More fighting games need to support custom soundtracks.
I love it in Gundam when a match starts and I get the Stardust Crusaders OP playing.
Smash community doesn't like the new Smash already?
Smash community doesn't like the new Smash already?
Mega Man 7 - Dr Wily Stage 1More fighting games need to support custom soundtracks.
Smash community doesn't like the new Smash already?
What? SF4's theme was decent.
Just did a quick search for TvC's training theme and found the Japanese version has lyrics.
"Punch a woman"
Yeah, i can see why it was taken out.
opinions, I guess? imo it's shit. should've been remixed char themes or, better yet, in-de-structibleWhat? SF4's theme was decent.
Not melee.
Can't wavedash.
Can't combo.
Can't spacie.
I'm pretty sure a lot of the Smash community doesn't like anything
Mostly the melee guys
"if it isn't melee, it sucks and it should be killed with fire"
Yeah there's a stamina meter for run.
This drives me nuts about Xrd. The tracks aren't bad, but none of them have the impact of the previous games... They're somehow subdued and meandering by comparison, and there isn't a strong base theme to be found; just hints or nods to older ones thrown in here and there.
I feel like his work on Blazblue is somehow responsible for this.
I hope they don't nickle&dime the old tracks too hard.But if they do my wallet is guaranteed free
Quan Chi looks cool and I love the move designs.
I still think it looks stiff. Man, I love MK designs and the move set design, I just wish it moved better. imo of course.
Smash community doesn't like the new Smash already?
More fighting games need to support custom soundtracks.
I love it in Gundam when a match starts and I get the Stardust Crusaders OP playing.
If they're sponsoring, I expect 4 to be a main game and Melee to be a side game not part of the main lineup.I can't see EVO running both games. I wonder if Nintendo would force them to use Smash 4.
The game is playable on the PS3 (I'm assuming you have one.) Literally the only reason I'm buying it on the ps3 and not ps4 despite owning one is because I'm not shelling out money for an arcade stick again. Fuck that.
MKX character reveal days are so fun.
How am I not surprised.Smash community doesn't like the new Smash already?
Smash community doesn't like the new Smash already?
Just to Verify- I know you guys are doing PC, but are there plans to put PC out close to the same date? (I don't mind a 1-2 week delay, but 2 months is kinda silly)
MKX might be the first MK game I actually try to learn due if the PC version gets proper treatment.
There's a 14 day JP PS+ free trial on PSN right now. I'm not sure if this is limited to new accounts or when it'll end (I just made an account).
The GG Xrd PS4 PS+ demo is on October 15th-October 29th.
Yea or atleast have the ability to play your own bgm music via the console.
I regret not getting the premium sound edition :< Bamco let me upgrade pls
What? SF4's theme was decent.
Just did a quick search for TvC's training theme and found the Japanese version has lyrics.
"Punch a woman"
Yeah, i can see why it was taken out.
The rapper is named JZ (or JC I do not know) and he does the rapping on the US version of Across the Border as well. This however, is....a very special ordeal.
Does it make you enter a credit card like in the US?
I am super pumped for this aspect.I wonder how many new people will join the community due to Smash 4. That's basically what got Marvel 3 and SF4 off the ground despite early naysayers.
I wonder how many new people will join the community due to Smash 4. That's basically what got Marvel 3 and SF4 off the ground despite early naysayers.
I'd wager that not that many. Brawl didn't sell that much more than Melee even though it was released in the Wii's heyday and in better economic times.
I'd wager that not that many. Brawl didn't sell that much more than Melee even though it was released in the Wii's heyday and in better economic times.
Was this around the time of that MTV special about EMP?
Brawl didn't sell that much more than Melee even though it was released in the Wii's heyday and in better economic times.
Eh, you probably made the right decision, I've replaced everything now except Rhythm Emotion, White Reflection and Eternal Wind. And of those I think only RE is Premium G.
Oh that's not what I meant, I just want the extra music slots to put my own music into hahaha.
"Better economic times"? lmaoI'd wager that not that many. Brawl didn't sell that much more than Melee even though it was released in the Wii's heyday and in better economic times.
In relation to that, Prog did a write up about that mentality
It's going to bring in a lot of new people. Brawl's competitive scene, when it was up and running, was largely comprised of newer players that joined the Melee scene late, or never played a Smash game competitively at all.
The only time I recognize anyone when I drop by our local scene is if people are playing Melee.
Oh, and it should be worth noting that people that used to play Brawl, essentially play Melee/Project: Melee, now. The "Melee players don't like anything that's not Melee." crowd can twist that however they want.
In relation to that, Prog did a write up about that mentality
. Gems, X-factor, Auto Combos, Rage etc. Damn. Prog is so on point though. I think the Smash community are fine anyway. They've stuck together for years whilst being crapped on yet at the same time, been the most inviting and open.Oh, ready to play a game without training wheels?
I understand the comments about stiffness regarding dashes, run and walk animations, but outside those, I've always been fond of the animation details in this and the last game, at least.
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