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Final Fantasy 16 is so dull


Man I want to like this game but I just can't. I bought it first on ps5 and gave up after 10 hours. At first I thought well maybe I am just going through a weird period in my life and maybe I can't enjoy this type of game now. I'll wait to play it

And with the release of the game on pc I bought it again to enjoy it with a high framerate and better visuals but I am again struggling to find any fun or enjoyment. There are some moments where the game seems to be really exciting but then, all of a sudden, the next part becomes a boring mess with atrocious mmo generic sidequests. It doesn't help either the pacing of the cutscenes, the performances are so lifeless and slow, sometimes, I want to slap the characters and scream "Wake up motherfucker!". The gameplay is so basic, there is no exploration or anything, it justs feels like I am watching cutscene after cutscene with a combat that has no challenge or variety.

I love Final Fantasy in general but this game is just doesn't feel like it belongs to the franchise, it doesn't the magic from the older games. I feel like it doesn't have a soul

Well I am glad I let it out, I think I'll stop playing this and accept that is not for me. Please tell me I am not crazy papitos
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World’s Biggest Weeb
Yeah I’m convinced this game started as some DMC-style FF spinoff then got reworked into a full mainline game. Everything besides the linear action stages + boss battles is just the most soulless, boring, tedious FF XIV A Realm Reborn filler shit. I fell asleep multiple times while playing this game, finally just gave up around the 70% mark.


Despite my love for Bloodorne, it still couldn't convince me to get a PS4 back in 2015. I bought one a year and a half later, when Final Fantasy XV released. That did it, because it was a new Final Fantasy. It was that important to me.

I still haven't bought a PlayStation 5. It saddens me.


Gold Member
When it comes out for Series X, maybe you can buy it for a 3rd time and hate it all over again.
Bored Come On GIF


Neo Member
If this game didn’t suffer from terrible optimization on PC, I would love it because I enjoy the world and the combat system, which is one of the best I’ve experienced in a JRPG. However, I haven’t played many Final Fantasy games except for X, the VII remake, and XVIII, which I also loved for its combat.

After finishing XVI, I’m planning to play either IX or XII. What do you guys recommend?
The demo offered up everything you need to experience in the full game and the only compelling part of the story. Cid is the best Cid in the series but uh... Yeah. Game sucks, I traded it in and I only do that if I think the game is shit.

hemo memo

Gold Member
At its best, it's just average. The extreme focus on spectacle and simplification of the gameplay. It leans so heavily into action RPG elements that it barely resembles an RPG anymore. I finished it recently and, having played almost all the main Final Fantasy games, I'd say it's actually the worst one.


Don't worry OP, you're not alone. I bought the game a couple weeks after release, the demo really made me curious/interested. But then I struggled to get into the game. I tried repeatedly and finally just gave up and sold it. I'd rather go back and play FF13 again than give FF16 another chance.


Gold Member
Overall I liked it but it does have some high 'highs' and middling lows.
It needed a little bit more tightening up in some places but also expansion in others, story wise.
But yeah I agree with the OP.
It was great to play with the Portal for all those non bombastic parts.


Neo Member
The sheer amount of boring run of the mill sidequests took the piss and is everything wrong with modern games like this with how much bloat there is. Like you finish a story beat and you're immediately bombarded with tons of sidequests cluttered on your map. And yeah I know people will say that you can just ignore them but then I feel like you could then find yourself underleved and lacking weapon upgrade materials, so the game is designed for you to do them. Also with huge areas you want at least some incentive to explore the world.

That's just one of my many negatives with it and its a shame because like with this and other modern final fantasy games, the music and set pieces are absolutely amazing and could have been a fantastic game for me with the setting early on as well.


aka IMurRIVAL69
FF series is washed up and has entered a sonic cycle like era

FF game announced —> screenshots look good—> cool trailer at a press conference—> “this will finally be the good one” —> “we wanna go back to our roots” —> it’s revealed that it’s not turn based —> enthusiast press hypes it and gives it good reviews —> game comes out —> people pretend to like it for 2 weeks —> the dust settles and everyone says it stinks —> restart the cycle


Is not a bad game, but is too fucking long and the pacing is terrible. The story is good at times, but you have to deal with so much filler shit that is not skippable since is sold as main story. And the combat system beeping awfully flat and boring doesn't help. Said that, when the story works and the OST kick in, is definitely worth playing. If it was half long with better pacing, would have been a very good game.


Gold Member
I haven’t exactly loved a Final Fantasy game since Final Fantasy XII. I got to a point where I skipped dialogue and cutscenes in XVI. I was so bored with turning in quests and running around like a farm boy. I get how people love XIV’s new style, but it’s kinda dull as a traditional Final Fantasy game. I’m more of a fan of XII and everything before XII. The combat during the boss fights was epic, but the environments, dialogue, and quests were a chore to get through.


It looks like a Final Fantasy, there are all the Final Fantasy tropes, but this isn't a Final Fantasy, it's an Action game, not a RPG. I continue because I'm curious of the story but I'm a bit sad that I paid 75$CAD for it. Someone told us that the demo was what the game has to offer and I think it's right. Not that I don't like flashy fights but I think you can wait for a deep deep sale if you are on the fence.
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