I think it's EG
Fuck that. Wizard as Paul Heyman.
it has to be them because with AGE out there ain't no more big corporate sponsors other than madcatz.I think it's EG
I think it's EG
Come watch Fanatiq play the Piano http://www.twitch.tv/mrfanatiq
it has to be them because with AGE out there ain't no more big corporate sponsors other than madcatz.
I still don't understand how EG or Complexity makes money really. They must though, because they are still around. idk.
Fuck that. Wizard as Paul Heyman.
PR Rog just got a sub box on twitch...he's said earlier that EG wouldn't let him.
EG makes money through LoL, Dota and SC2, and through sponsorship deals. They support the rest.
EG does. Complexity doesn't have LoL or Dota. (They do have CoD.)
Also who's the 2nd player sponsored by Complexity?
EG does. Complexity doesn't have LoL or Dota. (They do have CoD.)
Also who's the 2nd player sponsored by Complexity?
Shady K
I still don't understand how EG or Complexity makes money really. They must though, because they are still around. idk.
since someone just brought up KiT, pre-reg numbers for every game:
Project M-52
Killer Instinct-26
Soul Calibur-20
also apprently MLG is supporting some midwest Smash tourney
I still don't understand how EG or Complexity makes money really. They must though, because they are still around. idk.
You ever notice that Justin and Rog wear jackets with logos for Razer, Monster, etc plastered over them?
@XboxP3: @G0ldenheaven We only did TF1, for now our fighting focus is on KI which is going well.
What was TF1? The KI tournament they held near it's release?I guess KI is doing well for MS, judging from Spencer's tweets
I know there are logos on their shirts, but I don't even pay attention to them. I never thought they were huge endorsement deals based on the amount of eyeballs that see it. I guess I am wrong on that front.
I've never bought any of the stuff they "push". Only TE sticks from Markman!
Upon thinking about it, maybe Fanatic was the best sponsored player, as he always pushed the controllers actively. I wonder how much sales were driven by him.
What was TF1? The KI tournament they held near it's release?
Me & @fortunatedaniel @GameUnderground hey what's up @MarkMan23 #AlwaysGodLike #Mortons #Hashtag http://instagram.com/p/jLoNVhQROu/
Kumite in Tennessee stream schedule, for those interested:
Tao Feng. Guess this also confirms that KI is the only FG on MS's focus right now.
I can't speak for the FG players, but I know the EG SC2 and Dota/Lol players are required to stream x amount per week, using the products they endorse. They also use their likenesses as part of product promotion (quotes/pictures on boxes, etc). Theoretically, this all is a value for the companies endorsing EG. To me, the attitude of professional endorsement seems very old-world.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tao_Feng:_Fist_of_the_LotusTao Feng.
Tao Feng: Fist of the Lotus is a video game for the Xbox, created after John Tobias, Joshua Tsui and David Michicich left the Mortal Kombat series with Midway. It was released in 2003. As of 2008 it holds a 69% on Gamerankings.[1]
The game's creator, John Tobias, praises the game as one of the most "brutal" and "realistic" fighting games ever created. The game incorporates realistic damage effects, including cuts, bruises, and ripped clothing. Additionally, Tao Feng is notable for its interactivity within the environments, such as destruction and using the surroundings to achieve special attacks.
Ahh. I see. I guess I am out of the loop. I don't really watch Justin's or any of these players personal streams, just majors. Maybe they are pushing the products that EG has deals with, idk.
Are those donations real or a joke?
Well, let's take a look at PR Balrog's stream, live right now:
He's using the headphones he endorses, and while you can't see it he's using his Razer Atrox stick.[/QUOTE]
Also you forgot the Gunnars he has on. Doesn't he have a promo code with them or am I thinking of someone else?
Are those donations real or a joke?
Also you forgot the Gunnars he has on. Doesn't he have a promo code with them or am I thinking of someone else?
Are those donations real or a joke?
Well, let's take a look at PR Balrog's stream, live right now:
He's using the headphones he endorses, and while you can't see it he's using his Razer Atrox stick.
Do you see all those sponsors on team EG's streams? That's how. And all of them are huge brands. Think of EG and Complexity as a job agency lending out players to companies to promote them.
Earlier non-major FGC streams were so much better, namely Sp00ky's and a few other people. It's just them being themselves, not promoting anything, saying what they want, doing what they want, etc. So many streams are so forced these days and it's so obvious they have to do what they have to do if they are sponsored and trying to maintain a certain image.
Pyramid schemes fail eventually.Triforce's business model works......I best BELIEEEEVE.
Earlier non-major FGC streams were so much better, namely Sp00ky's and a few other people. It's just them being themselves, not promoting anything, saying what they want, doing what they want, etc. So many streams are so forced these days and it's so obvious they have to do what they have to do if they are sponsored and trying to maintain a certain image.
Pyramid schemes fail eventually.
I see. Nice. I have never been to his stream before. 1500 viewers. I am not in advertising. I am genuinely curious on the threshold of viewers you need to make decent money from these sponsorships and not just break even.
Good for Rog though.
Earlier non-major FGC streams were so much better, namely Sp00ky's and a few other people. It's just them being themselves, not promoting anything, saying what they want, doing what they want, etc. So many streams are so forced these days and it's so obvious they have to do what they have to do if they are sponsored and trying to maintain a certain image.