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Fighting Games Weekly | Dec 15-21 | I did the math; it came out to 500,000

It's not nice to have your BnB lead to Gief players churning or Ken players jacking the stick when you're starting out.

This could be less of an issue if the reversal window was made tighter instead. Also I don't know if this is still the case in Ultra, but dp motions not actually requiring the forward input was dumb.
Are no customs just a logistics thing? I don't have the game yet, since I bought a ps4 this holiday season but I was thinking of getting a WiiU eventually but customs sounded really interesting when I read about them in Smash 4.


Maybe this is a unpopular opinion but I think it makes links way too easy. You know the Sako combo with Evil Ryu that only works on Rufus? I find it too hard and never attempt that link in matches because I land it maybe 30% of the time in training mode. But with Omega Evil Ryu and those extra frames of buffer I was able to do it easily all day. The only time I dropped the combo was when I failed to do the special move(which ironically is now the hardest part of finishing a combo) or forward dash correctly during FADC.

Maybe they can make links a little easier, but they shouldn't be this easy. If this was in USF4 right now, nobody and I mean absolutely nobody who takes this game semi seriously would ever drop a link. No matter how much duress they were under, no matter who they faced, the links are just too easy. Maybe a 1f buffer at most, but not 2. With 2 everybody and there mom can become a execution wizard after a few minutes of training.
I think 1f would definitely be a good compromise if this is too lenient.
Are no customs just a logistics thing? I don't have the game yet, since I bought a ps4 this holiday season but I was thinking of getting a WiiU eventually but customs sounded really interesting when I read about them in Smash 4.

Yes, it's a real pain in the ass to setup all the WiiU's with the customs, we banned them as well in our weeklies.
Yes, it's a real pain in the ass to setup all the WiiU's with the customs, we banned them as well in our weeklies.

That's a shame. From what I heard Sakurai and his wife spend so much time on making a neat UI and adding features, I wonder why they wouldn't make something like this way more user friendly.
what's wrong with that?

I think there should be execution barrier that takes time and effort to overcome. With the Omega characters, you have no excuse to drop a link. IMO it takes some of the tension out of matches. When player A does this hard but damaging combo to player B, the fear of him dropping the link and getting punished for it and losing the match because of it will be taken out of the equation. I personally don't want that.

You guys are aware that modern ArcSys games have a five frame buffer, right? And even top players still drop stuff in tight spots, and some combos can still be really hard. .

I was aware of that, but I'm strictly talking about the SF4 series. It's a slower pace game that can be pretty defensive. As someone who has been playing the game quite frequently ever since it came out, I don't think frame buffer that large fits the series. I'm not against a 1f buffer, but no more than that. Makes links easier but the fear of dropping is still there.
banning Miis is pretty laughable, there's no reason for that at all

also there's 12 good stages, even if you took out Wuhu Island there's still 11...this thing has 8
Are no customs just a logistics thing? I don't have the game yet, since I bought a ps4 this holiday season but I was thinking of getting a WiiU eventually but customs sounded really interesting when I read about them in Smash 4.
it may be a logistics thing for now, but even when they do get around the logistics eventually people will make excuses to keep them banned


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
Are no customs just a logistics thing?

It takes an eternity to unlock them all, in part because it's luck of the draw and there's always a risk of getting repeats that you already unlocked. I've been pouring a significant amount of time into the singleplayer modes since the game came out (have beaten Classic with every character and done literally every challenge related to every game mode except All-Star) and I'm pretty sure that I've unlocked all the moves for less than half the cast.

Setting up custom moves after you've unlocked them takes more time than what would be tolerable for tournament play, too. Think gem loadouts for SFxTK and you'll have a rough idea.


I think 1f would definitely be a good compromise if this is too lenient.

It isn't too lenient. Let folks be wizards. I'd rather the game be about other things instead of grinding out 1f links.

As for VF- VF6 on PC is the only way I'd continue with the series. Not because of anything bad VF did, though FS kinda disappointed me, but because I'm never buying another console again.
banning Miis is pretty laughable, there's no reason for that at all

also there's 12 good stages, even if you took out Wuhu Island there's still 11...this thing has 8

it may be a logistics thing for now, but even when they do get around the logistics eventually people will make excuses to keep them banned
No one uses the Miis anyway. /shrug

What stages did they not include that you think are good?


I still say make all the links easier and just reward players for hitting them in 1 frame with more damage.

Win win.

Everyone can do the combos, but better players get more out of it.

Also a cool flash when you hit the link not only would look badass, but it would help psychologically beat the other player down. Seeing your opponent flash a little with each link they hit would help the salt flow.
This is why Nintendo should've used Amiibos for storing your character loadout for customs, would make it great for characters who really benefit from customs like Ness.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
FG-related because, uhhh- marvel?

Bigger/original versions here.

Dope pics - most of them have been in the Marvel series one way or the other so it's fine.

Yeah, it's Evo, people got confused.

Lol fucking Desk

Bison has been shown to be a true boss with his Omega version, Capcom really impressed me with what they did for this mode.

Still haven't gotten the time to pick it up yet, but I always did say that Omega mode would be the reason I'd finally pick up USF4.
This is why Nintendo should've used Amiibos for storing your character loadout for customs, would make it great for characters who really benefit from customs like Ness.

no, a $12.99 accessory would not help at all

what WOULD help is making customs easier to unlock, or even better, if they were all unlocked at the start
no, a $12.99 accessory would not help at all

what WOULD help is making customs easier to unlock, or even better, if they were all unlocked at the start

Well of course that would help, but if the method of adding your custom loadout takes time (it doesn't take too much time, but of course, this cuts down time simply) then a method like that would be a lot more useful than a level 50 AI, especially as custom moves are just locked for everyone and there's nothing that can be done about that short of hoping Nintendo will just unlock them all via patch or something (which is incredibly, incredibly unlikely)
idk 1-frame links don't add anything to the game except frustration if you drop them and a barrier to casual players. It also makes online even worse.
idk 1-frame links don't add anything to the game except frustration if you drop them and a barrier to casual players. It also makes online even worse.


The online play point is a big one. Fighting games online are the future. Best to design games for latency issues going forward.


I'm really hoping they find a way to implement half frame links into every SFV bnb. There's no real solution to BS combos like Abel's Zang infinite or ERyu Rufus combos other than making them virtually impossible. Input buffers are something that should be reserved exclusively and gratuitously for reversals. I miss the days of FADC DP being + on block, it meant I could just mash DP during any 1 frame link and be rewarded with either an ultra or a dead stop to the offense of my opponent. Pre Ultra SF was truly the thinking man's Street Fighter. Input buffers are something that should be reserved exclusively and gratuitously for reversals.


I think there should be execution barrier that takes time and effort to overcome. With the Omega characters, you have no excuse to drop a link. IMO it takes some of the tension out of matches. When player A does this hard but damaging combo to player B, the fear of him dropping the link and getting punished for it and losing the match because of it will be taken out of the equation. I personally don't want that.

Well this is part of what keeps new players away from fighting games. You can still have a deep game without execution barriers like 1f links. VF has already proven this with its huge buffer window which is even more generous than omega mode and that game still has a ton of depth. I think the 1f links in SF4 distract new players from more important things like 44 matchups or something and it makes the game a bitch to play online.

The bloated roster is a problem too. If SF5 comes out with a trimmed down roster will that hurt the game? The answer is no because as long as it has Ryu/Ken/Akuma/Chun, that means 90% of the fanbase won't give a fuck that karin or whoever isn't in the game.

Things I want from SF5:

1. Get rid of the 1f link bullshit by adding a more generous buffer. This allows people to focus on matchups instead of being distracted.

2. Trim the roster down to about 20 at least in the vanilla version.

3. Because of how SF series' move cancelling/buffering system works, you can't totally remove option selects from the game, but at least have some sort of variable wakeup timing so we don't have autopilot/setplay/ SF4 boring stuff again.
『Inaba Resident』;144118885 said:
Mii Brawler is a very solid character.

Duck Hunt, Skyloft, Halberd, and Wuhu Island (mostly the first 3)

Mii Gunner is secretly a huge pain in the ass to fight.

for the love of god, this
The Miis aren't bad, but they aren't used either.

It looks, by that list, like they don't want transition stages. But others are legal. Definitely strange.


Now that they know they'll have Ultra on PS4, I suspect they're more willing to push the pace of SF5 up a tad (although nothing crazy) given that both will be available for players.


People will find a reason to complain and not play anyway, might as well not bother making games worse at this point.
Why even bother doing anything to get new players? Let's just all go play League of Legends.


Not everyone is looking for an excuse to quit. I think there are a fair amount of things that can help improve the quality of life for new players without significantly hurting high level play (if hurting it at all).


Why even bother doing anything to get new players? Let's just all go play League of Legends.


Not everyone is looking for an excuse to quit. I think there are a fair amount of things that can help improve the quality of life for new players without significantly hurting high level play (if hurting it at all).

I believe so too but apparently this is a unpopular opinion.

SF4's mix of wide reversal windows and strict links has always been questionable at best.

I always thought the two was counterproductive...
Why even bother doing anything to get new players? Let's just all go play League of Legends.


Not everyone is looking for an excuse to quit. I think there are a fair amount of things that can help improve the quality of life for new players without significantly hurting high level play (if hurting it at all).

That's me for the last year!

I'm glad you guys are finally seeing the light!
gameplay wise Smite > LoL imo

Maybe, but LoL has more players. It's like choosing to play anime games > SF4, and complaining you have no scene or your game gets no respect.

Well no shit you picked the less popular of the game what you say might be true but no one gives a fuck.

TL:DR So play LoL or DOTA2.


This is such a backwards discussion for me. I didn't get back into fighting games until I realized how much I hated the MOBA genre.
This is such a backwards discussion for me. I didn't get back into fighting games until I realized how much I hated the MOBA genre.

I prefer fighting games over MOBA, but fighting games are stale right now. Marvel 3 is... ugh whatever, and SF5 can't come soon enough.

Just buying time...


ive never played a moba, so excuse my ignorance but whats the big deal about them? they are seemingly like 30 million times more popular and well regarded than fighting games. always hear about how amazingly deep they are so maybe i should check one out?


Just saw this on twitter. Not sure if it has been discussed though,

Really surprised the Smash and Marvel numbers beat SF. I know it starts to get late in the east coast of North America by the time SF ends, but I figured the worldwide popularity of the game would more than make up for any potential drop off.

hype sells Melee and Mahvel baybee lets gooooooooo
Play more than capcom games? :p

Don't be silly Q.

ive never played a moba, so excuse my ignorance but whats the big deal about them? they are seemingly like 30 million times more popular and well regarded than fighting games. always hear about how amazingly deep they are so maybe i should check one out?

They are much easier that's why more people play them.

A) You can play with friends since it's 5v5.
B) It's easy as hell to play. For Example League literally has 6 buttons you need to know your skill #1, #2, #3, #4 and your two summoner spells. There is no 1 frame link, no frame data.
C) It's constantly updated with patches and new champions (their word for characters).

I wouldn't say they are even close to being deeper than fighting games, but they are fun and easy to play at the beginner level. At the high level then yes it's very similar to fighting games because you need good reactions (they call all the mouse play mechanics), and mind games. And not only that but with League the company that make the game (Riot) is all in on the competitive scene. Unlike Capcom who's like has half it's foot in the door and the other foot up their own ass. Riot is all in and 100% committed to growing the competitive scene. Capcom is like "ehhh guys look we care we are going to give you guys 1 big tournament in decmemeber, but don't worry it won't be all of the best players and we know how much you like 3/5 so we are going to make it 2/3 with sketchy brackets!"
Really surprised the Smash and Marvel numbers beat SF. I know it starts to get late in the east coast of North America by the time SF ends, but I figured the worldwide popularity of the game would more than make up for any potential drop off.

hype sells Melee and Mahvel baybee lets gooooooooo

I think Marvel and Melee have better numbers mainly because of the time slot. I guess I could say it's because many Americans have to sleep to go work, Europeans have to actually go to work, and Marvel fans dip when Marvel ends. But honestly there is no way to know for sure unless they switch the time slots. The only data I do know is that when all 3 games had the spot light to themselves at EVO USF4 had the most viewers and also have the viewers outside of EVO with Capcom Cup getting over 90k. Or maybe those other two games just do a better job at getting the casual viewers who only tune in to watch fighting games once a year. That could very well be the case.
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