Pull 1, 3* Penelo, pull 2 4* Krille...pull 3...
If you insist...
I'd like Lenna but I'm thinking I should quit while I'm ahead.
Nothing good so far from re-rolling at the start of the game, best I got in the last hour is a 4 star kain...
are you sure?
star doesn't guarantee the quality.
3 star Bartz, or Vaan is definitely more desirable than 5 star Hayate or something like that.
always use this guide to determine the value of character.
Well I got...
no Chiz or WoL
Well I got...
no Chiz or WoL
Current party is Rain, Kain, Lasswell, Kefka, Terra (I have Luna too).
Well, my future party will probably be composed of CoD, Exdeath, Celes, Lenna and Tellah. I may swap CoD out for another magic attacker (Golbez? My another Tellah?) in order to make good use of Celes' Focus ability. Overall, I am quite happy. Once everyone is leveled up, I guess I will try my luck again against the Chimera (with everyone equiped with the spell which inflicts dark damage, since I don't really have any other options against it).
Yeah, this roll played with my mind. I got a ton of four stars, but none were WoL
my current team is Leo, Chizuru, Garland, Kefka, Fina
got Lenna, so Fina is out
also got bartz, who should i change, Leo or Garland?
and my new Terra i think is quite useless at this point
Wilstreak I got carried awayI just did three more:
I should stop3k lapis left.
Well, my future party will probably be composed of CoD, Exdeath, Celes, Lenna and Tellah. I may swap CoD out for another magic attacker (Golbez? My another Tellah?) in order to make good use of Celes' Focus ability. Overall, I am quite happy. Once everyone is leveled up, I guess I will try my luck again against the Chimera (with everyone equiped with the spell which inflicts dark damage, since I don't really have any other options against it).
I will definitely be rolling for Leanna again.
Reading up on the other characters, Artemios doesn't seem like a bad character for me. Yes, they do not have the 6*, but he has Paralysis, Barrage, and AOE. Basically, I've been needing another actual damage dealer. This is a good replacement.
So now it looks like my team will be.
Cecil, Bartz, Artemios, Kefka, Finn.
Lenna should be easy to pull.. Change Fina with her and you'll have a good team.
Two of my five pulls:
So, let's try my luck...
3* Russel.
3* Exdeath
3* Galuf
3* Clyne
5* Cloud of Darkness
3* Vivi
3* Clyne
3* Vivi
3* Edgar
3* Tellah
3* Rydia
3* Tellah
3* Lenna
No Warrior of Light. Screw this game.
WHAT IS GOING ON?! How in the sevel hells did I pull 2 top tier units off banner?!
Granted, the rest is bad, and I have only 4 tickets left. Oh well.
4* Tellah, and 4* Bartz... I might quit now. I really want WoL, but I've drawn five orange crystals in six pulls, and he still hasn't shown up
F- YEAH - did 3 more pulls.
Warrior of Light, Fran (lol), Lenna
Finally some luck in :-D
11 Pulls:
1x Bartz
2x Terra
2x Tellah
1x Lenna
The others are trash
6 pulls:
1. Penelo (fuck you)
2. Gold..... Shadow (got my hopes up, then down in 1 second)
3. Celes (meh)
4. Bartz (Great)
5. Tellah (Good i guess)
6. Galuf (good)
Wanted Bartz so bad because he helps in LB farming Cecil tremendously, specially with Galuf and Fina.
I'm quite satisfied.
Congrats Azuran and Sasuke![]()
Oh well, no WoL, but I pulled two Bartz, Tellah, and Firion. Not a total waste
I have no luck in these games 35 pulls and no WoL
I did manage to get some top tiers though: Vaan, Bartz and a Cecil.
If rates are this bad for a base 4* I'm not even going to try on the future base 5* units.
There is your Cecil wannabe. Now wait for Cecil banner.
GratsI had enough cactuars to get my Lenna to 5* but now Iam out of them. Time to wait next FP event.
Just for the kick, what the hell, lets summon those rest 3 tix.
3rd: 2nd Lenna
4th: Shadow (is this the sign).
5th. No WoL but wtf
This game keeps delivering top tier units to me. Lenna is actually my first Dupe of top tier units...
Pull 1, 3* Penelo, pull 2 4* Krille...pull 3...
If you insist...
I'd like Lenna but I'm thinking I should quit while I'm ahead.
Congrats you guys.Might as well post mine.
3 pulls, Krile (3*), Sabin (3*), WoL (4*).
I desperately needed something to start replacing my story party members with (Rain especially) so this really helps.
I still have 5.5k lapis saved so I might try a few more times tomorrow for Lenna. Hopefully the next banner has some physical DPS on it because I had no luck with Chizuru.
I would keep Cloud of Darkness no matter what. There's no way Golbez or Tellah come even close to her damage output once she finally learns Barrage.
You will not tempt me, sir!Well, if you want Bartz you should summonI'm just happy I pulled Vaan since I couldn't get WoL. He'll do for now
Ah well, no luck this time (used up more lapis and nothing good) so much for a "Major Boost" haha. Think ill carry on with what i have and go back to the events until the next banner.
I feel like we are all just going to be running Cacatur dunes this weekend. LOL.
Not meGot a mission to do...
Mandatory weekly update, after 4 weeks, 29th day has just started.
So just going to give Kefka 4 30% Magic and use Hyper Drive? LOL
He is still 3* tho. Plan is to have Exdeath on stereoids
. Excalibur goes to Firion.
This is huge boost tho. Not sure which one is better.
What did you get?
5 pulls.
2x Galuf
1x Warrior of Light
1x Lenna
1x Artermios
Think I'm done and didnt use any lapis!
I didnt even note them down as they were pretty poor and ones i already had.
But, i caved in guys, i just spent £40 to get 11 tickets and use a few lapis. Still no Chiz, WoL or Vaan (was after either of those 3 as im missing a really big physical hitter in my party). MUST stop now, damn game.
So going with Rain, Kain, Lasswell, Terra, Kefka still.
But i got Firon and Tellah today, not sure how much more effective Tellah will be if i replace him with Terra. I'll possibly change Kain or Lasswell with Firon but not sure which.