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Figure GAF |OT| Where has all of my money gone?

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Delayed =D, yissss =P
I'm pretty excited.
Even though Haru looks like he's fingering his non-existent nipple.

They even gave them decent asses, unlike the DRRR figures.


Yes I am too, Makoto came out way better than I expected, and Haru is good pose. I was afraid theyd go with fully clothed school outfit versions...

I hope they dont sell out super fast and instantly at that point in time.

I wonder if more Kurobas figures updated too.
I have to wonder about people that celebrate delays. Why even order it at all? Then you'll never have to pay for it! :D
In my circumstances it's more I have someone picking up my figure packages XD and don't really wanna piss them off with like 5/more huge packages being sent to their place consecutively and then needing to bring them all at once to my place XD

And I suspect the parcel for this box is huge ;_; apparently same box size as a Madoka:

Need to catch up on the manga for this in fact...


In my circumstances it's more I have someone picking up my figure packages XD and don't really wanna piss them off with like 5/more huge packages being sent to their place consecutively and then needing to bring them all at once to my place XD

And I suspect the parcel for this box is huge ;_; apparently same box size as a Madoka:

Need to catch up on the manga for this in fact...

Yeah, it's huge. I got 5400yen EMS for her and Samus figma. All that useless flesh of hers...


In my circumstances it's more I have someone picking up my figure packages XD and don't really wanna piss them off with like 5/more huge packages being sent to their place consecutively and then needing to bring them all at once to my place XD

And I suspect the parcel for this box is huge ;_; apparently same box size as a Madoka:

Need to catch up on the manga for this in fact...

Maou is so gorgeous! I wish I'd ordered her. Hopefully she'll hit the bargain bin. But I have no more display room for useless flesh (or anything) :(
And I suspect the parcel for this box is huge ;_; apparently same box size as a Madoka:
Need to catch up on the manga for this in fact...

Is the manga ongoing? Because I watched the anime, and it just kind of... ended... without really endearing me to any of the characters. Otherwise I definitely would have bought Demon King.
Is the manga ongoing? Because I watched the anime, and it just kind of... ended... without really endearing me to any of the characters. Otherwise I definitely would have bought Demon King.

Yeah the manga's ongoing, IIRC it's at a part where the other demons wanna get rid of the Demon King, not too sure about the anime need to watch to the end. I think it's a bimonthly manga, checking mangaupdates it's currently at ch27, and the anime ended on ch23.
Yeah the manga's ongoing, IIRC it's at a part where the other demons wanna get rid of the Demon King, not too sure about the anime need to watch to the end. I think it's a bimonthly manga, checking mangaupdates it's currently at ch27, and the anime ended on ch23.

Yeah, the anime was only like, 10 episodes or something. And it stopped suddenly.
man I was reading a thread/post on MFC


No wonder people think anime enthusiast are idiots. Don't bother to read, don't bother to take other things in consideration, get easily butthurt if their anime is attacked, and impose their views on others passive aggressively.

Its like really? you guys can't bother to do some research, or even read the god damn article that you are commenting on? O you want people to respect your hobby and opinions but don't do the same for others? MFC is only good for the database, majority of the users are straight up people with no life experience and/or lack of common sense.
MFC is only good for the database, majority of the users are straight up people with no life experience and/or lack of common sense.

This. I mean, you're bound to attract some of those types when you're talking about a hobby that involves plastic renditions of scantily-clad women.

Anyone who suggests putting figure-collecting before a spouse is a moron.
This. I mean, you're bound to attract some of those types when you're talking about a hobby that involves plastic renditions of scantily-clad women.

Anyone who suggests putting figure-collecting before a spouse is a moron.

well its not even that. I mean I understand the whole "it doesn't matter what it is, if its mine don't touch". Because I have that mentality for anything of mine and most people are very aware of this because I make it obvious or state it.

I think my biggest issue is the whole "blame the person attacking the anime". I mean one of them posted "o so the girl is freeloading is telling him how to spend his money? Maybe she should go get a job" or some shit. Its like "really? maybe its the 11 yr old kid, or the whole japanese work culture looks down on family and women...maybe its just how they are culturally?" nope, she does the whole "in russia..." argument.

No wonder so many other communities look down upon anime and its communities.


remember me
There was an MFC blog post about a guy that brought a loli swimsuit figure to his job at Walmart. That was pretty hilarious.


I'm so glad that it's pretty normal here. Seems like most everyone who posts has their lives /priorities ingood order. I like it better than GAF as a whole really, on account of the rampant fanboyism that is coursing through the community right now with the new consoles coming out.

That Walmart story is nuts. I would never bring a figure like that to work, and even if I were inclined to display a fig on my desk, it would have to be a widely recognizable video game character, or something innocuous and small like a nendoroid. I work in a big organization where lots of gossip and talk gets had behind people's backs. Last thing I need is people going on about the weirdo on the 9th floor with anime girl statues on his desk.



Wow, that's....huh. I share my hobby with the people at work, I've come to work with boxes from the post office and show pictures of my collection but that is taking it a bit too far lol. It's my workplace. My hobby has nothing to do there.

I suppose it'd be different if I had my own office, but then it still wouldn't be a swimsuit loli or the Prison School Vice President. Man some people on MFC are weird.


I personally think, if not a little crazy is that the thoughts of yourself, so your hobbies and your life should come before that of anyone elses. The spouse who threw away? or broke? the guys figures is just incredibly selfish and she had no right to do what she did. I don't really get the full story but whatever.

I also think the guy who took the menma figure to work should be allowed to do whatever the hell he wants and not really care what other people think. You only get one life, live it for yourself, not for someone else (includes caring what people think about you).
I have Kusanagi on my desk at work.
I work from home

That collection destroying story brought back bad memories from when I was 15 and my girlfriend at the time smashed my Daphne Blue Fender Stratocaster after an argument. I was too shocked and confused to be mad. Man, that was 9 years ago. Never forget. I still have the Chrome Red replacement her Dad bought me :p

Edit: Also, I agree with RMI that gaming side is difficult to tolerate right now. I mostly just read the news and avoid the next-gen trenches.


You only get one life, live it for yourself, not for someone else (includes caring what people think about you).

I agree with this in principle, but that logic falls apart as the circumstances get more extreme. I'm remembering being at a GenCon (big tabletop gaming convention) this past year. That's a place where you see a wide variety of people with different interests, which they wear very proudly and sometimes literally on their sleeves. There was a grown up dude in his late 20s or early 30s walking around clutching a My Little Pony doll, and while that's not my thing and I'm not going to cast aspersions on people for what they like, my thinking is that carrying your doll around is not okay behavior outside of closed environments like GenCon.

What I'm getting at is that he could not care what people think all he wants, but that doesn't change the fact that what people think could have a profound effect on his ability to be productive and happy in this society.


I agree with this in principle, but that logic falls apart as the circumstances get more extreme. I'm remembering being at a GenCon (big tabletop gaming convention) this past year. That's a place where you see a wide variety of people with different interests, which they wear very proudly and sometimes literally on their sleeves. There was a grown up dude in his late 20s or early 30s walking around clutching a My Little Pony doll, and while that's not my thing and I'm not going to cast aspersions on people for what they like, my thinking is that carrying your doll around is not okay behavior outside of closed environments like GenCon.

What I'm getting at is that he could not care what people think all he wants, but that doesn't change the fact that what people think could have a profound effect on his ability to be productive and happy in this society.

In which case that's his problem. I however wouldn't really give a damn and if anything it'd make me want to be more productive being surrounded by the things I love. If those things make other people less productive then well, that's their problem and they should be more mature and less judging of other peoples things.

Seemingly, in this story it has no effect on his own productivity and should be allowed within reason to bring his own personal objects into work regardless of what others think.


I personally think, if not a little crazy is that the thoughts of yourself, so your hobbies and your life should come before that of anyone elses. The spouse who threw away? or broke? the guys figures is just incredibly selfish and she had no right to do what she did. I don't really get the full story but whatever.

I agree what she did is a shitty thing to do, but neglecting your marriage in favour of your hobby is even worse. The moment you put your hobby before your wife and child I just don't see what you're doing with your life.

I also think the guy who took the menma figure to work should be allowed to do whatever the hell he wants and not really care what other people think. You only get one life, live it for yourself, not for someone else (includes caring what people think about you).

Nobody told him he's not allowed to bring it to work. People were disturbed by it, whether because it was a loli, sexualised or just an anime figure. Your workplace is a social environment and your actions affect and change it. Not caring about what your coworkers think, whether you agree with them or not, isn't a way you'll go forward in your work (or in life, really).
There's a point at which not giving a fuck can make your life harder than it needs to be though. It has to do with not giving idiots a loaded gun to shoot you with. Their opinion shouldn't matter, but their ability to fuck up your work life or whatever probably should.

Every day people are punished for their transparency. The more transparent you are, the greater the risk of negative consequences. People are quick to judge those that display their humanity instead of treating it as the unifying factor among us all, but as fucked up as that is, I don't see it changing any time soon. For that reason, I don't tell my prospective business partners that I spent the previous evening watching Star Jewel, for example.

A lot of daily life, including work, is just playing the game. My friends and the people I like are the ones exposed to my hobbies.


Seemingly, in this story it has no effect on his own productivity and should be allowed within reason to bring his own personal objects into work regardless of what others think.

I meant productivity in a more abstract sense, like I'm sure it doesn't effect Walmart guy's work performance to bring his swimsuit fig to work with him, but depending on the opinions of his supervisors or whatever it could mean him being passed up for promotion opportunities or better shifts or any other kind of stuff that relies on workplace politics.
Nobody told him he's not allowed to bring it to work. People were disturbed by it, whether because it was a loli, sexualised or just an anime figure. Your workplace is a social environment and your actions affect and change it. Not caring about what your coworkers think, whether you agree with them or not, isn't a way you'll go forward in your work (or in life, really).

Yup, fully agree.
I work at a games company, and even there I don't feel fully comfortable with showing any of my figures. I get all my stuff delivered to work, and the only figures I've ever opened were the ThreeA Rex and a few of the Hot Toys stuff. I still get mocked by certain people for getting Hot Toys stuff, goodness knows what they'd think if they saw some of my Bishi figs.
I'm not ashamed whatsoever about the figures that I get. I consider them a form of art that you display, very much like a painting. Some people don't get this. But fuck em.
Difference is, in the work place people can be very judgemental, and you need to be perceptive of just how judgemental they could be. It could affect your place within the workplace, and have people judge, and treat you in a way you wouldn't want to be.

I personally think, if not a little crazy is that the thoughts of yourself, so your hobbies and your life should come before that of anyone elses. The spouse who threw away? or broke? the guys figures is just incredibly selfish and she had no right to do what she did. I don't really get the full story but whatever.

Without knowing what the full story is, I have to say, if you have a kid, then your kid becomes your main responsibility. Having a kid instantly negates the "look out for number 1, YOLO" attitude.
I definitely agree, that your hobbies, your life should come first, but not when you have a kid.
She is lucky to get away with just a divorce. I would have reported her for theft and destruction of high value to the police and demanded a divorce at the same time. Afterall, it wasn't her stuff, and she took it without permission.
She is lucky to have such a calm and patient husband who just shut himself into his room until the next day instead of literally throwing her out to the street with all her stuff immediately. I would have preferred the police taking her away in handcuffs like a criminal, though.
these post on MFC
hahahahaha seriously? god these idiots
3AA member 0025 for 3 years now, and counting. I only get the Ashley Wood universe stuff, typically: WWR and Popbot, with a smattering of Adventure Kartel here and there if the figure really pops out at me. I did pick up the new Oya figure, just the TKLUB version though. Couldn't be bothered F5'ing for the Snowblind colorway and didn't need to spend that money, anyway.

I really need to cut down on my collection, since I have way too many of these figures now. Far too many. I've been wanting to move my 3x3 WWRp Large Martin set for ages now, but because of the size it costs far too much money to ship (I have no idea how they offer free shipping on some of these monsters)!

Glad to see you and another gaffer who appreciates 3A. I'm signning up for the membership next January. I originally wanted the TKLUB version but I'm not a AA member yet so when I saw the Snowblind, I jumped on it. I'm getting my Dark Blind Cowboy set this week and Atlus figure next month (hopefully). I hope to one day get a 1/6 Large Martin or Bertie in the future.
Glad to see you and another gaffer who appreciates 3A. I'm signning up for the membership next January. I originally wanted the TKLUB version but I'm not a AA member yet so when I saw the Snowblind, I jumped on it. I'm getting my Dark Blind Cowboy set this week and Atlus figure next month (hopefully). I hope to one day get a 1/6 Large Martin or Bertie in the future.

I don't think I understood a single thing you just said.



wow that looks great. I bought Shizue for my gf. She's not into figures but she loves animal crossing, so hopefully she'll like it. It's at the post office but they wouldn't leave the package yesterday so I gotta get it tomorrow.


So quick clarification

Are the first two figures of Tomoko Kuroki from Watamote coming next year? A neandroid and one from Sega.

I saw another one but I wasn't sure if it was custom job or a third figure that was already released.
I don't think I understood a single thing you just said.


3A is a toy company from artist Ashley Wood. He has several different series of comics he has created in his fictional world and also a selection of lines that he create toys from. His company also offers an annual membership to the 3AA club that allows you to have a discount on all the figures sold over the year plus a uniquely created membership gift (which honestly is worth the cost of membership). For example, here's the membership gift given to their 2013 members:


The company also releases figures that are exclusive to their 3AA members, as well as figures from famous licenses like Konami, VaLVe and Marvel. The quality of their figures are second to none and have an art design that you won't get from other companies. Some of the stuff is suggestive and not my cup of tea but for the most part, a lot of them are nice. You can find more about them here:


The Dark Blind Cowboy I was referring to was this one:

And this the Atlas figure I was referring to:


Unconfirmed Member
Hi figureGAF, has there been any news or estimated release date on that Marth/Lucina figma? Remember seeing a placeholder card for it a long time ago and then never heard about it again.


Hi figureGAF, has there been any news or estimated release date on that Marth/Lucina figma? Remember seeing a placeholder card for it a long time ago and then never heard about it again.

No but the prototype is done. I figure it and Guyver will probably go up sometime this month. Probably will end up being a May release.


picked up a great big box today at the PO. Can't wait to get home. Nendo Shizue, Alter Aigis and Gwendolyn :-D
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