When's Lightning.
I think farming for LB is the worse. Specially when you start farming at 5*. How the hell can we use LB THIRTY SIX THOUSAND times at 5* to max it?
Makes TM farming seems like a cake walk.
In JP they have LB boost items (that give like 200 or something to skill).
Hopefully it's not very hard to get.
I'm not going to awaken my Cecil. He will be stuck at 3* til i max his LB. As it gets exponentially higher everytime he awakens. Almost double the amount required![]()
3 ☆ Lv 1-10: 4500
4 ☆ Lv 11-15: +6500
5 ☆ Lv 16-20: +11250
6 ☆ Lv 21-25: +17250
Total: 39500 LB EXP
New announcement!
Imperil, Faith and Osmose seem like the for sure picks. And might as well take the MAG upgrades.Which skill should I get from Ramuh?
So quick note
Locke most definitely does not have 100% steal rate on his Limit Break in Global
I have missed a steal several times now. Is it bugged? Why is global so different from JP
I thought it had two effects based on the graphics. One was a standard steal ability, and then you also get a bonus loot chest guaranteed that flies into the air after using?
Mandatory weekly update.
After 3 weeks this is the situation.
Roughly 2% per day, boring as hell, trying to do everything else same time while clicking those buttons.
I missed about 130 nrg yesterday, had 52/56 nrg when maintenance started and then that 5h45mins lost nrg.
That 62% Shantotto was my 2nd gacha pull (4* btw). It had around 14.5% when I started. 3 Shants were in 0% and Cecil had 2.5%. One Shant is fast and everything else is either average or slow. About 3 weeks and few days to go, after that I wont grind farm TM.
I guess Iam little mad to do this, but not so mad that I would grind for Exceed Ring.
Reddit TLDR: It's easier to farm 5 separate TMs(without fusing units) than a single Exceed Ring.
Just holy fuck. I know its best accessory in JP but it seems you can be totally screwed by RNG while trying to get materials.
Need clarification about how you are asking this question (what is best, exactly?)...
Are you asking:
a) Best spot for most magicite/time?
b) Best spot for most magicite/energy?
c) Best spot for a specific color magicite?
In a general sense, I think you are asking about raw quantities? Phantom Forest still holds out as the best source for sheer quantities of magicite at 8 energy per run. The new explorations are too expensive in terms of energy costs to outdo the Forest, assuming you have the time to invest in Phantom runs.
Max him ASAP. Hyperdrive is like the best natural move in the game rnAfter getting dupes all week from the free summoning tickets I was going to save today's, but I said screw it and finally pulled a Kefka. Feels good to finally have a really good mage to use
You do know that LB has 20 levels? I just dont see the point to that kind of grinding.
Reddit LB Growth Cecil as example
You need to use Cecils LB whopping 39500 times and awaken Cecil too.
Code:3 ☆ Lv 1-10: 4500 4 ☆ Lv 11-15: +6500 5 ☆ Lv 16-20: +11250 6 ☆ Lv 21-25: +17250 Total: 39500 LB EXP
Going to finish up the new island first, but leveling him up will be the first thing I do after that. Have a few gigantuars left too so that should help. After using other people's Kefka I'm excited to final have him. He helped me get that 300,000 damage trophy.Max him ASAP. Hyperdrive is like the best natural move in the game rn
Oh no. U wasted lapiz bruh, 15d we getting a new bundle that gives magicite, a summon ticket and a key for 300lapiz. U can buy like 9 of them or something. Also, is there even anything worth getting in these chests atm (general question to all)?Finsihed out the new island's storyline & quests this morning. Picked up a 10 pack of silver chest keys and started crafting all the bar-ra spells while farming for more hero rings. I dunno about farming/crafting 33+ rings for a single super uber ring, but maybe. I mean it's a pretty OP ring. Perhaps in the future they'll do an event where some of the mats have a chance to drop or something.
That's like hitting the repeat button 2000 times. Times like these u gotta hit the botTime to hit that 10k ability trophy....
That's like hitting the repeat button 2000 times. Times like these u gotta hit the bot
New announcement!
I love how earlier the announcement was actually just a screenshot of a dev's phone, with his battery info and all at the top.
Rain gets full break.So I have read that Rain becomes super legit at 6* and that Laswell is the worst 6*.
Can anyone expand on that? What roles do they fill, i.e. is Rain DPS, Tank, Support, etc. Same for Laswell
This is farming for Ifrit. Most efficient energy usage. I noticed the Phantom Forest even beats the desert because it just straight up drops magicite more frequently.
Oh no. U wasted lapiz bruh, 15d we getting a new bundle that gives magicite, a summon ticket and a key for 300lapiz. U can buy like 9 of them or something. Also, is there even anything worth getting in these chests atm (general question to all)?
Mandatory weekly update.
After 3 weeks this is the situation.
Roughly 2% per day, boring as hell, trying to do everything else same time while clicking those buttons.
I missed about 130 nrg yesterday, had 52/56 nrg when maintenance started and then that 5h45mins lost nrg.
That 62% Shantotto was my 2nd gacha pull (4* btw). It had around 14.5% when I started. 3 Shants were in 0% and Cecil had 2.5%. One Shant is fast and everything else is either average or slow. About 3 weeks and few days to go, after that I wont grind farm TM.
I guess Iam little mad to do this, but not so mad that I would grind for Exceed Ring.
Reddit TLDR: It's easier to farm 5 separate TMs(without fusing units) than a single Exceed Ring.
Just holy fuck. I know its best accessory in JP but it seems you can be totally screwed by RNG while trying to get materials.
hahaha I am NOT going to grind any of this shit
You guys are crazy
Im just going to focus on the gameplay that comes naturally until the game isnt fun anymore
Sometimes I wish this game had an auto victory function like Earthbound when you run into weak enemies. Having to spam auto everytime you get into a battle gets pretty tiring quickly. It would certainly make the grinding more bearable if I didn't have to spent up to 30 mins in an exploration map.
Who has a higher base attack stay at 80, Bartz or Garland? Have to decide which to give murusame and Ifrit.
Who has a higher base attack stay at 80, Bartz or Garland? Have to decide which to give murusame and Ifrit.
Garland has higher attack, but Bartz has Barrage, so he will put out way more damage in the long term, even with lower stats.
Probably Garland. Bartz's only crutch is his base stats are mediocre for a 5* unit.
Mandatory weekly update.
After 3 weeks this is the situation.
Roughly 2% per day, boring as hell, trying to do everything else same time while clicking those buttons.
I missed about 130 nrg yesterday, had 52/56 nrg when maintenance started and then that 5h45mins lost nrg.
That 62% Shantotto was my 2nd gacha pull (4* btw). It had around 14.5% when I started. 3 Shants were in 0% and Cecil had 2.5%. One Shant is fast and everything else is either average or slow. About 3 weeks and few days to go, after that I wont grind farm TM.
I'm on the second reef level but can't help thinking I'm wasting energy when I could be doing EXP Void since I pretty recently awakened Rain and Fina and two of my other guys aren't maxed either. Is there any reason to focus on knocking out the story the rest of the way? Will there be another town to buy better equipment from? I'm guessing after the reef we go to the ruins and that will be it considering how small this island is. It's just that the energy cost for levels is absurd now. 13? WTF?