A day or so ago I finally turned my attention to knocking out all the sidequests I had piled up and I'm now down to the last one I have. This one requires collecting 8 white magicites. Is Fulan Pass really the only place to get them? I've had two runs without getting a single one... This looks like it's going to be brutal and I know the reward will be shit because they almost always are ha I wish I did the one for the fire rod recipe sooner though, just finished creating it and going to equip that bad boy on Kefka. I'll give ExDeath the Ice one when I get it in the Colosseum which I just looked up and I'm on that level right now

Just need a few more battles I think to get to the boss for it.
I also finally grabbed Golem, he didn't get a single turn due to how late I snagged him haha Need to get Shiva now. I looked it up and turns out I shouldn't have left Wolfgang after killing that boss. I figured whatever stirred wouldn't be worth looking for since I was in a hurry at the time. Whoops! Once I get Shiva I'll have an esper on everyone, just need to level them up. What order should I prioritize them? I started with Ifrit and figure I should finish him first for Raging Fist but who after that? Ramuh?
Can't wait for the cactuar event, been sitting on Vaan at max 4 star level for a while so I can keep progressing in the Colosseum and plan on blasting his level up quickly when I load up on gigantuars. Probably will focus on finishing off Kefka first though but he's already in the 70's so hopefully shouldn't take much. Oh, FINALLY learned Cheer with Fina too so looking forward to trying that on the next strong boss. Didn't have it for Europa but didn't think Europa was that hard anyway. Just needed barathundara. Although I'm already eyeing Fina's replacement with the banner this weekend ;p