You got issues.
You got issues.
All that barefoot raw fighting on active volcano explosions. That CG quality. Dem particles. Whoof.
Whoa thereWhile they're at it, they should pull Lucky Chloe, Alisa, Lars, and Bob down with them.
Skinny or far Bob?I hope that Tekken 7 ends with Jin, Heihachi, and Kazuya all falling into the volcano's lava together. While they're at it, they should pull Lucky Chloe, Alisa, Lars, and Bob down with them.
Skinny or far Bob?
I hope that Tekken 7 ends with Jin, Heihachi, and Kazuya all falling into the volcano's lava together. While they're at it, they should pull Lucky Chloe, Alisa, Lars, and Bob down with them.
mikado channel uploading some whacky shit. i dig it.
man samsho 64 actually looks kinda rad.
also more vf3tb footage
not sure if it's the real deal but poongko is playing against 'sakonoko' on endless right now
That's the gamertag sako used for topanga so it's legit.
Did he use E. Ryu?
nope, elena but he was bodying poongko like 8-2.
Kinda rad is a good way of putting it.. I stopped following Samsho after 5.. apparently there was a 6. Those characters need a new home D: so much style going to waste!
Samurai Shodown VI is the next installment to the Samurai Shodown series after Samurai Shodown V Special. The game features new backgrounds with 2D and 3D elements, as well as a returning cast of all 28 characters from Samurai Shodown V Special, as well as all 7 characters from Samurai Shodown and Samurai Shodown II that didn't appear in later games, and 4 new characters. It also features a "spirit select" system, which allows players to choose between six different fighting styles based on all previous installments.
Despite normal Samurai Shodown releases and distribution outside of Japan, the game has been released outside of the country on the Atomiswave system sponsored in the United States by Sega but had limited distribution. The game was released for the Playstation 2 in Japan on January 25th, 2006. The PS2 release added even more playable characters, and three more spirit select systems to go along with them. With the PS2 release, virtually every character to have ever appeared in the 2D Neo Geo games, including the referee, Kuroko, and the animal characters, are all playable. The sole exception is the courier man Hikyaku. \
also, aru kappa is sending out Infil and Poongko to Cannes Winter thang
Skinny or far Bob?
Heihachi gonna still be fighting his son in Tekken 15
You just hate fat peopleI actually like skinny bob better.
I like the concept of a frail fighter who has to do extra to even work far more than a fat one who has presence.
Thats why I like makoto so much, people says she's buff, but she is actually super tiny and thats why she fights the way she does. I like that, I like people having to put little extra in there and being just as effective and if not more than others
Kinda rad is a good way of putting it.. I stopped following Samsho after 5.. apparently there was a 6. Those characters need a new home D: so much style going to waste!
I actually like skinny bob better.
I like the concept of a frail fighter who has to do extra to even work far more than a fat one who has presence.
Thats why I like makoto so much, people says she's buff, but she is actually super tiny and thats why she fights the way she does. I like that, I like people having to put little extra in there and being just as effective and if not more than others
You just hate fat peopleKappa
Makoto is buff relative to her heig.
or at least, one of the more muscled girls in series.
plus she hits so hard ;-;
fuck it i'm main-ing Makoto all week starting today.
Can't think of any. Would like to see more.Are there any fat women in FGs?
At first I was thinking of Mitsuko from Bloody Roar, but she has more of a powerlifter body type.
Nah, I play hugo.
Potatoes bro a lot of art, especial official art. she's not actually that buff , the buff ness is played up in 4 and stuff . But a lot of her art she is actually kinda lean buff. she is described as not have weight behind her attacks , her being small and lean makes a lot of sense. She's kind lean with big hands an feet.
I have always thought that was interesting. Is one of the mose interesting takes on character design because of that reason.
I love it when a character size plays into moveset.
C. Viper is like that too and no one notices, She has like little to know muscle mass, she is just kind of tall and lean. Which makes sense because what she uses, and hugo just man handling people and having moves emphasizing that notion because of his high, having armor on weird regular moves and such.
These tiny details, thats what I like about fighting game characters
In 3 hours they're going to do the WNF online stream announcement with Mike Ross right?
..I love those stages, but I never noticed the floating jacket before.
..I love those stages, but I never noticed the floating jacket before.
Are there any fat women in FGs?
At first I was thinking of Mitsuko from Bloody Roar, but she has more of a powerlifter body type.
not all of us have the privilege of being born into Tekken yalldead ass fam
we all gotta make it somehow the struggle is real
Holy shit things are getting heated on the Tatsunoko vs Capcom Facebook tourney community group.
Two players have been going at it for awhile and now there is talk of a money match of serious stakes. Shit is hype. Lots of talk about OG Tekkaman, Zero and Yatter 1. No clue if thats who they'll play, but this shit is loud.
I'll keep you up to date and post a thread if this goes up for the kind of stakes they're talking. Either way its looking like a FT10 is gonna happen. I just gotta make certain its either public (they mentioned EVO) or they film it.
EDIT: Okay they film everything. I'm seeing if they have the gear to stream or if this will be a recorded set.
link to the facebook group nigga
Yo Enzo...I may have a stream channel to submit to you soon. These TvC folks have apparently regular streams. If I get you the times and channel they'll be on each week can it go in the weekly threads?
I actually like skinny bob better.
I like the concept of a frail fighter who has to do extra to even work far more than a fat one who has presence.
Thats why I like makoto so much, people says she's buff, but she is actually super tiny and thats why she fights the way she does. I like that, I like people having to put little extra in there and being just as effective and if not more than others
Holy shit things are getting heated on the Tatsunoko vs Capcom Facebook tourney community group.
Two players have been going at it for awhile and now there is talk of a money match of serious stakes. Shit is hype. Lots of talk about OG Tekkaman, Zero and Yatter 1. No clue if thats who they'll play, but this shit is loud.
I'll keep you up to date and post a thread if this goes up for the kind of stakes they're talking. Either way its looking like a FT10 is gonna happen. I just gotta make certain its either public (they mentioned EVO) or they film it.
EDIT: Okay they film everything. I'm seeing if they have the gear to stream or if this will be a recorded set.
Sounds like they'll be looking for a 3rd party to verify funds, but shit this is hype. Sounds like they are building up to a possible $2500 set. Hope this happens! TvC money match would be hype as shit. I'm staying on top of this. When the paperwork, time and date is set I'm promoting the fuck outta this. Not often you see a 5 yr old title put up a match thats this serious!
Fuck yeah grudge matches!
The gi makes her look bigger, because its baggy. And yeah, street fighter already has had several art styles that make the hands and feet of their respective characters look gigantic. Its amazing how these people where shoes. I guess that why ryu is bearfoot all the time, he can't afford the kicks he want in his size. Not even championship earnings can afford jordans that big.
Speaking of fight money, there are probobly going to be a lot of security at this years capcom cup. I hope no one tries to hurt others or themselves over this fight money
i guess her gi makes it hard for me to discern her body type.
dem feet doe...
Dignitas dumped Ryan Hart (seems they are done with fighting games period)