I know about the BS. But Margaret and Yosuke are my favorite P4 characters, so it's tempting. Maybe during a sale.this video curbed my interest in p4a2 more than i expected it to. first round is fine
Composer: Yoshinori Ono
I know about the BS. But Margaret and Yosuke are my favorite P4 characters, so it's tempting. Maybe during a sale.
No need to post pics of cosplay to prove your point. We get it man.
But they don't turn their tournaments into an anime convention. And that's how they get people like me to watch/play even though I myself am not anime.
The usual mostly 24hr a day Guilty Gear Xrd stream has an amazing I-No on right now, which is weird for middle of the weekday.
Fighting games as we know them will never get LoL big. The 1v1 aspect is too raw of an experience for most gamers.
These games are also impossible to learn while watching someone play where as most fighters are easier to grasp by just watching.
It's not exactly easy to get into a MOBA either. Probably one of the tougher genres to get above average at. I have seen so many people play these games for months and they still suck.
There is just a colossal amount of information one has to learn to be competent. People complain about match ups when they have to deal with a 1v1 fighter with 40 characters, imagine the variables in a 5v5 team based game with 120+ characters.
These games are also impossible to learn while watching someone play where as most fighters are easier to grasp by just watching.
It's never your fault when you lose (dragged down by the other randoms) but when you win it's all you baby (carrying these noobs lol). /MOBA
yeah, i dont know much about MOBAs as a genre but i always thought it was strange how much they blew up considering how complex they are and how much there is to know before you understand what you are seeing. fighting games seem like they would be much more intuitive for a new viewer to get a handle on ie: these two characters want to hit eachother and deplete the other persons health bar. in a moba there are resources and leveling up etc.
I'd rather read Deckard's posts instead of WH's right now.
yeah, i dont know much about MOBAs as a genre but i always thought it was strange how much they blew up considering how complex they are and how much there is to know before you understand what you are seeing. fighting games seem like they would be much more intuitive for a new viewer to get a handle on ie: these two characters want to hit eachother and deplete the other persons health bar. in a moba there are resources and leveling up etc.
It's never your fault when you lose (dragged down by the other randoms) but when you win it's all you baby (carrying these noobs lol). /MOBA
Pretty much being able to shift blame and take undue credit is a big factor in why it's so much more popular than fighting games. I realize the team games are different but the average casual gamer doesn't apply to that anyway.
you don't actually mean that do you
That theme needs to come back.
LoL is also free to play and playable on a toaster of a computer. Literally, if you are talking on this forum right now you can easily play LoL with absolutely no investment of any kind. No fighting game has that amount of approachability.
so r/kappa just started a fundraising campaign to send pepeday to the fall classic.
so r/kappa just started a fundraising campaign to send pepeday to the fall classic.
Some Men Just Want To Watch The World BurnHelp Get FGC Pepeday to the Fall Classic Tournament so he can win a chance to go to the Capcom Cup Finals in December 2014.
so r/kappa just started a fundraising campaign to send pepeday to the fall classic.
Wow, and just two days ago I just said nobody needs to worry about this guy because we won't see him outside of Japan lol. It looks like they will hit their goal, they're awfully close now. If Pepeday can win TFC, then yeah, everybody from Jwong to Infiltration better start brushing up on the Fuerte match up. I plan on attending so maybe I'll get a chance to meet him there.