot of interesting stuff I didn't know about until I saw this video


But yeah, I'm kind of putting Smash 4 on hold again lately, especially with Xrd. I feel like some of Smash 4's excitement regarding competitive play isn't loud as before. It's still being played a lot though. The players that like it will definitely still stick with it. The people that love Melee or PM have probably went back by now.

I just hate Shulk because he feels like such a huge fucking contradiction in the context of this game's design. First off, playing against him is essentially akin to fighting six characters in one thanks to his Monado Arts. As they exist, I actually feel as though they are too centralizing. There are actual match ups where he counter picks you mid set just by accessing a certain art mid battle. Monado Speed (and to a lesser extent Jump) is just a wildly powerful tool for a character with his reach to have. It skews entire match ups horribly into his favor due to the sheer amount of ground and air he can lord over in a game where everyone got their overall movement reduced. (Seriously try coming back against an aggressive Shulk edgeguarding with Monado Speed on as anyone that isn't Villager or without multiple jumps) Put simply, if your character isn't also fast on their feet while being mostly safe on attacks, you pretty much will get put into the blender against Shulk. Monado Buster is also fucking dumb. He really didn't need that. I've played far too many matches where momentum swings rapidly in the Shulk player's favor just because he pulled out the purple drank and is able to eternally hack away at someone from low percents for double damage on everything setting up for easy fishing into a Monado Smash dash attack, f-tilt, d-tilt or fucking anything. Combined with the range he has on his ground normals, it's almost impossible to get away from him with less than 60% on a skirmish from a grab. Monado Shield also feels like total bullshit just because of the passive buff it gives to the already powerful shields (they decay at a extremely slower rate) and how much it enables both campy and "Hulk standing H" style of play. There's no need to worry about mistakes when the Shulk player can just tank a punish and still get damage/KOs just by being there. Finally, there's the idea that combined with all of this, he gets range that makes Melee Marth blush. I think I would be able to completely deal and consider the character cool if slightly annoying if it were just the above, but this dude is swinging an Xbox huge sword with normals that are deceptively fast, have weird hitboxes (I've been KO'd one too many times by a forward facing bair to think otherwise) and far reaching arcing swings. His nair being safe on block, having a 360 degree lingering/slow hitbox that starts from behind him (a la Zero's pizza cutter), and autocancelled on landing is just too fucking much.

It's probably hilarious for a dedicated Marth main from previous titles to comment this much on Shulk but dammit, it's wrong. When every other sword character gets nerfed to ordinary tier, why isn't the same consideration being given to the dude with the plasma sword?

On Smash 4 in general, I feel like I've rapidly reached the point where most matches feel like chores. I don't like the neutral in the game at all and feel as though win, lose or draw I'm just not getting anything from the game. I'm not willing to drop it this early though since I haven't put nearly enough time into really getting it (that thing called school's been in the way), but I'm just at the point where I feel like I could be playing Project M or something else entirely every time I'm asked to play 4.

I've said this before and unfortunately, nothing has changed. No one in this game feels as fun to play as Brawl MK, Brawl Snake or Brawl Marth for me. Marth and MK have been nerfed to fucking hell, and Snake is gone with no replacement. Sheik and Diddy are as close as it gets, but it's not the same.

Generally, the engine is a step up from Brawl but it's still miles away from Melee or 64. Unfortunately, an improvement over Brawl doesn't mean too much if I find no one fun to play. That's tough.

I'm not giving up on the game, but it sucks that no one feels great to play. Marth in Brawl was a day one thing. It just clicked. We're sitting at almost a month after launch, not including 3DS... and nothing.

I think this is really the worst part about it. If I had my character, I probably wouldn't give two fucks and could soldier on through whatever. Sure there are good characters, Pit, Zero Suit Samus and Greninja being highlights, but there isn't a single character that has just wholly clicked with me the way Marth did in Melee or Pit did in Brawl for me.


I actually think that Shulk is fine granted that each Monado Art grants weaknesses.

If you look at his weaknesses after art usage, you can figure out what to capitalize on and see what you don't need to be scared of.

Azure J

I actually think that Shulk is fine granted that each Monado Art grants weaknesses.

If you look at his weaknesses after art usage, you can figure out what to capitalize on and see what you don't need to be scared of.

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if feeling better about that matchup was just about taking time out to investigate more about the passive nerfs during his buffs. My eyes are just too full of salt to see through the aforementioned at times and I'm kinda sick of feeling like certain things should be punishable or that I should be able to do X in Y situation only for the script to flip on me like I'm the villain in a shonen and I killed this guy's parents previously. :lol


I actually think that Shulk is fine granted that each Monado Art grants weaknesses.

If you look at his weaknesses after art usage, you can figure out what to capitalize on and see what you don't need to be scared of.
Agreed, though smart Shulk players will also know when it's appropriate to not even bother with Monado arts and to switch modes at the right time. It'll be interesting to see where he falls against the rest of the cast, since I feel his recovery outside of Jump is hella predictable. Tons of fun to use though!

Entering in a Smash tourney in Honolulu this weekend, customs are allowed. Should be tons of fun.


I honestly wouldn't be surprised if feeling better about that matchup was just about taking time out to investigate more about the passive nerfs during his buffs. My eyes are just too full of salt to see through the aforementioned at times and I'm kinda sick of feeling like certain things should be punishable or that I should be able to do X in Y situation only for the script to flip on me like I'm the villain in a shonen and I killed this guy's parents previously. :lol

While the video I linked is a Shulk 101 guide, it's also really helpful on learning the matchup.

The video is long, but it's extremely detailed and helpful.
What he said about Marvel? Was watching some Ultrachen.

That it is stagnating and dying. Even his own scene is flat because he was propping it up and since he has a job now he hasn't been holding as many tournaments. He also went over the behind the scenes contracts between marvel and capcom. That sort of stuff.
I have to agree with you guys. After the honeymoon period was over I lost a lot of interest in the pace of play and the competetive aspects. I feel like you have to work so hard for scraps, while in other games punishing an opponent's mistake feels easy and fluid. I'm done trying to take it seriously.

I was actually surprised at how fast I started playing melee regularly again after S4 came out.

I was really frustrated losing so many matches online and against my brothers and cousins. The more I get frustrated, the more I lose interest in playing smash 4. Playing seriously would only lead me to salt and more salt.

I feel the same way as you guys. I keep switching from character to character to find someone that clicks with me. I like Little Mac, but he doesn't have a lot to offer other than his tilts and smashes which does a lot of damage. I'm using Peach but I'm not good with her. I use other characters like Shulk, Captain Falcon, Donkey Kong, Palutena, Robin, Lucina, etc. Either I get bored with them or I suck with them. But I'll still play it.


That it is stagnating and dying. Even his own scene is flat because he was propping it up and since he has a job now he hasn't been holding as many tournaments. He also went over the behind the scenes contracts between marvel and capcom. That sort of stuff.

Yeah OK FChamp.... so when are the Arthur and Sentinel buffs coming?

Actually I shouldn't taunt... a game I hold dearly is getting a patch/update next year after more than 7 years so at this point I won't doubt anything.

Nyoro SF

That Shulk salt from Azure is outstanding. Especially from a previous Marth main. That's like prime sea salt, mined straight from the ocean floor. lol


I can't stress it enough, but the Shulk video is so good. On the Monado Arts that have decreased knockback as a weakness, I didn't know it affected knockback on shielded moves too, which means more moves become unsafe for him.
Jeri, I understand where you're coming from about Monado Buster but you gotta remember that if you do get in you'll really fuck up his day because Shulk also receives double damage and in the end could probably be the one losing because of it


More Omega Gen

Nuki telling Kokujin to just Burst out of it lol


That it is stagnating and dying. Even his own scene is flat because he was propping it up and since he has a job now he hasn't been holding as many tournaments. He also went over the behind the scenes contracts between marvel and capcom. That sort of stuff.

I wonder why this is. I mean, Marvel 2 went strong for 10 years, and Justin fucking DOMINATED a good portion of that. At least now you have a few gods that can pretty much beat eachother on any given day, so the end result isn't quite that predictable.

Are people just sick of Zero? Morridoom? Entitled gamers watching SF4 get all the attention and constant patches and thus are burned out by Marvel? What's the deal?

This shit is like the Parries in H&H mode of UMVC3.

This is something so absurdly broken in an absurdly broken mode that it needs prompt removal immediately.

Maybe this is how we save mahvel. H&H tournaments :)



I wonder why this is. I mean, Marvel 2 went strong for 10 years, and Justin fucking DOMINATED a good portion of that. At least now you have a few gods that can pretty much beat eachother on any given day, so the end result isn't quite that predictable.

Are people just sick of Zero? Morridoom? Entitled gamers watching SF4 get all the attention and constant patches and thus are burned out by Marvel? What's the deal?

Higher standards and knowledge. Marvel 2 was a Dark Ages game.
This shit is like the Parries in H&H mode of UMVC3.

This is something so absurdly broken in an absurdly broken mode that it needs prompt removal immediately.

I think what people got put off of H&H mode faster was the Sabertooth/Luke Cage/Sabertooth combo that made their team have like 10 million+ health all together, and they also using it with team online(Hulk/Sentinel/Wesker(Other)) is what people I think quit the game mode ASAP.

Also, parries being super broken when you can use it to get out of ANY combo for free, but, that wasn't discover till later on after alot of people stop playing H & H mode
Melee Ranking 15-11 are up

For top 10 I'm thinking:

10. Colbol (Fox) weird ass choice for #10 but he's not on the list yet apparently
9. Westballz (Falco/Fox/Falcon)
8. Axe (Pikachu)
7. Hax (Fox)
6. Leffen (Fox)
5. Hungrybox (Puff)
4. Mew2King (Marth/Sheik/Fox)
3. PPMD (Falco/Marth)
2. Armada (Peach)
1. Mango (Fox/Falco)

It seems like they consider Wobbles retired, so he's not on the list for some reason. He's attended tournaments this year, though...
I'm OK with this.

I actually might pick T7 up. My time with T6 was actually more fun than SFIV, now that I think about it. I don't care for the TTT2 team battle system, though.

Quote this post!
Awesome :)

Jesus Christ. We're back to AE2012 on UK USF4 online. It's just endless Ryu players. :O
Could be worse. KI was so bad at launch it had it's own term "The Jago Army"
Ecco the Shark?
big fan of theater mode on twitch
Twitch on Xbox One got a huge update too.
My fear when checking FGC on mobile (not on wifi) is always the presence of gifs..
Company phones are top tier!


Did UltraChen talk about SFV?

Just that Ultradavid was right that Charlie will be in (David was just joking about him being in before the reveal).

Other than that, they said to just check out LI Joe's video on SFV since that did a great job on analyzing the footage.


Now that sfv is a thing how you think sfiv will be remembered in a couple years? You think we will have ogs longing for the days of ultras and focuses? 3s despite being kinda controversial has a lot of fondness surrounding it and moment 37 is a big part of normal people's perception of the game imo. Does sfiv have a defining moment?
I wonder why this is. I mean, Marvel 2 went strong for 10 years, and Justin fucking DOMINATED a good portion of that. At least now you have a few gods that can pretty much beat eachother on any given day, so the end result isn't quite that predictable.

Are people just sick of Zero? Morridoom? Entitled gamers watching SF4 get all the attention and constant patches and thus are burned out by Marvel? What's the deal?

It's exposure.

Back in the day, there wasn't a major each month, people didn't constantly fly from major to major, and (most importantly) matches were watched by far less people. Yeah, you had the occasional video uploaded to the internet (which was MUCH smaller back then, something the world, let alone the FGC, seems to forget), but for the most part scenes were isolated. It was kinda like the old pro wrestling territory system, where wrestlers would rarely venture out into other territories because they weren't known or unless it was a special occasion.

Compare that to now, where you can literally hop on Youtube and find a match between nearly any two big names in a particular game. There's so much content, and it's ridiculously easy to find. Did you miss a tournament? No worries, because:

1) You can watch the stream archive
2) It'll be on Youtube within the week
3) There's another tournament at least two weeks from now

It's the best time in history to be a fan of fighting games, because you can access almost any given match at any given time.

This creates a problem with overexposure, however. The reason Marvel and Third Strike were able to last so long is because they weren't seen as often as games are now. Yeah it's awesome that I can watch Chris G beat the shit out of someone in Marvel, but now it happens a few times a month in Grand Finals. To compare, how many times a decade ago did someone see Justin win a major a few times a month? Then ask yourself if there were even that many majors back then. Then ask yourself how many of those majors you actually watched during that timeframe of the win.

Because of the age we live in, information gets digested twice as fast, and that's only if the person is lazy about consuming it. What used to take years to find out gets found in weeks, if not days. Instead of people adapting to cheap shit, people want hotfixes and patches soon after the game is out. This isn't so much me "wanting the good ol' days" or anything, it's just the age we live in. If you want more proof, look at the music scene. An artist releases an album or something, people listen to it, and then a month later people want more. If the artist doesn't announce something soon after (another project, a tour, etc), they end up forgotten.

Marvel 3 is stagnating because everything has already been figured out, for the most part. Is there still stuff to find? Probably. People were still finding stuff out about ST to this day, after all. But there hasn't been anything to find, and it doesn't seem like there ever will be something, that will actually keep the game fresh. Marvel fans are stuck with Ultimate, for better or worse, while other games are getting updates to keep interest high until the next numbered entry. Ultimate isn't even that old, but because of the age we're in, it might as well be a decade already.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go do something fun, because I hate having to be serious when I'm not actually at work. :p


Now that sfv is a thing how you think sfiv will be remembered in a couple years? You think we will have ogs longing for the days of ultras and focuses? 3s despite being kinda controversial has a lot of fondness surrounding it and moment 37 is a big part of normal people's perception of the game imo. Does sfiv have a defining moment?

I'll think we'll mostly remember the good times, such as how Daigo was eliminated by a guy called Shin Akuma 666.


It's exposure.

Back in the day, there wasn't a major each month, people didn't constantly fly from major to major, and (most importantly) matches were watched by far less people. Yeah, you had the occasional video uploaded to the internet (which was MUCH smaller back then, something the world, let alone the FGC, seems to forget), but for the most part scenes were isolated. It was kinda like the old pro wrestling territory system, where wrestlers would rarely venture out into other territories because they weren't known or unless it was a special occasion.

Compare that to now, where you can literally hop on Youtube and find a match between nearly any two big names in a particular game. There's so much content, and it's ridiculously easy to find. Did you miss a tournament? No worries, because:

1) You can watch the stream archive
2) It'll be on Youtube within the week
3) There's another tournament at least two weeks from now

It's the best time in history to be a fan of fighting games, because you can access almost any given match at any given time.

This creates a problem with overexposure, however. The reason Marvel and Third Strike were able to last so long is because they weren't seen as often as games are now. Yeah it's awesome that I can watch Chris G beat the shit out of someone in Marvel, but now it happens a few times a month in Grand Finals. To compare, how many times a decade ago did someone see Justin win a major a few times a month? Then ask yourself if there were even that many majors back then. Then ask yourself how many of those majors you actually watched during that timeframe of the win.

Because of the age we live in, information gets digested twice as fast, and that's only if the person is lazy about consuming it. What used to take years to find out gets found in weeks, if not days. Instead of people adapting to cheap shit, people want hotfixes and patches soon after the game is out. This isn't so much me "wanting the good ol' days" or anything, it's just the age we live in. If you want more proof, look at the music scene. An artist releases an album or something, people listen to it, and then a month later people want more. If the artist doesn't announce something soon after (another project, a tour, etc), they end up forgotten.

Marvel 3 is stagnating because everything has already been figured out, for the most part. Is there still stuff to find? Probably. People were still finding stuff out about ST to this day, after all. But there hasn't been anything to find, and it doesn't seem like there ever will be something, that will actually keep the game fresh. Marvel fans are stuck with Ultimate, for better or worse, while other games are getting updates to keep interest high until the next numbered entry. Ultimate isn't even that old, but because of the age we're in, it might as well be a decade already.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go do something fun, because I hate having to be serious when I'm not actually at work. :p
Beef is correct. Information exposure and metagame development happens at lightning speed in today's world. It's an issue for developers of competitive games of all genres- FGs, TCGs, MOBAs - they adapt to it in different ways. MTG started limiting the amount of decklists published from MTGO events to try and slow things down on the data analysis side. MOBAs frequently buff/nerf and rebalance, constantly shaking things up. FGs have started to move in that direction, with a lot of experimentation for what the "best" way to do it is. Exploration is a huge part of a competitive game, and if a game no longer has that, t can be very problematic in the long run.

MTG also just moved to radically alter its set rotations to happen much more frequently and quickly than they had (instead of rotating 4 sets out once a year it's now rotating 2 sets out twice a year and curring the max # of sets to 6 down from 8, in large part because of many of the exposure issues.
I've said this before and unfortunately, nothing has changed. No one in this game feels as fun to play as Brawl MK, Brawl Snake or Brawl Marth for me. Marth and MK have been nerfed to fucking hell, and Snake is gone with no replacement. Sheik and Diddy are as close as it gets, but it's not the same.

Generally, the engine is a step up from Brawl but it's still miles away from Melee or 64. Unfortunately, an improvement over Brawl doesn't mean too much if I find no one fun to play. That's tough.

I'm not giving up on the game, but it sucks that no one feels great to play. Marth in Brawl was a day one thing. It just clicked. We're sitting at almost a month after launch, not including 3DS... and nothing.

I must admit. I do enjoy the fuck out of playing Little Mac. Pretty sure that's just cuz I love the fuck out of Little Mac though.
Now that sfv is a thing how you think sfiv will be remembered in a couple years? You think we will have ogs longing for the days of ultras and focuses? 3s despite being kinda controversial has a lot of fondness surrounding it and moment 37 is a big part of normal people's perception of the game imo. Does sfiv have a defining moment?

People will praise SF4 more for its roster size than for any system mechanic.


It's exposure.

Back in the day, there wasn't a major each month, people didn't constantly fly from major to major, and (most importantly) matches were watched by far less people. Yeah, you had the occasional video uploaded to the internet (which was MUCH smaller back then, something the world, let alone the FGC, seems to forget), but for the most part scenes were isolated. It was kinda like the old pro wrestling territory system, where wrestlers would rarely venture out into other territories because they weren't known or unless it was a special occasion.

Compare that to now, where you can literally hop on Youtube and find a match between nearly any two big names in a particular game. There's so much content, and it's ridiculously easy to find. Did you miss a tournament? No worries, because:

1) You can watch the stream archive
2) It'll be on Youtube within the week
3) There's another tournament at least two weeks from now

It's the best time in history to be a fan of fighting games, because you can access almost any given match at any given time.

This creates a problem with overexposure, however. The reason Marvel and Third Strike were able to last so long is because they weren't seen as often as games are now. Yeah it's awesome that I can watch Chris G beat the shit out of someone in Marvel, but now it happens a few times a month in Grand Finals. To compare, how many times a decade ago did someone see Justin win a major a few times a month? Then ask yourself if there were even that many majors back then. Then ask yourself how many of those majors you actually watched during that timeframe of the win.

Because of the age we live in, information gets digested twice as fast, and that's only if the person is lazy about consuming it. What used to take years to find out gets found in weeks, if not days. Instead of people adapting to cheap shit, people want hotfixes and patches soon after the game is out. This isn't so much me "wanting the good ol' days" or anything, it's just the age we live in. If you want more proof, look at the music scene. An artist releases an album or something, people listen to it, and then a month later people want more. If the artist doesn't announce something soon after (another project, a tour, etc), they end up forgotten.

Marvel 3 is stagnating because everything has already been figured out, for the most part. Is there still stuff to find? Probably. People were still finding stuff out about ST to this day, after all. But there hasn't been anything to find, and it doesn't seem like there ever will be something, that will actually keep the game fresh. Marvel fans are stuck with Ultimate, for better or worse, while other games are getting updates to keep interest high until the next numbered entry. Ultimate isn't even that old, but because of the age we're in, it might as well be a decade already.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go do something fun, because I hate having to be serious when I'm not actually at work. :p

Great post Beef. I actually figured this was the answer to my question, sadly. Thanks to streams and youtube, games aren't going to last 10 years like they used to. Could you imagine how sick people would have gotten of 3rd Strike after the 10 millionth Chun winning a tournament, or Justin fucking up everyone in Marvel 2 AGAIN and the same magneto and sentinel combos over and over...

The fact is, we are spoiled as fuck nowadays.

However, there is still one question that remains.

How the fuck was 2014 Melee's strongest year ever? We've been playing this mother fucker for 13 years now, streams and youtube vids are everywhere, yet we still aren't sick of it.

What gives? Is it just the perfect game? Is it that simple?
However, there is still one question that remains.

How the fuck was 2014 Melee's strongest year ever? We've been playing this mother fucker for 13 years now, streams and youtube vids are everywhere, yet we still aren't sick of it.

What gives? Is it just the perfect game? Is it that simple?

Honestly, I just think it's cuz Nintendo has a ridiculous fanbase. Don't think anyone's ever guna not feel the nostalgia that those characters carry. That and it's a purty fackin solid ass game.

Edit: Hold on a second.... Did I miss something??? KAGE VS. BIZZARO!??!?!??!??!?!?
It's exposure.

Back in the day, there wasn't a major each month, people didn't constantly fly from major to major, and (most importantly) matches were watched by far less people. Yeah, you had the occasional video uploaded to the internet (which was MUCH smaller back then, something the world, let alone the FGC, seems to forget), but for the most part scenes were isolated. It was kinda like the old pro wrestling territory system, where wrestlers would rarely venture out into other territories because they weren't known or unless it was a special occasion.

Compare that to now, where you can literally hop on Youtube and find a match between nearly any two big names in a particular game. There's so much content, and it's ridiculously easy to find. Did you miss a tournament? No worries, because:

1) You can watch the stream archive
2) It'll be on Youtube within the week
3) There's another tournament at least two weeks from now

It's the best time in history to be a fan of fighting games, because you can access almost any given match at any given time.

This creates a problem with overexposure, however. The reason Marvel and Third Strike were able to last so long is because they weren't seen as often as games are now. Yeah it's awesome that I can watch Chris G beat the shit out of someone in Marvel, but now it happens a few times a month in Grand Finals. To compare, how many times a decade ago did someone see Justin win a major a few times a month? Then ask yourself if there were even that many majors back then. Then ask yourself how many of those majors you actually watched during that timeframe of the win.

Because of the age we live in, information gets digested twice as fast, and that's only if the person is lazy about consuming it. What used to take years to find out gets found in weeks, if not days. Instead of people adapting to cheap shit, people want hotfixes and patches soon after the game is out. This isn't so much me "wanting the good ol' days" or anything, it's just the age we live in. If you want more proof, look at the music scene. An artist releases an album or something, people listen to it, and then a month later people want more. If the artist doesn't announce something soon after (another project, a tour, etc), they end up forgotten.

Marvel 3 is stagnating because everything has already been figured out, for the most part. Is there still stuff to find? Probably. People were still finding stuff out about ST to this day, after all. But there hasn't been anything to find, and it doesn't seem like there ever will be something, that will actually keep the game fresh. Marvel fans are stuck with Ultimate, for better or worse, while other games are getting updates to keep interest high until the next numbered entry. Ultimate isn't even that old, but because of the age we're in, it might as well be a decade already.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go do something fun, because I hate having to be serious when I'm not actually at work. :p
Beef....I...had no idea you could make a thoughtful and serious post.


Great post Beef. I actually figured this was the answer to my question, sadly. Thanks to streams and youtube, games aren't going to last 10 years like they used to. Could you imagine how sick people would have gotten of 3rd Strike after the 10 millionth Chun winning a tournament, or Justin fucking up everyone in Marvel 2 AGAIN and the same magneto and sentinel combos over and over...

The fact is, we are spoiled as fuck nowadays.

However, there is still one question that remains.

How the fuck was 2014 Melee's strongest year ever? We've been playing this mother fucker for 13 years now, streams and youtube vids are everywhere, yet we still aren't sick of it.

What gives? Is it just the perfect game? Is it that simple?
Isn't Melee streaming relatively new compared to other fighting games streams? So that + people not being too happy with Brawl probably helped lead to its revival.


Beef's point is good- games move a lot quicker now due to all the info and access of high quality play. This makes games fraudulence come out a lot quicker than it used to be.

Back in the old days, people had to lab monster it up themselves, in arcades, while trying to win matches to try and figure things out. This meant your Viscant-type players had a huge advantage back in the old days, because of how they could analyze quickly off small amounts of info.

I miss those days just for the fact folks had to figure out stuff on their own more. You see a ton of folks online these days at around the 3000 PP range in SFIV who really are great at setplay situations and hit their combos, but can't think outside the box. So boring to fight against, and today's modern fighters really seem to cater to that type of player as well, making it worse.
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