When? I need this ASAP
I deleted some inactive friends so have some slots open
If you want a Kefka with meteor and 297 MAG, add me.
It's okay if you pull 3* Golbez, right? You'll just have to do some work to get it up to 5* (6* eventually)?
Golbez does not have a 6stars upgrade, and they already did the FF4 upgrades, so it's not looking good.
But you can upgrade him to 5stars just fine.
Golbez does not have a 6stars upgrade, and they already did the FF4 upgrades, so it's not looking good.
But you can upgrade him to 5stars just fine.
Don't think anyone's brought this up yet.
People are discussing the three new characters that were datamined in a banner as the next released ones, but there was other data pushed as well (and then datamined) from the maintenance.
New Vortexes: Vortex Name Pics
WARNING: MAJOR SPOILERS for **significant** game story recap through Lanzelt Ruins.
Announcement Screens for the release ofboth Kolobos AND Dirnado Isles http://imgur.com/a/MOX28
Was rerolling again since i have nothing better to do right now.
I guess it's too late to farm mats now for cactuar event.
Okay, got the following characters (3* unless otherwise noted):
Celes (4*)
Golbez (4*)
Penelo dupe
Kefka (4*)
Golbez 4* dupe
Kefka 3* dupe
From what I've gathered:
Bartz, Celes, Rydia, Shantotto, Golbez, Kefka, and Krile are all great units.
Particularly Golbez and Bartz.
This was what I pulled during my very first summosn (the ones on the main facebook account I immediately linked to the game before I read not to do so.) No 5*s off the bat, but if the units can evolve into their 5/6* forms, it seems solid. Better than any of my reroll attempts by far, since the rerolls which have had a 5* have been terrible otherwise.
I think I might just stick with it
While Kolobos is certainly the next update in line, all of those have been in the game since day 0, or rather day -40![]()
What's really good in this game is that the rarity is irrelevant because you can all get them maxed out.
Your only "great" units are Kefka and Bartz, currently.
After countless rerolls to get Cecil + Exdeath + Chiz .. I still didnt get it.. but I got Cecil + Exdeath + Firion and Cecil + Exdeath + Terra
Which would be better in the long run?
Half these comments on the last 10 pages is straight rerolls. This is wild, killin my vibe
So Cactuar will be up in like 3 hours right ?
Sadly my evo material hunting didnt go so well....for some reason i didnt get a single Holy Crystal drop yesterday even though is used most of my stamina on running the INT Awakening material vortex...ouch.
Dont worry it will end soon since the 10 free summon tickets are only a thing until the 18th - so right now more people are rerolling than you will liekly ever see again heh.
I missed you it seems but if you ever free up a slot again or get more mine is 133,825,006I deleted some inactive friends so have some slots open
If you want a Kefka with meteor and 297 MAG, add me.
Removed a bunch inactive friend accounts, feel free to add me:
Running with 5* Vaan as leader most of the time.
Thats a nice account - congrats !!so yeah, that just happened:
Sabin (4*)
Rydia (4*)
Cloud of Darkness
Iam glad tix campaing it going to be over. Cactuars start in 2h23min from this post. Iam not running them, only units that might need levels are Golbez (4* 59lvl), Fina 5*, Rain 4*. Iam not in a hurry to level Golbez nor these Hero units that wont have TM at all.
"I want reroll account with Bartz, Vaan, Cecil, CoD, Kefka" all the Lapis unused".
"Offering account for trade 5x Clyne all Lapis used".
I deleted some inactive friends so have some slots open
If you want a Kefka with meteor and 297 MAG, add me.
Me too. Only had a single run that dropped just one Jumbo Gigantaur. Started this acc 3 days ago and now my Exdeath, Leo, Garland, Kefka and Fina are all 4* with Chizuru waiting on some more mats to go 5*. And it's only been 2.5h since the event started.Getting around 2 to 3 gigantaurs a run on 15 stamina dunes.
I thought I'd have this problem, but after using like 15 Gigantaurs and 6 awakenings it only added to about 10k gil. And I started with ~40k.I'm actually gunna run out of money before I run out of Awakening mats. xD
Half these comments on the last 10 pages is straight rerolls. This is wild, killin my vibe
someone should make a web based FF:BE reroll simulator for these poor souls
Yeah, I can already see myself spending next week farming for awakening mats. xD Already burned through all my Sacred Crystals and the event just began. xDWow, waiting on the energy is simply annoying during the cactuar event. My Chiruzu has gone from level 30 to 52 in just a couple of hours, but I have to wait on it to refill. Last run through advanced, picked up three gigantic ones...
I'm selling every stinking non-premium unit and stocking up on these things if I have to this weekend, especially if I come close to maxing out my units before the event is over. I mean holy shit you can raise levels fast with these things. Should have a maxed Chizuru or close by the end of the weekend
What ranks are you ppl? I really don't want to spend 100 lapis on 27 energy. Rank 17 woes. xD