It would be amazing if Nintendo launched free DLC to expand the custom options.
I'm hoping they do something when MewTwo is released.
It would be amazing if Nintendo launched free DLC to expand the custom options. - At the 6 hour 50 minute mark, you'll see the fastest Rosalina win ever. Will was visibly angered lol
Custom Rosalina is my favorite out of the characters I play. So good.
Custom Rosalina is my favorite out of the characters I play. So good.
Don't they just take up an enormous amount of time because the NRS rematch systems were shit-tier on XB360 gen games?OSU 8bit corrected the no fatalities myth at EVO. Fatalities weren't banned, no one was doing them.
Hey, Marth just doesn't cut it now :[Im starting to see a trend in what you play
I haven't dabbled enough in everyone's customs yet but I remember having an extremely surprising amount of fun with custom Zero Suit Samus. Really, all I ever do with her is try to get as many Shooting Star Kicks out as possible when I play her. She also gets a neat Gun Stinger type move a la Bayonetta which is hilarious for her when paired with SSK as she can recover from deep horizontally using a combination of the two.
Don't they just take up an enormous amount of time because the NRS rematch systems were shit-tier on XB360 gen games?
FGW | Poongko Shirtless DLC banned for CWC
That's what I thought and said in the DoA thread. He said nope, not true, they weren't banned at all.
That's pretty funny because even in a game like Injustice with no fatalities, it was pretty obvious everyone disliked waiting through the post match scene, so they all hit start and character select. NRS should have had a rematch prompt before or during those cutscenes. Though I won't be surprised if people hit start and rematch for MKX. Maybe brutalities will skip straight to the rematch screen.
FGW | Jehosan's Witnesses
No one can come up with a snappy Poongko related title?
FGW | Expanding Dong Via PoongkoNo one can come up with a snappy Poongko related title?
Shirtless Poongko makes Dongs Expand
fuck it, FGW | Frauds Among Us
do it enzo
Custom Poongko Expansion?
FGW | Expanding Dong Via Poongko
Shirtless Poongko makes Dongs Expand
fuck it, FGW | Frauds Among Us
do it enzo
I could've sworn Frauds Among Us has been used before, unless I'm misremembering.These can work, especially Frauds Among Us
I could've sworn Frauds Among Us has been used before, unless I'm misremembering.
Yes.FGW | Capcom Does The Monster Nash
Count check your PMs breh