is it worth spending all those star quartz for the most expensive item at the fat chocobo?
is it worth spending all those star quartz for the most expensive item at the fat chocobo?
You want to save them for Earring Accessory that give +3 DEF +20% MAG, cost 50 SQ and are sold in Colts Town (whatever that is in Global & what Island),
Ok just opened some spots
If any of you want a Max Locke friend for Farming Ill be your guy very soon
746 132 519
You need 50 NRG to clear the Marsh and 12 for exploration.
This is the game of waiting
I always thought the stamina creep was a bit interesting. I mean, 2 islands in and we're up to 11 stam a level? I mean damn.
What does JP max out at now?
Is the current banner worth spending my summon tickets on?
Phantom Forest collections nodes is your solution
That's crazy dude I'm sorry. I had at least 150 at one point, had to start selling them so just keep trying RNG will save u momentarilyWasted 50+ energy on it.
But I fina..
Nope. 1 dark megacryst. 1.
Facebook friends can bug your friend list, happened to me too.increased my friend slot limits and the bug still here..
cant add anyone but others can add me.
415 518 457 - Exdeath/Cecil/Kefka lead
Just started this game. And going through the story but not to the castle yet. Should I just be leveling my guys at the vortex or something? Not entirely sure what to do other than advance the story.
I got a white mage named Leah as my character. Is she like garbage tier? She dies all the time. Is there a way I can get a new one or how do I unlock new characters?Just advance the story as much as you can as that levels up both your characters and rank and nets you lapis to pull for stuff in the future or increase friends/material slots. It also opens up better grinding spots for farming items and exp and opens up quests that gives you access to better equipment.
If it is 99 then at least that is somewhat of an improvement. Previously, it was crashing if I had over either 35 or 45 gifts to receive (I can't remember the exact number).Receive All friend points still crashes BE. Send all worksThey havent fixed this, happens if you have over 99 gifts to get, claim it to under 99 and receive all works
I got a white mage named Leah as my character. Is she like garbage tier? She dies all the time. Is there a way I can get a new one or how do I unlock new characters?
Used up all 3 of my +30NRG from calendar logins. Made it to G Wharf. Running story is so whack with all this NRG loss
70 -> 80 is the real struggle.
Its crazy
This game has so many great ideas... I would pay for a full price game made with assets and RPG mechanics of this quality that WASNT F2Play
I hope they see the potential in making more true sprite based jrpgs on Mobile
If only the Mobile remakes of the other FF games looked this good.......
I probably should have posted this too. The offer expires in 15/16/17 days (there's another image with this bundle only having 15 days and there's probably more bundles as Rixa has stated) and there is a limit to how many you can buy. I would bet it's a buy once for each bundle so you could probably still buy all the bundles before the event ends.
I think the most for non-exploration/esper levels is 14. It goes up and down though. In the previous JP update, all of the stages were only 6-10 stamina per level.I always thought the stamina creep was a bit interesting. I mean, 2 islands in and we're up to 11 stam a level? I mean damn.
What does JP max out at now?
DrROB - you are full
Damn, I'm full now... thinking about kicking anyone more than 2 days at this point. Have 5 maxed Locke's on my list and another half dozen maxed Zidane's. Could use a few more![]()
I still have a few spots left.
950 590 448
It's great to have some new content again. Anyone else have some performance issues in that first area after the town? Must be all that rain and lighting making it chug.
I'll keep trying Rob, but you are still full
Yeah hold on. Im going to try something to fix it