I love Dahbomb's passion.
People who get hype over KI = people who thought SFxT ever looked good.
Mega man in Smash is the best game news of E3 so far.
Bayonetta 2 better let you unlock her original hair or something. Not pleased about the new look.
PS4 paywall pisses me off. Not sure if I will buy. I will need a huge title to convince me.
People who buy XBone are better off leaving the hobby behind for the sake of gaming.
I really love Bayo's new look (sent some praise to the lead artist today, figuring everything would go to Kamiya by default). I like that they've flipped Bayo and Jeanne, we'll have to see where they go. It's not a DmC situation or DR3, as these are the creators evolving their creation.
Or maybe I just like short hair.
Edit: blame Kamiya. Hah.
@PG_kamiya 2m
Yeah, I suggested.

RT @CacaManPowa: Who decided the Bayonetta,s new haircut? You?
Oh, if anyone hasn't seen it yet, this fun. Don Mattrick has the perfect solution if you don't like mandatory online:
buy a 360. (This was recorded 2 days ago, and released today, so who knows how they'd respond after the Tretton/Yosp carpet bombing, but I bet it would be the same).
And yeah, paywall sucks. Getting Drive Club for free kinda cancels out the cost of PS+ but it still sucks.