I completely suck at multiquoting, but I am going to give this a try.
I don't see the bundles you guys are talking about, except the ability one. Did they remove them?
Edit: ^good write up Lyrian, thanks for pulling that info. But you didn't answer our burning question...are you going to go for it?
I'm in it for one, not two. In all reality, I'm expecting Gumi to throw a monkey wrench in the works sometime soon to twist the knife. Didn't everyone expect Cactaur Dunes to be this weekend as we had Gil Snappers last weekend?
That said, I'm going nice and slow. Maybe two energy dumps per day, the remainder spent on usual farming. This doesn't have to be a race unless you want to it be one. If I'm falling behind pace late into the second week, I'll increase the rate at which I farm the event. Working on the quest more quickly when you have 60/80 hearts is a lot better for the psyche rather than burning out at 0/80 hearts. Everything else in the combine recipe doesn't matter.
TheChillyAcademic said:
I hear what you're saying Lyrian but as others have said, the +9 MAG is simply not enough to make a difference in any meaningful way outside RNG situations. Leveling espers is, in the end, a better use of time.
Of course people are going to complain; the mat requirements don't match the worth of the rod.
Valus said:
But Shouta confirmed that as long as we do events we are going to be rolling in magicite eventually so is it really worth grinding for them now?
Behold the definition of power creep.
Right now:
Megacrysts/Megacties: 2* Espers and Hero Rings are top-tier equipment. Complete pain in the ass to farm. Much time and energy need to be spent to acquire them.
MAG Rods: Gravity Rod at 35 MAG is the best rod in the game currently. Complete pain in the ass to farm. Much time and energy need to be spent to acquire them.
See a pattern?
In the Future:
Megacrysts/Megacties: Drop like candy from future events. Recipes that were brutal in the past are trivial to complete.
MAG Rods: Better rods exist through future event grinds. Equivalent rods are available through silver chest recipes with more common materials.
In the Far Future:
Megacrysts/Megacties: Players are drowning in them, as they are useless. Besides, all the current recipes require Ultracrysts/Ultracites, rendering the gear they make completely obsolete.
MAG Rods: The player can buy a better rod than the Gravity Rod from the vendor on the 11th island for some gil.
The definition of power creep says that players are going to work their ass off if they want the best equipment in the game at that given moment in time. If a player wants to wait it out, then yes, equivalent power equipment will be obtainable and future and better gear will become available with that same level of effort. In the long run, all equipment (perhaps with the exception of some TM accessories) becomes obsolete and useless.