Wow Yogg, that is awesome. I don't think you will need to throw Lapis down though. Finally a banner to pull on tomorrow. I have eight or so summon tickets and 12K lapis to burn at this time. I'll throw some down, but I also need to save up for the FFIX banner as well. I figure one of the tanks will come to me eventually. If not, I will struggle through with what I have and can get over time.
Also, when Cecil gets his 6* I should have a pretty good chance of pulling him.. He's a base 3*. However, I really, really want WoL. Please RNG Gods! Wow, I wasn't going to run HR stuff today, but I did my two explorations for the dailies and pulled 4 Ice Megacrysts. Then I ran some more to see if the luck was still there and got 2 more... May run the Desert a few times this afternoon as well since I am more than halfway to another HR.
I'll have a better idea in the next few weeks what my TMR priorities are. Hopefully I have WoL, Lenna, Tellah, and Zidane in my account at that time. Best case scenario.
Also, when Cecil gets his 6* I should have a pretty good chance of pulling him.. He's a base 3*. However, I really, really want WoL. Please RNG Gods! Wow, I wasn't going to run HR stuff today, but I did my two explorations for the dailies and pulled 4 Ice Megacrysts. Then I ran some more to see if the luck was still there and got 2 more... May run the Desert a few times this afternoon as well since I am more than halfway to another HR.
I'll have a better idea in the next few weeks what my TMR priorities are. Hopefully I have WoL, Lenna, Tellah, and Zidane in my account at that time. Best case scenario.