It baffles my mind as well why do they need all these breaks. Is it for the players or what?
I mean when half your broadcast time is spent on breaks, I feel that's when you've got something wrong.
It baffles my mind as well why do they need all these breaks. Is it for the players or what?
I mean when half your broadcast time is spent on breaks, I feel that's when you've got something wrong.
All of the info is scattered right now. Do you have specific questions?Hey y'all.
I'm actually thinking about making an effort to learn competitive Smash. Does anyone have a solid tutorial video for beginners that goes beyond the mechanics that are already explained in the game?
So are we eSports yet then? lolSo they can keep replaying that same shitty advertisement video graphic over and over again.
They must have promised sponsors that much allotted time to advertising their stuff.
So are we eSports yet then?
All of the info is scattered right now. Do you have specific questions?
Gootecks trying to make money with FGC lessons to pay off the advertising space he bought here. It all makes sense now.Nah, eSports make real money while I bet these guys made about $20 and a used Gootecksb condom for all this advertising.
Well that's kind of the problem. I don't know where to even start, so it's hard to even know what question to ask other than a break down of gameplay mechanics that are not explained in the game, like special movement options, how the flow of the game works, what constitutes as a legitimate combo, what are the types of properties that moves can have (armor break, invuln frames, etc..)I guess that stuff kind of goes beyond what a typical beginner guide can provide.
I'm not new to fighting games, but this one is so different from your typical fighter that I just don't really know where to start.
Hmm. You could look up guides to the older Smash games. It won't always hold true for the current version, but it will give you ideas.Well that's kind of the problem. I don't know where to even start, so it's hard to even know what question to ask other than a break down of gameplay mechanics that are not explained in the game, like special movement options, how the flow of the game works, what constitutes as a legitimate combo, what are the types of properties that moves can have (armor break, invuln frames, etc..)I guess that stuff kind of goes beyond what a typical beginner guide can provide.
I'm not new to fighting games, but this one is so different from your typical fighter that I just don't really know where to start.
Hmm. You could look up guides to the older Smash games. It won't always hold true for the current version, but it will give you ideas.
Or, if you want, PM me your FC and I Will spar with you and offer advice. My FC is in my profile.
I think Smash is best played by just going right in. It's really simple to pick up. Of course, it can get more advanced but the best way to learn it is to just play it. You don't need to do heavy reading on guides or watch a bunch of tutorials before you start. At least, that's my perspective on Smash.
I have seen her floating close to the ground, but I don't know if it was jump canceled.I don't know about that. The older versions especially don't apply to the new game. Even the veteran characters seem to all have had property changes in moves or other alterations. Sparring with you is probably a better idea.![]()
Also, I need this confirmed. Can Peach still cancel her jump and float close to the ground?
Any way to play Smash brothers with an Arcade stick?
I can't see how that would be anything but disadvantageous.
Any way to play Smash brothers with an Arcade stick?
You wouldn't want that. Smash is one of those games that need a regular controller to play good.
If you want to try it though maybe you can use the TvC stick in brawl or a one of those controller converter dongles. The game will hae to be able to read the arcade sticks direction inputter as an analogue stick for it to work well, though.
If Xian beats Daigo, would someone else move into that 6th spot since Xian would move from the point players to the auto-qualifying players?
Pretty spot on, especially any game in the series that isn't melee.
Just play the game often against other people, preferably find your local scene and play often with them.
Its not like Tekken or Street Fighter where you need to learn several crucial skills and learn frame data to play.
I have seen her floating close to the ground, but I don't know if it was jump canceled.
There are a lot of mechanics shared between games.If he wants to know stuff like hopping, perfectshielding, shielding from a dash, dash canceled into utilt, etc., the older games had all that.
Poongko defangs the beast
Too bad Daigo has a runaway train of points, so it's nothing but just a moral victory
Does Daigo still have a chance to make it to Capcom Cup or was that it?
Does Daigo still have a chance to make it to Capcom Cup or was that it?
Does Daigo still have a chance to make it to Capcom Cup or was that it?
He's still in it's just a matter of it being an incredibly uphill climb or not.
Daigo is in the final later on, so he was clearly giving no fucks.
Not that he could necessarily deal with all Poongko's play...but it was clear he wasn't going to be doing it when it meant nothing. You'll see the real answers (if any) if they play the FT7.
It's round robin, Daigo and Xian (I think he only lost to Daigo though I might be misremembering) are pretty much locked for grand finals.
Looking at the point differentials I don't think Xian can surpass Daigo's 1st place even if he 3-0s Gackt.
Why?this match just screams collusion
They play a FT7 set with Daigo in winner's side after the round robin. So Xian can still win it but he has to win 2 sets.