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Fighting Games Weekly | May 20-26 | MRN died so Guilty Gear could live!


Kinect can suck my big brown cock anyway. It being included in the box will drive up the price but M$ is going to price it competitively with the PS4 hence why they haven't revealed it yet. Sony should price standard PS4 at 399 USD/Euros and force M$ to adapt at which point they will take a hit on the console.

Microsoft just made it easy for me to buy my next console. I will be playing my DMC5: Vergil Returns and MVC4 on the PS4.


I'm inclined to believe that anyone who doesn't feel like this would negatively impact a fighting game tournament has never been to one. Or at the very least has 0 knowledge of the logistics of running one.

Oh well.... all in for ps4 for FGC next gen guys?

I've been to tournaments and helped run some. Managing live accounts credentials on a cheat sheet is better than searching for a piece of plastic in a crowded room to me. Not quicker in times of crisis but more reliable unless you don't have an internet connection for some reason.

Man I sound like an xbox one defense force here :/.

Because the specs are the same as the leaked documents and everything was already mentioned as such. You can enter some of these threads here on GAF saying that.

I steer clear of those threads but i'll take your word for it.
I will be playing my DMC5: Vergil Returns and MVC4 on the PS4.

The tech specs of the kinect seem cool at least. Can't wait for a PC version to come out. I've been dreaming of some neat VR applications combining it with a Oculus Rift.

Also the Enzo stream monster account is going to have a field day.


On second look of the console, it really does look kinda retro and bland. It's literally a big black box. Oh well... console appearance is not a big deal, I would still buy a PS4 over Xbox One even if it looked worse than that.

Azure J

Xbox One presentation was just too much of a non-entity for me man. I came in ready to give them the benefit of the doubt and left with far too much telling me that I'm right with my decision to go PS4 out of the bigger 2, pick up a Wii U on the cheap for Nintendo stuff and stay in the realm of PC gaming.

Good luck MS, you'll need it.


On second look of the console, it really does look kinda retro and bland. It's literally a big black box. Oh well... console appearance is not a big deal, I would still buy a PS4 over Xbox One even if it looked worse than that.

BBC = Big Black Console
Xbox One presentation was just too much of a non-entity for me man. I came in ready to give them the benefit of the doubt and left with far too much telling me that I'm right with my decision to go PS4 out of the bigger 2, pick up a Wii U on the cheap for Nintendo stuff and stay in the realm of PC gaming.

Good luck MS, you'll need it.
Don't wish that stuff any luck.

I've been to tournaments and helped run some. Managing live accounts credentials on a cheat sheet is better than searching for a piece of plastic in a crowded room to me. Not quicker in times of crisis but more reliable unless you don't have an internet connection for some reason.

Man I sound like an xbox one defense force here :/.

Even in the best case scenario it just sounds like a hassle that most people won't want to go through if they can get the other console that works just as good(if not better) for about the same price. With PS4 what we know so far is that you can take your friends disc and play it on your own PS4. With Xbox One, it sounds like you have to type in your friend, acquaintance, or fellow players Live account to use his disc. That's OK for casuals, but doing this over and over again in locals or even majors will be a pain in the ass. You'd then have to make sure to number everything so that each disc can find its console again to avoid going through all that work again.

Sure it can be done and the tournament can run just fine, but who wants to go through the trouble? The only way to bypass this is to own every console and game disc yourself for the tourney you're running. I imagine very few tournaments outside of EVO will be able to pull this off. PS4 would have to be a lot more expensive at this point to not be the tourney standard for next gen fighters.


X-Box One reminds me of something out of the 80s or around then. At least the top right part of it. I know my parents had something from the 80s that had those sideway ridge... things. Controller is kinda cool, but I think I'd still prefer the 360's.

Still, I know which console I'm going to be going to next gen!

PC, at least until there's something I 'MUST HAVE' on consoles.


Not to be a jerk but you really do.

At most tournaments, none of the consoles are connected to the internet.

Anyhow theres an architecture stream about to start on twitch.


That's unfortunate because what I'm really trying to argue is that it will be possible to host events using the xbox one if a TO so choose. I'm all for the PS4 at this point in time believe me.

I know they aren't connected to the internet but you can have an emergency station with a laggy screen that somebody always brings because they don't know better with a network cable for the internet. Activate the game that was already preinstalled with the available account and off you go. Not much different that having a secure box somewhere with extra copies and consoles.


tagged by Blackace
Xbox architecture panel right now (after twitch dropping the stream and spazzing the fuck out for hours): "I think we have to build a console that is good for games, but I think that we have to think about who are customers really are."

That about sums it up right there. I'm writing up my full impressions right now/writing the material for my imposter I guess. He's just going to be doing "Xbox just shot themselves in the foot" posts for like the next year :lol


Even in the best case scenario it just sounds like a hassle that most people won't want to go through if they can get the other console that works just as good(if not better) for about the same price. With PS4 what we know so far is that you can take your friends disc and play it on your own PS4. With Xbox One, it sounds like you have to type in your friend, acquaintance, or fellow players Live account to use his disc. That's OK for casuals, but doing this over and over again in locals or even majors will be a pain in the ass. You'd then have to make sure to number everything so that each disc can find its console again to avoid going through all that work again.

Sure it can be done and the tournament can run just fine, but who wants to go through the trouble? The only way to bypass this is to own every console and game disc yourself for the tourney you're running. I imagine very few tournaments outside of EVO will be able to pull this off. PS4 would have to be a lot more expensive at this point to not be the tourney standard for next gen fighters.

I was about to type a response to honor the time that you took but then xCobalt posted that twitter gem. Screw that having to install a kinect to every station. Crossing finger that fg devs won't put another title that will randomly lag on a Sony or we're screwed.

Azure J

Xbox One presentation was just too much of a non-entity for me man. I came in ready to give them the benefit of the doubt and left with far too much telling me that I'm right with my decision to go PS4 out of the bigger 2, pick up a Wii U on the cheap for Nintendo stuff and stay in the realm of PC gaming.

Good luck MS, you'll need it.
I was about to type a response to honor the time that you took but then xCobalt posted that twitter gem. Screw that having to install a kinect to every station. Crossing finger that fg devs won't put another title that will randomly lag on a Sony or we're screwed.

Smedwicks "Xbox off" comment pretty much sealed the deal. Why didn't I think of that instead of writing that bloated post.
It's tailored to a specific voice profile though.

Have you ever used voice recognition software? It's always ass. I'll call phone companies and the machine will say:
"State your reason for calling. Is it 'billing', 'account features', 'minutes remaining' (ETC)..."

And I will say:


The machine:
"It sounds like you want to upgrade your phone. Is this correct?"


"Please state your reason for calling again..."

*pushes 0 to get to an operator*

There's no way the technology will be as clean as Microsoft makes it seem. If I can sometimes get confused about someone's voice, so will Kinect.


tagged by Blackace
Have you ever used voice recognition software? It's always ass. I'll call phone companies and the machine will say:
"State your reason for calling. Is it 'billing', 'account features', 'minutes remaining' (ETC)..."

And I will say:


The machine:
"It sounds like you want to upgrade your phone. Is this correct?"


"Please state your reason for calling again..."

*pushes 0 to get to an operator*

There's no way the technology will be as clean as Microsoft makes it seem. If I can sometimes get confused about someone's voice, so will Kinect.
Perhaps, but I thought one of the coolest things about Kinect was adaptive voice recognition, which isn't really done by other voice recognition software. I can't think actually think of any other software that does that though, most just listen for whatever is in the air.

Regardless, there are a million reasons people already have described why PS4 will be the fighting game standard. That much is clear because of no used games alone. That deaded the idea right there.

EDIT: I agree with your last sentence especially, BTW, as rare as that happens, it is a fundamental flaw.
Why is anyone going to buy the Xbox One? If they love TV they've already got a box that does that for them. Most consumers can barely operate their home electronics anyway - why would they switch or add another box underneath their TV?

And on top of that, you cannot wander around your home with the console watching junk TV, which is how millions of people now consume their (on demand) TV.

And on top of that, you cannot write your essay or vital document for work whilst alt-tabbing to a TV show on it, can you?

These are how actual users use their electronics. They have jobs and lives. They are not cellotaped to the TV all day.

Where is this box going to go? In your bedroom, like most consoles. What is it for? Playing games, like most consoles. What's Microsoft's USP for this product? "It's like the 360, but with prettier graphics and features you already have on other devices!"

It seems really daft, and I hope MS get their house in order on this one, or we're going to see a disaster.


So you have to input someone's Live account information to play his/her game on a different system? Why would anyone give their information like that? That's not feasible at all.
I really wish I could make it to UFGT9, but life fucked me hard.

Now I have to say "I like dicks" for Team IFD for missing out. lol

Perm ban, first day. Probably for saying the n-word or something.
Why we still got ViewtifulJC?

Yet I get banned twice for "racism?"

Racist ass GAF.

Any publicity is good publicity!

That's honestly how AGE rolls and I can't hate on it, because it's true.
You need to buy a separate device to watch live TV. LOL. So it's not even free out of the box.
Everything will be united with the XBox Two.

Perhaps, but I thought one of the coolest things about Kinect was adaptive voice recognition, which isn't really done by other voice recognition software. I can't think actually think of any other software that does that though, most just listen for whatever is in the air.

Regardless, there are a million reasons people already have described why PS4 will be the fighting game standard. That much is clear because of no used games alone. That deaded the idea right there.

EDIT: I agree with your last sentence especially, BTW, as rare as that happens, it is a fundamental flaw.
Nothing staged is cool. This is no different from that piece of shit staged demo Molyneux did where some lady talked to an AI boy, and it was touted as the next level of gaming. At least Nintendo previews its actual technology at these shows. Microsoft just creates a fantasy presentation of how they want you to think it works. The one time Microsoft went live, people saw what their revolutionary technology is really like: a leg glitching into your body. I could never get excited about a Microsoft tech demonstration because it's never the real product. They're goddamn showmen and liars.


tagged by Blackace
It's all about the games.

...that being said, I am hoping to god Xbox One doesn't have any exclusives I care about at this point.
Pretty much.

Rumoured Crackdown is one, and yeah I'm a sucker for anything Halo, but the only game I'll do a Day 1 Xbox One purchase for is PGR5 and that looks pretty dead in the water right now with Forza 5 for launch. Rumoured exclusives of LoL/DR3/Titan? Meh.


Holy shit at the amount of locked threads on the previous page!

Dem fanboys getting worked! At times like these I am glad I have the safe haven of ths FGC thread.

Exclusive LoL on Xbox? Please tell me you are fucking joking Enzo.


tagged by Blackace
Holy shit at the amount of locked threads on the previous page!

Dem fanboys getting worked! At times like these I am glad I have the safe haven of ths FGC thread.

Exclusive LoL on Xbox? Please tell me you are fucking joking Enzo.
LoL exclusive was one people were talking about a lot, I still don't know where it came from though. Titan and DR3 are pretty much a given though.

Besides, who the fuck would want to play a game like that on a gamepad anyways? Even roguelikes have difficultly creating intuitive controls.


LoL on Xbox is fucking stupid or any console for that matter. Game is not designed for consoles in mind, anyone who has played it would know that.

Might as well start up rumors on DOTA 2 coming console exclusive on PS4. Or HoN.

And I don't know about Titan/DR3 being exclusive a "given" either.

The Light

LoL on Xbox is fucking stupid or any console for that matter. Game is not designed for consoles in mind, anyone who has played it would know that.

Might as well start up rumors on DOTA 2 coming console exclusive on PS4. Or HoN.

Consoles can use kb&m, but things like patches may have a fee so I agree there. Just have to wait and see where consoles go with patches.


The only MS exclusive I was ever excited about was Gears of War. I played 1 and 2, and apparently didn't miss out on much by not being able to play 3.

This is me. I got a 360 for the first Gears of War. I did play through the 3rd one, but at this point I don't think Microsoft has any exclusives I'm interested in (I skipped Judgment). I don't care about Halo or Forza. Kinect is uninteresting. I don't want to have to pay to play games online or watch Netflix. The only thing I still might use my 360 for is Rock Band, since I have so much DLC built up for it. But that won't work on the new system anyway (no backwards compatibility). Why on earth would I ever buy an Xbox One?
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