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Fighting Games Weekly | Jan 20-26 | I Can't Believe It's Not A Fighting Game

PDPCandace said she called several times. Also: https://twitter.com/PDPCandace/status/425798041074159616

I had a feeling that the team was done when Candance took over. I remember when she was promoting the Mortal Kombat tournament. She just doesn't have that "IT" factor to me. She might be one a top notch person, but I just didn't believe her when she said the team will be active for a long time.

Anyways, most business usually finish up their year around the of February or the beginning of March. I hope everybody find something for them.


I honestly think that a new IP for a fighting game (Western or Eastern doesn't matter) is going to have an insanely difficult time breaking out. The last new fighting game IP that broke out in the mainstream audience was Soul Calibur 1... that was more than a decade ago closer to 15 years now. The next closest games would probably be GG/BB. That just goes to show that the genre is still fairly niche and the only games that sell in it are the ones with big IPs attached to them.

Basically fighting games aren't a premier genre of games anymore like they were when SF2 hit the scene so the only ones that are going to penetrate the AAA space are the known quantities.

The new titles are always going to have niche appeal going forward no matter what you do, because fighting games are a niche genre nowadays.

A new fighting game IP getting off the ground in a big way (and in more than one region) is certainly possible, IMO (though not easy, as Dahbomb stated). A lot of games create huge obstacles for themselves from a visual point of view that doom them from day one. I had a negative reaction to the Skullgirls art-style initially, and though I warmed up to it over time and it's extremely impressive in technical terms (to say nothing of how amazing it is that it was accomplished by such a small group of people for so little money), it's a game that is visually too niche/narrow to catch on in a big way with either Joe Blow average gamer or people in the FGC. Nobody should be surprised that the game isn't a regular feature at weeklies and doesn't have a presence at majors. It was predestined to to be a low profile niche game thanks to its art-style. I'm happy the devs were able to make the game they wanted to make aesthetically/mechanically speaking, but it was never going to be big.

Games like BB are also fucked before they're even out the door (fucked in terms of becoming a long-lasting tourney mainstay globally or selling well outside of their home territory) primarily because of their visual niche appeal. We see new fighter IPs crop up on a semi-regular basis, only to largely fade from the public eye within a few months (ot even weeks!) of their release and think, "wow, getting a new fighting IP off the ground must be almost impossible!" but I think nine times out of ten, their failure was obvious from a mile away due to the aesthetics of the game. I'm very skeptical of Xrd selling well outside of Japan or because a big tournament staple in the U.S. (even though it's kind of outside the scope of the discussion about new IPs), because if anything, the redesigned characters are more niche than old guilty) and I'm fairly certain nobody that didn't already care about GG is going to see bed man and say "fuck, I've gotta check this game out!" I see it having around P4A levels of success.

Seeing new IP after new IP fail to set the world on fire in terms of sales and fail to become a tournament staple is not evidence that making a new IP is impossible- it's just evidence that the makers of games are content with their niche (Lab Zero) or that they are incompetent.
Seems like there would be less of a rivalry if they were teammates. Like you don't get that sense of rivalry when Justin and PRRog are playing each other... the collusion is palpable.

Well that is the other thing to consider!

But I figure they already seem to collude over everything already, so at least we'd have an internal EG battle to see who is the "guy". At the moment there is no question it is Justin and even Chris G winning whatever tournaments doesn't mean a lot because he doesn't even have a real sponsor to show for it.

Also we can have Chris EG. That'll be worth it.

Seeing new IP after new IP fail to set the world on fire in terms of sales and fail to become a tournament staple is not evidence that making a new IP is impossible- it's just evidence that the makers of games are content with their niche (Lab Zero) or that they are incompetent.

Hopefully Iron Galaxy have something good cooking. You know a full fighting game is coming.
Well that is the other thing to consider!

But I figure they already seem to collude over everything already, so at least we'd have an internal EG battle to see who is the "guy". At the moment there is no question it is Justin and even Chris G winning whatever tournaments doesn't mean a lot because he doesn't even have a real sponsor to show for it.

Also we can have Chris EG. That'll be worth it.

Champ colludes with norcal guys but he wants to beat ChrisG.


loves Arcade Sticks
To anyone calling "FGC Sponsorship" a joke, please don't associate the negative with the positive. Just cuz some shit happens with some companies/individuals doesn't mean it is a joke. Mob mentality doesn't help when people are actually trying to do good shit.


tagged by Blackace
It's a bit obvious of a thing to say, but an explosive new IP success in fighting games is probably the best thing that could happen to the genre. Likelihood of such a thing increases with increased indie friendliness and support for a broader range of business models on PS4/X1.

All of those big pubs need a punch in the face for the squandered potential over the past few years.


Iron Galaxy doing it's own fighter could be very interesting. I never felt like Killer Instinct was going to explode on the scene, not initially anyway. The barrier to entry is too expensive. It could prove to be a hit in the long run but only time will tell.


That and Champ hasn't caught up to ChrisG in a while.
Hey man... Champ won the last encounter.



chicken blocking is a term/technique that predates marvel, hence the ellipses

no biggie we all ignorant in some ways. just surprising (and not surprising at the same time i suppose) to see top players not knowing things like that

i feel you on marvel too haha. though, i like the game, I just would rather play a good anime game if i am going to play one. If marvel got support from its dev it would prob be one of the best games of the decade but now we will never know. thanks capcom

Its good we have not top players to tell us


tagged by Blackace
I originally thought KI could be that title.
Closest thing to it since SF4 without a doubt. It's hurt by being a launch title though, not just for being developed in like record time for a fighting game but also because the install base will take time to grow. Keeping up the steam will be harder now vs. if there were 25 million X1s out there. Even with these massive next gen launch numbers and KI still racking up a huge percentage of all of them, unless they've got an ingenious strategy for keeping the game reinvigorated and welcoming to new players, it's hurt by its position.

It's the perfect mix of appeal and accessibility, and it does seem like despite all the criticism, a lot of people enjoy it a lot. It could have legs but people might have skipped town from the lack of basic features like a story mode from the jump. I hope I'm wrong and console players are more accepting of the games as a service model already, but I don't think we're entirely there yet.
FChamp vs ChrisG rivalry is still pretty potent. Mostly because when they play each other they bring the best out of each other even if they are good friends.

The rivalry is toned down a bit because ChrisG is now also West coast but its still a master class battle of the premier zoners of the game.

Justin vs ChrisG has also been somewhat of a rivalry lately.

Also guys Hearthstone went open beta so if you wanna play me add DantheBadass#1280.

I'd try hearthstone if the art wasn't complete shit compared to Magic. And I already spend too much money playing Magic.


Its good we have not top players to tell us

what do you mean "us"

what do you play?

I guess if dickriding socal was a game you would be a top player in that for sure. if gargling the seed of socal players was a game, you would certainly get sponsored in that event.

delete ur neogaf account. you disgust me.

one love :)

Skullgirls definitely set the difficulty to Insane before hitting Start, but even then, that's not why the game isn't bigger. If Lab Zero hadn't run into all the troubles they've overcome, Skullgirls would have been a game that received constant updates and new characters on a somewhat regular basis, like it does now. The difference is, the momentum from being a new game would have meant something. The long delay between when the game first came out and when they were finally able to add new content to it is what hurt Skullgirls the most.

The reason why BB, and Arc Sys games in general, aren't bigger is because Arc Sys doesn't care about making them bigger. Or rather, Arc Sys doesn't care about anything besides Japan. So rest of the world gets ports late, the hardcore that are the main driving force in building and sustaining a community have limited interest because shit's old, and likely soon to be outdated knowing Arc Sys. Even though BB is fairly popular with casuals, there's no highly motivated scene to draw in those casuals.

The other really important thing, and probably the most important thing, is that the companies releasing new fighters are smaller and aren't capable of throwing major marketing money behind their games, which means they're not going to blow up quickly, even when they've got the gameplay, the characters, the setting, and the story to succeed.


i just hope whoever picks up chris next forces him to mature a little bit. outside of the games his self presentation and the way he carries himself in public is hella immature/manchildish.

im not speaking about his character (i dont know him well enough to speak on that). Im speaking purely off of how he presents himself


i just hope whoever picks up chris next forces him to mature a little bit. outside of the games his self presentation and the way he carries himself in public is hella immature/manchildish.

im not speaking about his character (i dont know him well enough to speak on that). Im speaking purely off of how he presents himself

he definitely could benefit from some guidance, yeah.


tagged by Blackace
i just hope whoever picks up chris next forces him to mature a little bit. outside of the games his self presentation and the way he carries himself in public is hella immature/manchildish.

im not speaking about his character (i dont know him well enough to speak on that). Im speaking purely off of how he presents himself
Chris G to get sponsored by Sallie Mae confirmed.


Unconfirmed Member
Well PDP-branded things do have a reputation of spontaneously breaking

Ahaha. Those PDP brand contracts shoddy as fuck.

What you say makes a lot of sense though enzo. I just figured something like this would have been planned longer than a day though


When is Spinal going to come out? Seems like its taking them forever.

This week or next week. Screens came out a week ago, and they're sticking firm to 'January.' Him, his stage, Sabrewulf rotation, and the new ragequit system are either this week or next


Unconfirmed Member
The funniest thing about the Kokonoe situation is that this is a character people have been wanting in the game since CT.

And people always argued against it sayung shed be weak or something lol


tagged by Blackace
why are you guys complaining about Kokoe puffs or whatever, top player and general good guy with integrity who would never accept payola, QisTopTier told me BBCP was perfect


I don't get the mentality of a high level player refusing to play a high level character because they're 'too' ridiculous.

I'm pretty sure someone with "common gaming sense" wouldn't be able to adapt to Kokonoe as easily sa that poll says they would because the common gamer wouldn't begin to know how to play a fighting game
or blazblue for that matter kappa
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