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Fighting Games Weekly | Jan 20-26 | I Can't Believe It's Not A Fighting Game


Mark Julio (マークマン) ‏@MarkMan23 1m
We have removed the profiles of Xian (@XianMSG) & Gackt (@GacktEng_SG) from http://madcatz.com & wish them the best in the future! #FGC

I honestly thought MadCatz would be the last company to let go of FGC players. Dang, this does not look good for any of the paid FGC players.
What if...what if...DIsney stops Marvel from competition/streaming? Seatbelts?



Neo Member
ESGN is such a fucking stupid name, just more of the real sports envy to try and gain legitimacy.

I really do hate the idea of trying to conform to and mimic that system for things to progress. I mean it's important to reduce some of the stupid shit in this community, but I really don't like the idea that one day the more laid back FGC events will be discouraged because it doesn't adhere to that. We're playing games, let's at least carry the fun over to the presentation, that's what makes it unique and what will gravitate people to something like that in the first place.

This is very well put.

Like clockwork every year. I really can't think of a reason that these guys wouldn't go, especially when they'll show up to shit like Revelations just for the money.

I don't like ESGN either. It feels kind of fake and the episodes are pre-tapped or something. What I like most about FGC events are the people seem genuine and are just shooting the shit for most of the time. You don't get that same type of feeling with any other esports event/stream. I wish the pots were bigger though. As a stream monster I would definitely thrown down $5-7 a major if I knew 50-75% of it would go towards making the pots bigger a la dota 2 and csgo tickets. I watch every major and there aren't that many of them so it wouldn't be too expensive.


why do you append this to the end of every Marvel-related post
Do I? I'm kinda in the "no more hope/acceptance" part of the grieving process or something. I can't get hype for it anymore. (Although UMvC3x actually seems fun.)


It won't be Disney, worry about Capcom.

Why would Capcom stop tournaments/streaming? I think the only thing the FGC will have to worry from Capcom is them not releasing a new fighting game any time soon because of their new business strategy


Say for a fixed term of a year and what...10 majors? How much does it cost to attend one in relative comfort in America? Couple of grand?

relative comfort.lol. hotels specials usually average $100 a night. assuming thurs,fri,sat.
so thats $300. then signup. $50 . $100 budget for food for weekend. just the plane ticket really. and all you have to do is plan that in advance. assuming $300.
thats $750 a major. round up to $8k. probably forgetting stuff.

never understood the sponsorships though. I havent seen much players do anything for the company besides BT.


tagged by Blackace
Why would Capcom stop tournaments/streaming? I think the only thing the FGC will have to worry from Capcom is them not releasing a new fighting game any time soon because of their new business strategy
Why would Disney? Why do people still thing Disney is actively involved or would care to do so? Furthermore, would have the ability to do so?

We've had the Capcom scare from ContentID already but it seems like they were illegitimate claims, and they obviously wouldn't shit back on a grassroots community they tried so hard to protect while going through stuff like eSports negotiations.

It's all stupid fear mongering.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
Why would Capcom stop tournaments/streaming? I think the only thing the FGC will have to worry from Capcom is them not releasing a new fighting game any time soon because of their new business strategy
SF5 cancelled so they can divert more assets to mobile development confirmed.
Why would Disney? Why do people still thing Disney is actively involved or would care to do so? Furthermore, would have the ability to do so?

We've had the Capcom scare from ContentID already but it seems like they were illegitimate claims, and they obviously wouldn't shit back on a grassroots community they tried so hard to protect while going through stuff like eSports negotiations.

It's all stupid fear mongering.
You know we are talking about Disney right? The same company that sued a daycare for using Disney wall paper.


Sounds like there may have been a leak with Palutena from Kid Icarus being in Smash. That's a good pick, if true. It does seem like they are trying to get more female characters in the game.


Sounds like there may have been a leak with Palutena from Kid Icarus being in Smash. That's a good pick, if true. It does seem like they are trying to get more female characters in the game.
Going heavily female for newbie characters (or dual gender in the case of Wii Fit Trainer/Villager) makes complete sense given how female heavy the handheld arena is. Will be shocked if Dixie isn't in.


I thought that the Dota 2 tournament MLG ran in Columbus a couple months back was a great event. Best I think they've ever done.

My issues with how MLG ran their fighting game events a couple years back boil down to two main things:
1) Extended Set/Continuation Rule
2) Inapt scheduling for fighting games. Long breaks between matches work great for Starcraft, Dota, and LoL, but not so well when a match ends in 10 minutes.

My issue with MLG in general has been how hard-headed they have been about certain things. Both of the things you mentioned are prime examples of those. The presentation at the first MLG with KOF/MK/SCV via stream was just atrocious to start, and only worked its way up to bad by the end of the weekend. Horrible decisions included stopping to run ads between games of a set, meaning a first to 5 could have as many as four separate ad breaks. Thankfully, somebody got the message to them that this was fucking terrible in time for them to change it on the fly. Even so, though, they still were running 10 minutes of crowd shots and then 10 minutes of commentary between sets that typically ran about 10 minutes apiece, meaning that a viewer tuning in had around a 1 in 3 chance of actually seeing gameplay. For those who said that being in a league would improve exposure, just think about that number. Imagine you were a passing fan or completely new to fighting games, and every time you tried to tune in you got to see people walking around or people talking, and no actual action. Would you stick around? Over the year or so that fighters were in MLG, the presentation aspect gradually improved, but this was still a problem throughout. Then there was that whole issue of announcing events less than a month in advance in conflict with established events. I know they can't help it when things are scheduled that far in advance, but you can't really say "hey, we're running fighting games here in 3 weeks, show us you want it!" when people already have trips planned to go to existing events, then hold that against them later on.

MLG and MK were sort of the perfect storm. A relatively new game, a hungry scene without an extended history of tournament play, and a big stage with big pots made it a great draw for them. For the other games, there wasn't quite as much of a draw for various reasons. I can totally understand why so many MK players liked it so much. Therein lies the rub: "liked." That's a past tense word, because MK isn't at MLG anymore, despite drawing 70-100 competitors per event and a lot of enthusiasm in the scene for the experience. What if that was it? What if the scene was destined to die if the game wasn't in MLG or some other league? Thankfully, it's not, but that's the risk that comes from hitching your wagon to a singular power.

I don't have any problem with MLG, nor any large pro gaming leagues or events, conceptually. I was actually hoping/planning to attend MLG Dallas before fighters got peaced out. My problems are with certain parts of the execution and their seeming unwillingness to change those things. They did let up on some, so maybe things can get better on those fronts in time.


My picks for Norcal vs Socal 2014:


Justin "Marvelous" Wong (Captain)
Killer Kai
Paradigm or NerdJosh

Sub/Mascot: Marn

Reasoning: Two Zeroes should be enough, if they want a 3rd they can sub in Marn. Justin, Cloud and Clockw0rk are staples as the best 3 right now with Killer Kai now too far off. Paradigm and NerdJosh pick are controversial but Paradigm has different characters to balance out the roster and NerdJosh plays the best team in the game. Marn is the wild card but his availability depends.


Filipino EVO Champ (Captain)
PR Balrog
Drew Grimey

Mascot/Sub: CJShowstopper

Reasoning: Top 3 is staple as they are the 3 best in Norcal. Apologyman for the wild card pick as his team is the type to excel in a shorter format. Drew Grimey for the Viper + Strider combo that would round up the Norcal team even more so. CJShowstopper as the essential mascot even though he is very good now and can take games off of Socal players.

I somehow missed this updated tier list that FChamp put out for UMVC3 for 2014:


Highlights include:

*Strange and Dante upgraded from Upper Mid to High tier.
*Rocket Raccoon in Upper Mid same for Wesker. Wesker officially no longer in irrelevant tier.
*Iron Fist upgraded from Bottom Tier to Low tier (used to be him, Wright, Hsien Ko and Ghost Rider in their own shit tier)
*Tron upgraded from Low tier to Lower Mid tier.
*Top 5 defined as Zero/Vergil/Morrigan/Magneto/Doom. Used to be just the first 3 with Mag/Doom lower.
*Firebrand downgraded from High tier to Upper Mid tier.
*Thor and Iron Man upgraded from Low Mid to Mid tier.
*Ryu downgraded from Mid tier to Low Mid tier.

The old tier list for comparison.


tagged by Blackace
Is it just me or are people getting banned everywhere? Seeing grey names in every thread I open. theprodigy just got bodied too.

You know we are talking about Disney right? The same company that sued a daycare for using Disney wall paper.
This is exactly what I'm talking about.

That's a really interesting idea. I was thinking about why copyright holders haven't gone after TWITCH yet.
Also this.

No case, no rationale, and reducing things to "if it's theirs, whether they control distribution or it's licensed or not, they should sue". Soon they'll be going after people content creators who use the word "mouse" in their videos.

Side note: I'm googling around for Disney suing a daycare and nothing is showing up, though I vaguely remember a thread of the sort I never read the article.


Is it just me or are people getting banned everywhere? Seeing grey names in every thread I open. theprodigy just got bodied too.
You kidding?

Did you miss the gigaton thread on the front page for Tomb Raider? That place is ground zero... bodies everywhere.

Frank West is too low on Champs tier list.
The way he positioned Frank tells me he is somewhere between the two tiers.

Frank is too difficult to rate as a character. At LVL4 he's like a second Zero in the game but you still risk playing him and him not getting to level up.
I think I'm regretting entering SCV at Winter Brawl right now :/. I'm WAY rustier than I thought I would be :(. I know there's still some time left but right now I'm going to be the ultimate pot monster.


Why would Capcom stop tournaments/streaming? I think the only thing the FGC will have to worry from Capcom is them not releasing a new fighting game any time soon because of their new business strategy
I thought that recent thing from the CEO about dlc fit fighting games pretty well. What other titles do they have where the audience expects yearly updates, as well as major updates via retail + dlc every 2-3 years? It basically sounded like their new fighting game model to me.


I thought Tomb Raider had a meh reception.
The game in question is rrelevant. It's not about Tomb Raider it's about the console war.

One console is rendering the game at 30FPS while the other is rendering at 60FPS. This is the first time a game has done same resolution but had variance in framerate (before this we had the resolution differences).


It's well within the realms of possibility that Disney would C&D on public broadcast of Marvel, if for no greater reason than increasing the SEO on whatever upcoming in-house Marvel property they have coming up EG; Sega v Shining Force.

I don't think they care that much, and its probably reminding people movies are coming out.


Was Pokemon streamed at Apex this year? Tried checking on youtube to see if anything was uploaded, but I only found one match.
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