I think Bum's Stream is strangely one of the better templates. I know ChrisG is very good against the field but what about two local guys having beef and going at it to a first of 20 or even a half hour of rival match with a 5 minute halftime and commercials(timeouts) every ten minutes. Commentators talk about the change of the matchup, team synergy, momentum, coaching, player adaptation. You can have another mic hooked to the
"reporter" listening to the coaches/player/field. Add e-cig salt cam, scoreboards, stats (first hit, meters used, characters left, what lvl x-factor used)
Step up your presentation/game. BrokenTier is heading in the right direction (WTF, why no signed t-shirts/gear for extra?!) with talent, they just need to leverage the personalities. Angelic/Marlin was amazing when you could hear them talking back to each other (mic wasn't close enough).
ESGN's can leverage narrative of faux rivalries or legitimate real ones.
edit; Also, its cool to poop on ESPN but its not easy to gather, edit and compile (with dialogue) for programs like Sportscenter within a couple of hours. (Good) Video editors aren't cheap.