Used my 2 summon tickets that i had from daily rewards. Got a 4* Vaan and 4* Hayate. Not locke but i'll take it.
So, what is the thought about the crystal event, should i grind on INT or ADV?
Okay, so i did 30 pulls, i should notice that i get a lot of yellow crystals (like 9 i think)
If you have time, its better to do Phantom Forest Exploration, rather than ADV Vortex.
15nrg ADV Vortex gives at best 2 Megacites & 3 Magicites
8 nrg PFE Gives random amount of green Megacites & Magecites & Shards and other great stuff.
Okay, so i did 30 pulls, i should notice that i get a lot of yellow crystals (like 9 i think)
5 lockes (one of them 4star)
3 hayates (one of them 4 star)
7 artemios (WHAT THE FUCK GUMI)
1 cecil
1 bartz
1 chizuru (really WHAT THE FUCK GUMI LOL)
the rest was useless crap
i say the rates are pretty good, but most good for artemios (the bad unit of the batch) so you are warned.
Oh okay thanks for the heads up.
If the rate is not so great, then i'd rather focus level up my character.
He used his munnyHow? Lapis? Tickets?
How? Lapis? Tickets?
I swear this games drops are broken for me. Just did 4 pulls, got four Galuf, two of which were 4star... I already had three 4star Galufs, he's the only goddamn unit I've got that's over 3 stars. What the hell is going on here?
That's funny. I replaced my own Terra with Fina.
Several spells (Barfira, Barthundara) do.
My daily reward was a rare ticket. Used it expecting to get a character I didn't care for, and...
As soon as I level this babe out, I'm going to take it Europa.
I hate you....(and the other lucky buggers in the last two pages) you may have read that I spent over 55 tickets yesterday with no luck![]()
I hate you....(and the other lucky buggers in the last two pages) you may have read that I spent over 55 tickets yesterday with no luck![]()
I swear this games drops are broken for me. Just did 4 pulls, got four Galuf, two of which were 4star... I already had three 4star Galufs, he's the only goddamn unit I've got that's over 3 stars. What the hell is going on here?
Grats, more TM stuff to work on. Have you counted how many pulls you have done total in BE playing time?
Thanks Dragner and bonkeng...I need to have faith, pray to the RNGsus Gods and have patience! I'm sure the future brings more luck.
On a side note. How reliable is equipping using "Optimize"? I've stuck with that throughout the game really, seems to have equipped the right gear. I've not really tweaked what's equipped at all (apart from accessories of course).
Optimize is really only good for physical attackers. Since it only detects the highest atk weapon, and ignoring all other aspect.
For example, if you have an Ice Rod (atk +14, mag +26) and a Dagger (atk +16), using optimize on Kefka will auto-equip him with the Dagger since it has higher Atk. Which is not optimal at all since Kefka needs Mag rather than Atk.
On a side note. How reliable is equipping using "Optimize"? I've stuck with that throughout the game really, seems to have equipped the right gear. I've not really tweaked what's equipped at all (apart from accessories of course).
Optimize is really only good for physical attackers. Since it only detects the highest atk weapon, and ignoring all other aspect.
For example, if you have an Ice Rod (atk +14, mag +26) and a Dagger (atk +16), using optimize on Kefka will auto-equip him with the Dagger since it has higher Atk. Which is not optimal at all since Kefka needs Mag rather than Atk.
Got 2 four star Artemis, and ended up getting s 5 star Firion. Was hoping for Locke but I'll try again later this weekend.
My first 5 star unit though!!
Its its funny with this pulls. I never get what I want but I somehow always get something good anyways
So is the advance crystal run really worth it lol
So is the advance crystal run really worth it lol
So is the advance crystal run really worth it lol
Feel like progress slows to a crawl now that I have gotten near the end of the game. Being Rank 18 and only having 27 energy, I feel like I can do very little when I log on to play. Did you guys grind your Rank up or something so you have more energy?
Did two pulls, spent a ticket and 500 Lapis. Wanted Locke!
Ended up with 3* Kuja and 3* Locke!
Yay me!
Locke now joins his fellow brethren Vaan, and Zidane. #TeamTreasureHunter
Feel like progress slows to a crawl now that I have gotten near the end of the game. Being Rank 18 and only having 27 energy, I feel like I can do very little when I log on to play. Did you guys grind your Rank up or something so you have more energy?
I downloaded and installed it. Launched, started tutorial. I was like "Yes!" Then I saw it. The fucking energy bar. Felt disappointment. Uninstalled. I really fucking hate that mechanic and how many otherwise great games it's repelled me from.
I downloaded and installed it. Launched, started tutorial. I was like "Yes!" Then I saw it. The fucking energy bar. Felt disappointment. Uninstalled. I really fucking hate that mechanic and how many otherwise great games it's repelled me from.
Time efficient, yes.
Otherwise, Phantom Exploration yields better results.
I downloaded and installed it. Launched, started tutorial. I was like "Yes!" Then I saw it. The fucking energy bar. Felt disappointment. Uninstalled. I really fucking hate that mechanic and how many otherwise great games it's repelled me from.
Does it really? I did the vortex run and got crap outside of a black and orange crystal and two megacite. Is Phantom better overall?
Did two pulls this morning and got Locke and Artemios, so the rates can't be that bad to give up already.
I hate you all
At least I got Terra from my 11 pulls
To be fair all I have is Golbez/Shadow/Kefka outside of them, so I haven't had that great of luck lol
Have you already bind that account to Facebook? If not and you have just started, I suggest you reroll. See Reddit guide about reroll (Global part)
Outside of Golbez who is mediocre, those are really bad pulls.
Mizell is prolly your _first_ summon that is always friend point summon (white crystal) and fixed so that you get one FP unit.
Edit: Vivi is ok, but it caps 4* and thus not great.