I think they had banned people previously who were exploiting a glitch to get to the end of a random-path dungeon event in JP, would be wary about using glitches for trophies.
Could be me but I don't think they explained this well. I completed all of the demon vortex. I have the recipes...now where do I go to get the void vessels and demon heart's? Dalnakya plains or I just keep doing this vortex?
If vortex, which level is best for farming the items?
You craft Void Vessels and Demon Hearts are dropped in the INT and ADV vortex. The boss of ADV has a guaranteed drop and sometimes those thief enemies will show up and will drop them.
Got kicked outta your guild for inactivity, cool while it lasted. Which game do u prefer these days?
Seven or eight runs and only 3 demon hearts, not gonna waste all the energy, personal and in-game :E), to farm one single item. Had luck with one cutpurse, but those appear far to rarely.
I'm already at 10 hearts, and I did some TMs grind this afternoon. It's not so bad.
You do INT or advanced?
So, I'm coming up on the S-5 boss in the Colosseum. Any advice? Any items that nix confuse right now?
So, I'm coming up on the S-5 boss in the Colosseum. Any advice? Any items that nix confuse right now?
Depends if your top physical damage can one shot your healers/mages. I had to put it on Garland to prevent him from destroying my team. I would also recommend crafting a fire rod and give it to your Kefka (I think you have it unless someone else has a similar name) since he can't keep up Hyperdrive. Also you may want to bring 2 healers for this, he could bite and normal attack one character and almost one shot them (2 hits with Cheer + Power break still did 1.9k on my casters).What's your team?
Equip black choker on your healer.
Prolly like 2 months ago or so. U guys had a lux requiremebt and I was not keepin up at allWhen were you removed?
Prolly like 2 months ago or so. U guys had a lux requiremebt and I was not keepin up at all
Yo! But u never answered my question about which game u preferAh yes I do remember that
Well hello again under a new game ^^
How significant a skip was that?
Exploiting a glitch to get an achievement seems a really silly thing to ban for.
I don't play JP but I read about the ban on Reddit. The event was a random dungeon, I think there were multiple branches and you were locked into whichever branch you chose, with some branches not reaching the real end of the dungeon and you ended up with a lesser reward/energy wasted. The exploit was to quit out of the app from the first room, and you'd be teleported to the true end of the dungeon, basically breaking the event to always get the best rewards.
Seems pretty extreme to ban players for, especially considering it was such a simple exploit and didn't require any 3rd party apps. I'd be wary about exploiting any glitches/using macros for this game (especially for a trophy that's pretty easy to get anyway, just requires a pretty high level team + kefka with hyperdrive).
Going with Terra, Fina, Chizuru, Kefka, Garland. Thinking of subbing in Celes for Sealing Blade instead of Fina. However, think I need Cheer for this fight
I don't play JP but I read about the ban on Reddit. The event was a random dungeon, I think there were multiple branches and you were locked into whichever branch you chose, with some branches not reaching the real end of the dungeon and you ended up with a lesser reward/energy wasted. The exploit was to quit out of the app from the first room, and you'd be teleported to the true end of the dungeon, basically breaking the event to always get the best rewards.
Seems pretty extreme to ban players for, especially considering it was such a simple exploit and didn't require any 3rd party apps. I'd be wary about exploiting any glitches/using macros for this game (especially for a trophy that's pretty easy to get anyway, just requires a pretty high level team + kefka with hyperdrive).
The dungeon gives Awakening Materials + Jumbotenders/Big Gil Turtles. The 15 Stamina version gave you multiple chances to pick the right portal to enter. If you got the correct path the first time, you were given more Turtles and Jumbotenders. The end of the dungeon also gave you Star Quatz and Scream Root to make Magic Keys. People were quitting the program while in the dungeon when they picked the wrong exit which lead them to getting max rewards for every run.
The dungeon gives Awakening Materials + Jumbotenders/Big Gil Turtles. The 15 Stamina version gave you multiple chances to pick the right portal to enter. If you got the correct path the first time, you were given more Turtles and Jumbotenders. The end of the dungeon also gave you Star Quatz and Scream Root to make Magic Keys. People were quitting the program while in the dungeon when they picked the wrong exit which lead them to getting max rewards for every run.
Sidenote: So close to finishing colloseum. Im on INT S4 R1 atm. Is S-5 the hardest boss in the game? Cause now that I'm mostly max lvl, I can sweep Ramuh V2, Demon Chimera and White Dragon in 2-3 turns so I'm wondering if this'll be any different
Oh jeez, Reddit exploded. Looks like the Gravity Rod isn't in the JP version after checking it but it looks like they reused the Demon Dragon's heart graphic for the Demon heart in this?
Okay cool. I got Chiz and Bartz on barrage, Fina with Cheer and Kefka with hyperdrive. I also have an Artemios but he's only lvl 30 so ig I'll just try and paralyze then, thxI'd say yes.
If you can sweep the current trials that quickly, then you should be able to clear the Frost Dragon outside of bad RNG shenanigans with Confuse. Its one of those fights where the longer it goes, the more likely something unfortunate is going to happen to end a run. 260k health, no real defense. So, if you have 3 units that can output ~15k/round (barrage, hyperdrive, etc), you should be fine. Paralysis can buy you a few extra rounds as well, if your DPS isn't that high.
Reddit sanity seems to be finally somewhat re-establishing itself, after a day of outright chaos and dumpster fires there. Hopefully, this blows over in a few days.
One of the taglines for the event was that the rod was a Global exclusive. People are still somewhat jumping off a cliff because they are expecting event items to be equal in quality to trust master items. That is a bit much to ask for at this early stage of the game in Global.
I'm still doing a significant amount of single target damage with Light Shell (ignores defense). But yeah, these guys have a ton of defense.I feel like the ADV event vortex is almost a warning shot across the bow.
As if the devs are saying "Don't get used to casting and attacking for 10k+ every round. We can very easily make your top-tier attacks and spells do minimal damage."
Very strange to see godly skills like Hyperdrive and Barrage hit for mere mortal levels of damage.
Where's the best place to farm orange magicite?
Where's the best place to farm orange magicite?
Exviuswiki.com says the best place is Kolobos Reef/Exploration.
They have a tab called "Best place to farm":
Kolobos Marsh is the only place I've seen them drop.
Yup, event gave 100 Lapis and did get daily quest vortex part done. Nice eventYeah, people saying they are going to quit the game over this is a little much. The bundles do feel pretty scummy though. It feels like they are targeted at taking advantage of people who are new and don't know any better that none of them are even worth their cost. I don't think any whale would even bother to buy them since it's all stuff that would benefit new players and not someone with 10 TMs already.
The event doesn't bother me that much, but the time, energy, material cost just doesn't seem to be even close to what the reward is worth.
Definitely not going to stop or slow down how much I play since I still love the game. I just hope this isn't going to be the norm for the game.
Well June daily login rewards were exactly same than August. Game is fun, for mw the next 20ish days its auto tap grind in Earth Shrine .pGumi strikes again. Honestly, I'm surprised it took this long. I know, no one is forced to buy these bundles, but already seeing the decrease in our monthly log-in rewards doesn't inspire much confidence in me. :/
That being said, the game is still super fun, so I'll stick with it. I won't be supporting Gumi though, not a chance.
Depends what TM youre are grinding. For me its 4x30% MAG abilities that will be good as long as you can equip abilities. Also grinding one sword that can be victim of power creep. Tho +121 ATK greatsword should be usable for some time...Doesn't seem worth the hassle. I'm making good progress with my current plan. Rank 46, and my TM party about 1/4 of the way there. Getting the best of both worlds like this. I feel like primarily grinding TM is a waste of time, but it's a great secondary grind.
Reddit sanity seems to be finally somewhat re-establishing itself, after a day of outright chaos and dumpster fires there. Hopefully, this blows over in a few days.
One of the taglines for the event was that the rod was a Global exclusive. People are still somewhat jumping off a cliff because they are expecting event items to be equal in quality to trust master items. That is a bit much to ask for at this early stage of the game in Global.
I wouldnt be surprised if Global dont get DQ event at alk, but gets some stupid Global event where Lotto sword is replaced with "Empty lottery ticket sword"...Yeah, event rewards that get close to TM rewards won't happen for a few events. Too bad folks can't wait. =P
Then there's the Loto Sword....
As I said earlier. There are much better ways to grind your nrg than this event. One doesnt need that rod in current game. When one would need it, rod will be rotting in inventory, thanks to power creep.This event is too grindy.
*resumes grinding magicite, Hero Ring materials, TM, LBs and XP.
Cactuar Island coming back... just in time, needed this.