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Fighting Games Weekly | Dec 15-21 | I did the math; it came out to 500,000

These numbers mean diddly squat and in game development the first 10% is the hardest. They have already done that.

The game could very well release in early 2016.

Tell me more about game development.
Dahbomb is right that the numbers mean nothing (20% complete) unless he is talking milestones. Doing a proof of concept is pretty hard to do and it was very brave of them to have it available to play so early in development. There is so much more to deal with but must be oddly less stressful not to develop for multiple skus (and their different firmware updates). I feel like the most important work is the last months of a project where you just test, polish, test, polish, test polish (if your producer schedules it).

I don't like to do too much inside baseball but wonder if they will do location hit animation (character that gets hit moves their body/face to area where the attacker hits / if the attack does connect it will target the head/appropriate body part).

Nyoro SF

Honestly with the way SFV looks right now it definitely needs a lot more time to cook, I'd estimate a mid 2016 release at the earliest.

The animations are super jank on a level I've never seen before.
UI is not even close to finalized and it looks like they haven't even done subsystem testing yet.


The animations are anything by jank. They look different from SF4 but they are not worse at all, in fact they are a lot better.


Tell me more about game development.
Dahbomb is right that the numbers mean nothing (20% complete) unless he is talking milestones. Doing a proof of concept is pretty hard to do and it was very brave of them to have it available to play so early in development. There is so much more to deal with but must be oddly less stressful not to develop for multiple skus (and their different firmware updates). I feel like the most important work is the last months of a project where you just test, polish, test, polish, test polish (if your producer schedules it).

It wasn't brave.

It was pleading that we not abandon them as a dev.

Nyoro SF

The animations are anything by jank. They look different from SF4 but they are not worse at all, in fact they are a lot better.

Hm, you think so?
I have never been that uncomfortable with 3D animations before in my life.
Maybe it's because hit effects haven't been finished yet?
I don't think they look that hot either. The "weight" on everything is cool. I hope it is applied to jumping and landing, which seems the same. Something just seems weird about it to me. They got alot of time though.


The animations are anything by jank. They look different from SF4 but they are not worse at all, in fact they are a lot better.

Yeah, super disappointed with the art style but the animations have weirdly specific things like an attack getting blocked actually stops mid way like actually being blocked instead of powering through with the continued animation that we're used to.

I'm interested in the game having different super meters for the two characters.
I want it to at the very least be 3rd strikish in the way that supers were actually unique and a bunch of them had really cool wierd utility.


The reason the animations feel weird is because the artstyle still makes you think of SF4 so any differences in animations between the two look off to you. Like when I saw Ryu's Cr.MK I was like "WTF is that?" but then looking at it again it's a more realistic way of poking your leg out like that. Same for his sweep, his straight punch. Chun Li on the other hand looks far more comfortable because she has some of the same animations as before.

And on the whole 10% thing, that's something that a lot of developers have said before. Creating that first demo of 2 characters would've taken longer to make for Capcom then adding 5 characters. Tinkering out with game making in the past I can also attest to this... creating that first playable demo is the most difficult part, adding stuff on later is comparatively much easier even if the actual content is much larger.

Mr. X

Demos are based on old builds since they take time to make, what we saw being played or in the trailer is probably 6-8 weeks old imo.

Japanese fiscal year ends March 31st so I doubt it'll be ready in 3-4 months.


Demos are based on old builds since they take time to make, what we saw being played or in the trailer is probably 6-8 weeks old imo.

Japanese fiscal year ends March 31st so I doubt it'll be ready in 3-4 months.
It's coming out early 2016. I would say that's a very safe bet.


People need to be patient in judging the aesthetics of SFV, I think. It's easy to dismiss it as janky at first - I know I did. But I think you have to get accustomed to the new style. The focus in animating is clearly different from older games. Less anime inspired and more looking to relate the body-limb relationship to the player (in terms of impact). Once you start to notice the subtleties, you start to be more appreciative of it. It's still not impressive, but I'm holding off judgement.

I refused to try ST for the longest time because of the logical reason of character imbalance (in the form of the game's counterpick circus). Besides there's stupid broken shit in it and stuff. I also left airdashers and KOF untested because long combos are an unnecessary execution barrier. 3S - imbalanced and no fireball game, wtf is this shit.

SF4 felt frustrating (yay getting bopped for 400 on reaction because I had the audacity to throw a fullscreen fireball in Street Fighter) but what can you do? The other games were even worse. Stupid long-ass combos, an even worse fireball game, that constant counterpicking circus with horrible numbers like 3-7 all over the place.

It's very easy to see why someone would dismiss ST, especially with all the balance concerns nowadays.

Logic can be such a bitch if your premises are faulty. All the while I was playing The Best decks in MTG formats, decks that did broken things. I loved playing high-movement games like Melee and Brawl and picked MK in Brawl (ostensibly to escape from the stage counterpick circus, not because I actually just love playing master of all type characters). Just didn't see the signs.

Of course, none of those complaints of logic stood up to the realization that I actually wanted to just play characters that did everything to top tier strength if at all possible and the visceral feeling of fun playing the higher-movement games gave. But for a while they felt valid.

I dismissed Marvel 2 for the same reasons. It went from being my favorite fighting game ever, to me expressing hate for it once I was introduced to competitive FGs, and finding out about how "broken" it was. Never touched the game again.

I regret that decision, though, because I think I'd be a better FG player today had I played Marvel back then.

Newer members complaining about "broken" and "imbalanced" games are as old as competitive communities themselves, and only highlights a lack of maturity in the competitive mindset. I suspect they do it for the same reasons I did it: they want to somehow prove to hold themselves to a higher standard since they're not actually competing. The truth is that I was intimidated by Marvel and was looking for an excuse not to get involved.

"Can't win with MegaMan/Ryu/Ken? Screw this broken piece of shit, gonna play _____!"


Dismissing fighting games because they are not balanced at the tippity top tier of competition is pretty silly if you aren't playing at that level (99% of the people aren't). Even if you are playing at that level, you are most likely going to be playing top tier anyway. If the game is fun, balance should not get in the way of that unless it's some absurdly silly stuff like Genfinites.

However, in this era because of the stream culture... balance is more important than ever. Not because of "fun" although that is a component of it too... but because viewers don't want to see the same shit over and over again. That is why games with lack of balance and support are falling to the wayside for games that get supported more because every few months viewers have something more/different to see.

Why do you think MOBAs have done so well? Their constant content updates mean there is always something new to see or play. They keep building their playerbase because of this. It's a different era for gaming now... a MVC2 would NEVER survive in this environment again.


Yeah, I feel that the percentage devs give are almost arbitrary (unless it's near completion).

You have Tales developers saying that their game is at 30 percent and will be releasing in 10 months or something. And of course you have to consider that not everything originally planned gets to make it in either.

Either way, I wouldn't mind SF5 taking it's time


I may be very wrong here, but the first trailer barely showed any new stuff for Chun besides her 3S HK bouncing/OTG'ing and the air finisher move, whereas the second had the new super animation, the 3S crouch, etc

She still has her IV Spinning Bird animation, jumping punch, etc. But feel free to correct me, that's basically my gut feeling.
Not sure if jumping HP is new recycled animation or just looks the same, but in SF4 she only had that HP animation for vertical jumps and in SFV she was doing it from diagonal jumps. Things like back+MK, that cancel she did in the new trailer which looked like her Focus Attack, jumping HK all look like the old animation but if you compare them directly they don't look exactly the same(I actually checked those because I was disappointed they looked the same too). Some moves like her back+MK follow up does look exactly the same though.

What I'm saying is that I doubt they changed anything as reaction to the leak, Ono have always been teasing a big surprise at CC, and promised a gameplay showcase at CC on the same day they revealed the game.


Slayer of Combofiends
Honestly, I just think it's cuz Nintendo has a ridiculous fanbase. Don't think anyone's ever guna not feel the nostalgia that those characters carry. That and it's a purty fackin solid ass game.

Edit: Hold on a second.... Did I miss something??? KAGE VS. BIZZARO!??!?!??!??!?!?

That ganon was on another level man.

Man, I don't know what to say. Also does someone made making a summary of what Beef said 2-3 pages back? I really wanna read it but I'm short on time...


Man, I don't know what to say. Also does someone made making a summary of what Beef said 2-3 pages back? I really wanna read it but I'm short on time...

I think beef basically said we can access tournaments and games a lot easier. So we're less impressed by the games we have because we have tournaments every month or so. Also since we have a lot more info it's easier to see how broken/boring a game really is. Like if we'd been able to really see how dominant Jwong was he'd have been less a legend and more of a hype killer.

Out of a job at Christmas.

More time for streaming and SF, I guess.

What are folk's Christmassy FGC plans?

Gonna settle in on Killer Instinct and more GG Xrd. Won't be able to play those games until next week, so I'll have a lot waiting for me: Riptor for KI, and Elphelt and Leo for GG.

Oh, and both are giving me free Christmasy DLC. Accessories for KI, and colors for GG. Both free~!



Out of a job at Christmas.

More time for streaming and SF, I guess.

What are folk's Christmassy FGC plans?

Man, I was planning on taking a few days off and take some time to learn GG, but BOOM, omega mode! This and Capcom Cup made me want to play SFIV and killed GG's hype a bit

Out of a job at Christmas.

More time for streaming and SF, I guess.

What are folk's Christmassy FGC plans?

Sorry to hear that :(

I'll probably just sit at home and not play fighting games but ingratiate myself back into FGW after so long. Maybe I'll try and get into USF4/Omega mode a bit and still play Smash 4 and hopefully settle on a main/sub.
If the character I want to play appears so completely unviable they can't compete at a reasonable level I think dismissing the game makes sense.


These numbers mean diddly squat and in game development the first 10% is the hardest. They have already done that.

The game could very well release in early 2016.

SF4 released early year as well I think, you don't want to release in the fall due to the huge AAA titles. Spring is best for the smaller AAA/high-end AA titles, so that's when I think it will be done.

Capcom doesn't have to reinvent the wheel, just tweak it in a good direction, and so far, what I'm seeing is mostly good.

New iterations give you a chance to throw out old conventions that weren't good (Such as FADC and 1f links)

And yeah, I dropped VF this time because my character was total ass to the point I kept trying to hit Shidosha with my ass at NEC. ^_^

Fighting GAF, I have enough money for a new console. What should I buy?

A. Wii U
B. PS4
C. Save your money

IMO, depends what you want, and what non-FGs you want.

If you play anime fighters- PS4
If you play Smash primarily- Wii U

I'd save the money until the games are out, and maybe you can get a PC instead if it has everything you want. I'm going PC-only from now on.


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
Playstyle balance > character balance

That's not something you can really appreciate until you're well-versed in how the game in question actually works, though.

Yeah, super disappointed with the art style but the animations have weirdly specific things like an attack getting blocked actually stops mid way like actually being blocked instead of powering through with the continued animation that we're used to.
That's what impressed me the most on a visual level, too. Some stuff was rough around the edges, but attacks seemingly having different animations for on-hit and on-block was neat.

Honestly his response doesn't place him too many notches above Watson on the maturity bar but I don't know what I expected.
There are a lot of reasons why I haven't really given /r/Kappa the time of day, but that guy is actually the #1 reason on the list.

Seems that the rest of that place has turned on him a bit since the last time I dropped in, though.
Did anyone else notice in the trailer how Ryu used his EX state to cancel the Shoryuken hit? I thought that was pretty neat.

Whatever that new system is, it's replacing Focus as we know it, certainly.

That's what impressed me the most on a visual level, too. Some stuff was rough around the edges, but attacks seemingly having different animations for on-hit and on-block was neat.

Something I noticed about the art style so far is it kind of has a diorama/toy doll-like appearance along most parts. You can see it in Chun's hair, parts of the background, etc. I think it's actually kind of neat but they still need to do a bit to get it more cohesive, notably with the hair. Chun's hair looks something like a Lego hair piece placed on top.

Again, it's actually quite neat and I like that style (reminds me of Tomorrow Children in a way), they just need to emphasize it more on some areas and less on others, imo. It's still quite realistic but there's definitely not only an anime-like element but a toy-like softness to it, especially watching the Gamesryder trailer in 60fps.

New iterations give you a chance to throw out old conventions that weren't good (Such as FADC and 1f links)

There's definitely an FADC-like cancel system in there (see the first part of my post), but I don't want them to rid of 1-frame links altogether. Just tame down the focus on them. Another poster had a great idea about having those 1-frame links also be 2/3/4/whatever-frame links, but the damage capabilities (and combo capabilities) decrease the more lenient you are with the frame inputs. That way those combos are still viable for non-pro players, just that they'll do less damage and maybe lack other little options.


Beef's point is good- games move a lot quicker now due to all the info and access of high quality play. This makes games fraudulence come out a lot quicker than it used to be.

Back in the old days, people had to lab monster it up themselves, in arcades, while trying to win matches to try and figure things out. This meant your Viscant-type players had a huge advantage back in the old days, because of how they could analyze quickly off small amounts of info.

I miss those days just for the fact folks had to figure out stuff on their own more. You see a ton of folks online these days at around the 3000 PP range in SFIV who really are great at setplay situations and hit their combos, but can't think outside the box. So boring to fight against, and today's modern fighters really seem to cater to that type of player as well, making it worse.

One thing I think contributes to my lack of dedication to fighting games is that, without a small, (isolated?) core group to play off of, it feels like I spend more time following instructions (and learning how to execute them) than playing the game, so to speak, if I try to take it beyond a certain level. This sort of "learn from the internet" is the closest thing I have to recreate those "old days" and communities in general (more so online ones?) are sort of just relay points of that for the most part (then, at that point, it's just an indirect means of the same exchange of accumulated information). Maybe if I was a cutting-edge player I wouldn't feel this way about the overall online sphere of interaction, but I'm obviously going to be trailing in the back given this is at most a side interest even limited to the subject of videogames. I think the part of the game I like to play most nowadays is the part that is given to you for free (i.e., someone plays it for you and allows you to skip it through their tutorials). I guess that's how I can end up playing three brand new fighting games at once relatively superficially then never feel the drive to invest in one for years and years. At least, this is just my theory on why I don't want to read dustloop and such anymore and now making an excuse to find a good local group before I hunker down with a game.

Speaking more generally, "convenience" is about shortcuts. Another way to look at it is that with shortcuts, you are living a little bit less. On one hand, you can say, "well, now I get to reach the part I like a lot faster - my destination", but if you are not careful you risk taking away (more and more) from the "journey" that can be even more valuable. Not that we have a choice in the matter, humans will always pursue convenience, the future won't be as cool as sci-fi depicts short of a giant catastrophe.

All this drama and I'm just sitting here masturbating. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

EDIT: Yeah, I have nothing bad to say about SFV's animations.


tagged by Blackace
SFV is ANYTHING but jank when it comes to animations, it makes every other smoothly animated game look jank. I don't even know how you can come to that conclusion, it probably has the most fluid looking animations with even smoother transitions. I don't think a bit more hits top changes that. It looks mesmerizing in motion.


SFV is ANYTHING but jank when it comes to animations, it makes every other smoothly animated game look jank. I don't even know how you can come to that conclusion, it probably has the most fluid looking animations with even smoother transitions. I don't think a bit more hits top changes that. It looks mesmerizing in motion.
The weight/impact and things like Chun blocking in the specific places she's being hit are unreal.


Depth is more importance than balance, in the same way that fun is really just more important than winning.

I might be a bit of a boring oddball, so for me: balance > depth. There's no fun for me in a stacked scenario from either the advantaged or disadvantaged side. Coming out on top when all else is equal, tools-wise, is the epitome of satisfaction.
The weight/impact and things like Chun blocking in the specific places she's being hit are unreal.
Do you have any idea what it's like to get punched in the forearms by a multi-decades kyokushinkaikan/shotokan master with electricity swirling around his fists?

It's not something you'll probably take like a brick wall. I actually think it'd be cool if there are hits in there that make the opponent stumble back on guard (but not necessarily break their guard).

EDIT: Disregard. Seems I completely misread your post on the first read.
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