Shining figures usually show up after they're released right? Should I be worried if pre orders are sold out for one?
Shining figures usually show up after they're released right? Should I be worried if pre orders are sold out for one?
Hah, I like how they still don't know what to do with their "Bishounen" category. Why is it all the way down there?
11k retail so about 9k normally. Might gettttt
Oh fuck!
Oh fuuuuuuuuuuuuck!
Is your avatar from Blade & Soul? I love Hyung Tae Kim. Now I want some Blade & Soul figures. Or Tera figures that aren't Elins.
Correct! I would kill for some Blade & Soul figures myself.
Custom finally got tired of my figures, and my stuffs arrived the next day.
So this is why it cost 8,200 to ship...
Correct! I would kill for some Blade & Soul figures myself.
Custom finally got tired of my figures, and my stuffs arrived the next day.
So this is why it cost 8,200 to ship...
She is really cheap too, only 1,200 yen. Amazon had it for like $25. Not a very detail figure, no shading or what so ever, but it still look really cute.
GUYS!!! My tharja finally arrived ! then I realized I need something to protect her from dust...oh god....
GUYS!!! My tharja finally arrived ! then I realized I need something to protect her from dust...oh god....
was going to go, but figured transportation was too costly so I'm just going to A-Fest
13k Charlotte (strike witches)
5.5k sonico babydoll
10k 1/5 sonico
5.4k sanya stirke witches
7k panty
I take it Griffon isn't known for their excellent workmanship and quality control?
I ask myself this question everyday after Griffon announced they doing all the dolls in Rozen Maiden.
So I finally unpack and assemble the rest of my May(hopefully summer 2014) figures.
I really don't like 1/7 figures, it made 1/8 looks so small. Will Fate even fit in a Detolf with the long saber? She is a bit bigger than Nanoha since Nanoha is 1/8. I guess I will have to buy the 1/7 Alter Nanoha too
Saber maid 1/7, another oversize figure that made everything else looks awkward. I really like this figure though, for some reason I can't keep my eye off her. A lot of detail and shading on the hair, uniform, stocking, and even the tiny unpainted finger nail. Putting Saber Maid next to Fate made Fate looked like a prize figure.
RIP in peace wallet, you sacrificed yourself for a good cause!
How much would ESM for a combined package cost? I usually order one thing a month so I have no clue what it will be. Two figmas, if that helps any.
Ok, not too bad. Thanks.Usually between 4~5k JPY for me.
How much would EMS for a combined package cost? I usually order one thing a month so I have no clue what it will be. Two figmas, if that helps any.
Ok, not too bad. Thanks.
I was hoping for SAl but I thought it would get bumped to EMS. I am going SAL for don't need to EMS two figma, you can just sal register them
2-3 figma fit into sal
same with nendos
Yeah, I was willing to go for that price but it looks like ican do SAl so I will be doing that instead.That seems pretty bad for just two figmas though lol. I had two combined packages recently (about 4-5 gunpla each) so 4kish JPY seemed decent enough for me.
Aw man, if only haha. Haven't played the game yet but the designs look way cool.Here's a cool idea:
The Wonderful 101 figures.
oohhhh snappersHaha, just as I mention scaled figures of Nintendo characters, Nintendo announces a NFP [Nintendo Figurine Platform] game for the Wii U.
Collect Nintendo figures, scan them, use them in-game. I just hope they're decent quality.
My wallet. ;_;
Is it normal on AmiAmi for them to move an entire monthly order to the following month just from a delay of one product in the order? Trying to get their customer support to adjust it, just curious if this is normal. Seems a bit weird to me to do that just from one item getting delayed.
Emailed them again this morning. I noticed it yesterday when trying to add a book to my May order. They said I should be able to do it by combining so I guess they didn't really look into the issue a lot. Emailed them again so hopefully they look into it. Otherwise June's order is going to hurt haha
I always send them an email asking to split item n° X from order Y and move it to order Z due to the delay. They've always done it immediatly without replying and just sent me the automated order confirmations.
Do postal services in other countries stick extra charges on import fees as well? I just got an order (wasn't a figure) and I was charged 15 when the order itself only came to 37, I mean seriously. I don't know if it's just my postal service or if others like Royal Mail or USPS do this too with imports that get caught, can anyone tell me? I think I might just go with the courier services from now on, I mean I'm being charged an extra fee that doesn't even have a description, it sounds like I'm paying them so they can pick up money from me at the door, wtf. At least with services like Fedex this doesn't happen and I get billed so I have like a month to pay.
Do postal services in other countries stick extra charges on import fees as well? I just got an order (wasn't a figure) and I was charged 15 when the order itself only came to 37, I mean seriously. I don't know if it's just my postal service or if others like Royal Mail or USPS do this too with imports that get caught, can anyone tell me? I think I might just go with the courier services from now on, I mean I'm being charged an extra fee that doesn't even have a description, it sounds like I'm paying them so they can pick up money from me at the door, wtf. At least with services like Fedex this doesn't happen and I get billed so I have like a month to pay.
Wait. What? Not seeing this anywhere on GAF....Haha, just as I mention scaled figures of Nintendo characters, Nintendo announces a NFP [Nintendo Figurine Platform] game for the Wii U.
Collect Nintendo figures, scan them, use them in-game. I just hope they're decent quality.
My wallet. ;_;
That is definitely worrisome. Have you contacted Manadrake too? It's lost brah, sorry....My EMS package from Mandarake hasn't had an update in 20 days. I'm a little bit more than slightly concerned now. Especially when I've had three separate phone calls tell me the package hasn't left Japan yet. The tracking site clearly shows that it arrived in the US and then nothing.
?Wait. What? Not seeing this anywhere on GAF....
My EMS package from Mandarake hasn't had an update in 20 days. I'm a little bit more than slightly concerned now. Especially when I've had three separate phone calls tell me the package hasn't left Japan yet. The tracking site clearly shows that it arrived in the US and then nothing.