In the chair, time for more of my face to get ripped out of me
good luck
What's his favourite nut? I bet he's a pistachio man
In the chair, time for more of my face to get ripped out of me
What's his favourite nut? I bet he's a pistachio man
I'm legitimately sad that I'm sending back my copy of AH3:LM that I just got from Amazon. I want to support the game, but fucking up the online play like that is absolutely unacceptable and it needs to be made clear. Owning the JP version already doesn't help. That's why it's so obnoxious -- they're splitting the player base for Reasons. The game's community being as small as it is doesn't help, either.
Nope.Wait. It's not just version incompatibility?
@aksysgames @ said:Greeting, all! Sorry about the silence, but we were looking into the #AH3LM net play thing, and we have news.
@aksysgames @ said:Unfortunately, we were told that there are no plans at this time to implement cross-region netplay. #sadheart
You should feel bad about pre-ordering games in the first place.Welp
don't feel bad about cancelling my preorder any more
I don't think there's anything nefarious going on... but it doesn't matter if it happened because of malice of because of incompetence, it shouldn't be tolerated. I'll be honest: I know that getting games (especially fighting games) to work over the Internet is very difficult, but when it's something that every other game in the genre has done (outside of major version differences in regions like with TvC and the new JoJo's game), I'm not buying any technical issues. Especially when the game effectively runs on the same networking libraries as a number of other games, including it's immediate predecessor -- and none of them have had this issue in the past.Those "reasons" could include major glitches that come with the existing code that are too deep in to repair. Netcode isn't exactly something easy, especially when developing for a console with limitations. From what I've read, it doesn't sound like they're nefariously trying to prevent people from playing each other. I'm not saying this is something they're justified in doing. In fact this is something they should have had the foresight for, however they didn't. I can't stand seeing a complex problem being overly simplified like this.
Support what you do or don't but don't act like netcode is something as simple as flicking a switch
I can see that... but why would anyone expect the games to not work together when every other identical release in the genre across regions on the platform does? Life's full of surprises, I guess.You should feel bad about pre-ordering games in the first place.
You should feel bad about pre-ordering games in the first place.
Sometimes something as small as region classification can ultimately lead to connection issues in netcoding. You'd be amazed at the kind of conflicts that can arise in netcode development. I remember once dealing with a case where if player A was hosting and player B disconnected and then player B hosted and player A joined then disconnected it would result in player A being entirely unable to find any online matches as a result until they restarted their game.I don't think there's anything nefarious going on... but it doesn't matter if it happened because of malice of because of incompetence, it shouldn't be tolerated. I'll be honest: I know that getting games (especially fighting games) to work over the Internet is very difficult, but when it's something that every other game in the genre has done (outside of major version differences in regions like with TvC and the new JoJo's game), I'm not buying any technical issues. Especially when the game effectively runs on the same networking libraries as a number of other games, including it's immediate predecessor -- and none of them have had this issue in the past.
Someone probably just made a dumb mistake. If I had to take a wild guess, the US release probably got registered as a completely separate release and Sony's not willing to change that and merge them, because it would probably break a bunch of stuff on PSN. Reminds me of the whole rigamarole Lab Zero had to go through with Skullgirls Encore on the PS3.
Because every game is different, every version is different. About a million things can go wrong with a game at release date.I can see that... but why would anyone expect the games to not work together when every other identical release in the genre across regions on the platform does? Life's full of surprises, I guess.
You should feel bad about pre-ordering games in the first place.
I'm aware of how even the smallest differences can cause issues with online play... but frankly, that's the sort of issue they need to address before release. It's a non-trivial issue, but it's one every one of their peers (including their past releases) hasn't had an issue with, so I think it's a fair expectation. I didn't intent to trivialize the problem by saying it was for Reasons (although it is rather glib). It's more the fact that they probably will never publicly talk about why it happened, to protect their partners (and I can't really blame them).Sometimes something as small as region classification can ultimately lead to connection issues in netcoding. You'd be amazed at the kind of conflicts that can arise in netcode development. I remember once dealing with a case where if player A was hosting and player B disconnected and then player B hosted and player A joined then disconnected it would result in player A being entirely unable to find any online matches as a result until they restarted their game.
I understand the frustration of lack of cross region playing for sure, I'm just saying I'm not crazy about seeing it simplified to being something as small as "reasons".
I'll be honest: I only pre-order niche releases like this because there's a pretty good chance that you won't get a second opportunity to buy the game at retail, due to limited print runs. It's less of an issue now than it was in the past due to digital releases, but I loathe paying full price for a release that I have no control over (I've spent more than $15 on a digital game exactly once, and that was for VF5:FS because it's Virtua Fighter).Because every game is different, every version is different. About a million things can go wrong with a game at release date.
Unless there is a substantial reward for pre-ordering or there is going to be an extreme shortage of product... I see no reason for pre-ordering a game. It just feeds into the whole problems with the industry as a whole. Just wait for impressions of the FINAL RETAIL PRODUCT then order the game.
I'm aware of how even the smallest differences can cause issues with online play... but frankly, that's the sort of issue they need to address before release. It's a non-trivial issue, but it's one every one of their peers (including their past releases) hasn't had an issue with, so I think it's a fair expectation. I didn't intent to trivialize the problem by saying it was for Reasons (although it is rather glib). It's more the fact that they probably will never publicly talk about why it happened, to protect their partners (and I can't really blame them).
I suspect that there would be some teeth gnashing and rending of garments on my part about the delay (ok that's being overdramatic, but it is the Internet) but at the end of the day it wouldn't be a problem -- it's more important to get the release right.Out of curiosity lets say they announced the game would be delayed by another 2 months or so to resolve and implement this feature. The publisher who's paying the devs is unhappy that this adds up more costs to pay the devs to complete this feature which ends up resulting in the game being 5 more bucks per version to justify the lost funds in the addition of this feature. Would you be buying the game on its new release or would you be outraged about a delay/price increase?
Not saying this exact scenario would happen, just curious what you would make of it it did happen.
If it makes a difference, lets pretend the publisher was open about everything I just said to explain the delay/price increase.
ArcSys' refusal to update GGAC+ to +R, and the odd schedule that it happened on was just weird.Should've used ggpo.
Make more noise, they don't see $$$ earned in fixing it but shit like this and the +R update make me weary about buying future product.
Yoshinori Ono ‏@Yoshi_OnoChin 1m
I'd like to make announce to new something in next year EVO... hahaha, I hope it. ;P
That's cool but them I'm like, just buy the Wii U version.
On the topic of Smash, I've discovered these video. My sides!
Yoshinori Ono ‏@Yoshi_OnoChin 1m
I'd like to make announce to new something in next year EVO... hahaha, I hope it. ;P
On the topic of Smash, I've discovered these video. My sides!
Ono is going to troll all year on twitter till the announcement.
lol, I just saw the Tokido/Pepeday match from the 5v5.
EX Leg Throw into U2 as soon as you hit the ground is one hell of a wakeup shenanigan.
Spooky did a video on Maid Cafes.
He said it's pretty shady and can get scary if you are not aware of what is happening to you (locked elevators , over charges on your CC etc).
Shouta can you clarify this?
I'm legitimately sad that I'm sending back my copy of AH3:LM that I just got from Amazon. I want to support the game, but fucking up the online play like that is absolutely unacceptable and it needs to be made clear. Owning the JP version already doesn't help. That's why it's so obnoxious -- they're splitting the player base for Reasons. The game's community being as small as it is doesn't help, either.
Sounds like Razer's sticks are built about as well as their mice. That's good to know (so I don't buy one).
Good luck, it sounds like you'll need it. D:
I'm not a good or knowledgeable player by any means, so the following should be taken with a grain of salt. Additionally, the following comments are based on my time with the first P4U rather than this recent one.
Overall, I feel like it's a combination of both. That isn't to say that the style is totally bad, but they are more a supplement for racking up damage and harassing the opponent rather than something you want to bank everything on, if that makes sense. With damage and pressure being at the levels they're at, a bad move/read could lead to almost Marvel levels of blowup once the opponent gets in. That's probably what makes the series great for some players, but that level of volatility is a huge turnoff for me.
As far as system mechanics go, there is a universal evade that is now projectile-invul from Frame 1 in this latest version. There's also a no-blocking window during jump startup and the first few airborne frames (8 frames total), making upback a riskier defensive option. It also lacks a general increased pushback option that other ASW games tend to have (e.g. barrier / faultless defense). Guard cancel attacks, while functional, don't seem to be very fast and don't seem to have much untech time to let you run away. They did add guard cancel evades in this latest game, though I don't know how effective it is (or not).
As for (P4U1) character-specific stuff, the traditional zoners (Naoto, Liz, Yukiko) tend to have relatively low health and are generally in a lot of trouble once they're caught blocking. They have relatively poor DPs, and their close-/mid-range buttons tend to be on the slower side. The ones with a dedicated projectile button (Yukiko, and now Yukari) lose air unblockable / head invulnerable properties on their 2B attacks as a tradeoff. A number of the other characters also have some degree of anti-zoning tools, metered and otherwise, to approach / punish careless zoning.
That said, they do have their own strong / ridiculous stuff (unblockable setups, combos into instant kill, etc.), but that stuff generally isn't strongly tied to their lame / keepaway play. And depending on distance and the tool connected, rewards for lame play can vary from piddling to a decent combo.
Hopefully there aren't too many inaccuracies in there, and some of those things might be weaknesses of zoners in general rather than of ones in P4U specifically. It'd be better if a more well-versed player could contribute a more-informed view.
I missed this. It basically comes down to you don't the damage/momentum you need to keep up from zoning, and therre are actually few traditional zoners in the game anyways lol. Yukari probably has the best zoning, but she's actually A+ tier more due to her lockdown than anything. Naoto has screen pollution but doesn't function as a traditional zoner, and Liz isn't a zoner, she's just weird.
Ogawa tier-list on GGXrd :
S: Millia, Zato, Faust, Ramlethal
A: I-No, Sol=Ky, Chipp=Venom
B: Everyone else
Ogawa is struggling lately but he still thinks that Zato is the second best character in the game, interesting.
For comparaison :
Thanks for the lengthy responses! It's a little disheartening to know your generally preferred playstyle isn't very viable in a given game. I've had multiple people tell me to try Yukari, but I'm scared of dat execution, especially since I'm brand new to the game. I wonder how hard she actually is...
Cool the game is still evolving- I was worried it would be figured out super quickly due it not deviating much from the traditional GG formula. Apparently all the characters I play/want to play are ridiculous tier (Faust, Ramlethal, Zato) for the first time in my life, yay![]()
Cool the game is still evolving- I was worried it would be figured out super quickly due it not deviating much from the traditional GG formula. Apparently all the characters I play/want to play are ridiculous tier (Faust, Ramlethal, Zato) for the first time in my life, yay![]()
Spooky did a video on Maid Cafes.
He said it's pretty shady and can get scary if you are not aware of what is happening to you (locked elevators , over charges on your CC etc).
Shouta can you clarify this?
Does Ryan Hart count? (assuming he's going)
How big do you think the playerbase for AH is? I got the feeling the Japanese were necessary to get consistent matches.
Confirming is hard but she's not that bad. You can play lame in the game with a number of characters, it's just you don't see traditional zoning. You'll run away and lame/patient play, just once a hit happens it's go time.
I don't think Faust and Zato have ever been worse than great.
Not even Combofiend can escape the "Is it a Major" vortex
what spurred this whole 'is it a major" thing?
it just came out of fucking nowhere. like a rollback question from 2009.
also, major shit is going down in berserk manga. MAJOR shit.
But... Faust is dabess T_T
Easiest character to get wins with is probably Sol though- Japanese arcades are like 50% that motherfucker.
EVO announcement doesn't have to be the game's reveal, could be first gameplay, new characters, release date or even just a trailer pandering to the EVO crowd(about the game's mechanics or competitive play).Well, don't expect any announcements at Capcom Cup then.
Would be sick if they were able to hold the actual announcement till EVO, but wouldn't be surprised if something like E3 ends up taking it due to the press presence.
Wii launch feels
what makes him fucked is that he is basically never not playing his game... you gotta play his. like sol i can at least play neutral against. if he gets meteors out i gotta sit around and not press buttons for like 5 seconds where he can do whatever the fuck he wants.
Meteors aren't too common though. Half the time you're getting donuts/chocolate
Faust has booty defense, no? No invincibility aside from his super (which is risky and not even guaranteed due to the cup game) or YOLO dust which gets blown up as often as it works for getting through an attack you see coming. He feels like he has hard match-ups against characters like Millia. Who do you play?
we meet again, 240p
what spurred this whole 'is it a major" thing?
it just came out of fucking nowhere. like a rollback question from 2009.
also, major shit is going down in berserk manga. MAJOR shit.