I mean is there a reason we should be hording friend points at this time? Kind of a waste with the cactuar event I'm assuming?
Gil snappers suck bc Gil is easy to get so thats a waste. Cactuar with enhanced success is great tho so if u wanna do it go for it but alot of people are hoarding till after gil/cac so they can pull to get the good TM's like dragon/stone/aquan slayer and HP 10% etcI mean is there a reason we should be hording friend points at this time? Kind of a waste with the cactuar event I'm assuming?
You're tacky and I hate you
; ;
Don't worry, you'll get it someday with the rates up!
Like this for example :
When in the flying FUCK was that?!
When in the flying FUCK was that?!
If someones on this thread and doesn't know this, kindly hold this LSome tips to maximize energy for this Cactaur event. You can basically get 'free' energy from the daily quests.
3x Earth Shrine 1 for 3 Stam : 5 stam reward.
2x Earth Shrine Explore for 6 Stam : 10 stam reward.
Garland get some pretty good abilities at 6*, like +25% attack if equipped with a greatsword, another +25% attack with an helmet, a +20% attack and +20% HP passives, a strong AoE if combined with his last one, 4 materia slots and his limit increase the party's attack by 50%.
You can check those on the Reddit wiki.
Garland get some pretty good abilities at 6*, like +25% attack if equipped with a greatsword, another +25% attack with an helmet, a +20% attack and +20% HP passives, a strong AoE if combined with his last one, 4 materia slots and his limit increase the party's attack by 50%.
You can check those on the Reddit wiki.
Sounds great to me. Looks like he will get some great abilities and really happy to see the 4 ability slots. Looks like he jumped up a few spots on the JP rankings. He's ranked at #15, tied with Chizuru.
Also, I still have a few spots on my friends list if anyone wants to add me
950 590 448
Sharing a 5* max Garland. I also have Cecil, CoD and Vaan maxed if anyone would prefer I share one of them. I just share Garland since I don't see many people using him as a leader.
Garland's not too good right now in Global. Cecil and Vaan are more helpful.
I disagree, his Garland is ridiculously strong and can stomp any content you're able to bring him to. No need for Cecil's tanking or Vaan's support with Rudeboy's Garland in your group.
I disagree, his Garland is ridiculously strong and can stomp any content you're able to bring him to. No need for Cecil's tanking or Vaan's support with Rudeboy's Garland in your group.
Wow, this event makes me realize what a horrible nightmare it was to level in Brave Frontier in comparison. So refreshing.
Garland surpassed Bartz and Firion now at the Jap rankings. Same tier with Chizuru.
Warrior of Light placed above Cecil.
Holy shit, I just saw those WoL buffs. Well, I guess I'll aim for trying to get him next then. That 6* form has got to make him one of the best, if not the best full break unit now.
Any high levels add me please? Could use the help on my new account. Gifts every day
448 411 781
There is a few GAFer that stopped playing for more than 3 days, dunno if they rerolled or not.
My ID is in the spreadsheet so add me if you plan to play again.
For the lazies :
Thanks Valus, glad to hear he's been helpful. Yeah, that's another reason I've been keeping him my leader since I figure people would mostly look at the attack stat when choosing a friend for the current content. Creeping up on 290 attack I think right now. I'll probably keep Garland my leader until there's tougher content that you can actually bring a friend to. Though I guess Vaan is nice to have for those 2* Esper fights.
I play daily I want to add you but you're full. I have a lot of spots left and more frequent players would be great?
ID: 445,543,659
Hitting a wall in the 60's with Chizuru, even with lots of Cactuars. New strategy - get her to 64 for now, then level all my four stars to almost 5* status, then go back and max her out. Taking down the white dragon, and possibly Devil Chimera after this event.
That last 20 spots in 5* is simply brutal when it comes to leveling
Cleared off some inactives from my friends list and invited you.
I feel like I need to do some pulls soon, because I'm getting bored. I have every unit that I own maxed and ascended, and I'm really losing the desire to play by just grinding the same 3 levels for Hero Ring parts and magicite. I hope they start releasing new events soon.
I don't even want to think how bad it's going to be when I decide to start farming trust. 1 NRG per level is going to take forever to grind out all of my NRG.
Weird, it's showing 127/130 friends right now and I just accepted a new request, must be facebook bugging it, can you try again?
EDIT : currently removing my Facebook friends since the rewards don't work anyway, I'll try adding you after that.
EDIT 2 : Request sent, it was indeed the facebook friends bugging it.
Thanks! Accepted your request!
Also anyone know whats the best stage to farm at the dunes?
Thanks. With my main account, all my characters are maxed out as well. Unfortunately I don't have any redeeming heroes on that one and I'm lev 36 with all quests (minus the glitched one) and espers completed.I think I have 12,000 lapis saved up too.
My main/old account. Should I continue to play it?
My new one I made today.
Should I keep biggs or his twin?
Thanks. With my main account, all my characters are maxed out as well. Unfortunately I don't have any redeeming heroes on that one and I'm lev 36 with all quests (minus the glitched one) and espers completed.I think I have 12,000 lapis saved up too.
My main/old account. Should I continue to play it?
My new one I made today.
Should I keep biggs or his twin?
I mean where are you people getting Gil from lol all these enhancings cost a fortune!!
Am I the only one who thinks this would be a tremendous waste of time to start over...? you crazy