Congrats dude, you deserved it x)
Kefka should get a 6*
Congrats dude, you deserved it x)
I still have more exdeath than you!
Now I'm tempted to do that Gravity rod, cuz I have ton of mage now.
Really happy for you, I know how it feels :')
Do we think the summer chest bundle event will be up at the same time as this banner?
I knew if I believed!! ; ;
Cactuars!Man, the worse thing about pulling 3 new units is leveling all of these things!
Yep, that's what I will be doing. I work all weekend, so luckily you can auto through it. I'll just pull my phone out every hour or so and doing a couple of ADV cacutars.Cactuars!
Exdeath, 3 Tellahs and 2 Lennas
And yeah it looks like quite a few people are getting WoL, thats awesome!
Gz dude. No more AJAKEJWKSBDJAJS for you^^.
Yay! Good for you man! The struggle was real lol.
Reading the reddit pull thread is bad for my brain!
Making me want to pull more
Bought the 11 tix cause why not. 3 more pulls got Lenna...yay! Also got a 2nd Leo and Tellah so okay sure.
Bought 11 ticket Summon Ticket bundle for 5k lapis, ready to pull for some new units today.
Was expecting to get a Lenna, which would be nice.
First pull: 4 star Warrior of Light.
I'M OUT. No more tickets today, pack it up.
Ive already spent around 30 tickets and no WoL/Chiz so trying to hold off. Now torn between Cactuars or Demon Hearts.
You lucky fuckers!
I have 4 tickets and trying to decide how badly i need a tank like WOL
Odds are very against me lol
Bought 11 ticket Summon Ticket bundle for 5k lapis, ready to pull for some new units today.
Was expecting to get a Lenna, which would be nice.
First pull: 4 star Warrior of Light.
I'M OUT. No more tickets today, pack it up.
Two pulls:
3* Fran
3* Edgar
I'm sitting on 4550 lapis though. Should I wait and hope for the 300 lapis bundles?
yeah I would
At least until the last day of the banner. Otherwise build up to 5k Lapis for the 11 tickets and burn away
Well that's the thing - the 5000 lapis bundle expires in 6 days.
Damn man... tough call. How deficient is your team and whats you emotional attachment to the current banner units
Those considerations should make the decision easier lol
Main party is Fina, Rain, Cyan, Krile, and Bartz. Bartz is pretty much the only top tier unit I have, unless you count the Terra and Golbez I have in reserve.
Yeah, I was hoping for WoL to fill as a tank.Well WOL would fill your tank/breaker roll but its the rarest pull and it looks like you really just need a physical attacker and maybe even a stronger Nuke character.
I would also Max Terra for Utility and Golbez... Hes good support when maxed. Just needs gear and a good esper to push him where he needs to be
No WoL love for me in 13 summons. But I did get Vaan, Tellah, and Lenna. Was also hoping for a Leo, but eh.
Even Shadow? Shall he finally be redeemed?I love that they gave Leo his trademark ability as his limit and it looks fucking cool to boot
I want him so bad
They better 6* the entire FF6 cast
Even Shadow? Shall he finally be redeemed?
You lucky fuckers!
I have 4 tickets and trying to decide how badly i need a tank like WOL
Odds are very against me lol
I would say it seems like most people are getting some luck with decent units. All three current are fairly strong and each is still ranked 85+/100 in the JPN charts. Lots of Bartz, Cecils, and ExDeaths too it seems.
Taking a look at future releases and such. Since Lapis will be drying up very quick.
Doing the dailies each month will result in 3 pulls, month login in will probably 1 to 3 each month, and I'm sure they'll do a freebie here and there. So I imagine a good 5 to 6 tickets a month. Unless they put in dailies as mentioned, where you can double it.
Excluding the trophies you will eventually get if you keep playing and new Island content(Seems to be about 1k lapis for completion).
So yeah, it's going to be a test of patience from now on if you want to stay F2P.
I would also highly advise people to not spend money if you're aiming for one unit. Just take it as it comes. Looking at reddit, with the boost, WoL has a 2% chance of appearing. 5* will most likely be 1% or under.
Main party is Fina, Rain, Cyan, Krile, and Bartz. Bartz is pretty much the only top tier unit I have, unless you count the Terra and Golbez I have in reserve.
Till I got Kefka, you had the same exact party I did, except I didn't even have Cyan. I had Shanotto as my mage. I just had to make sure I prepped for the bosses really. Since I could equip Edgar with resistance skills.
As of right now, I'm up to A-5 Int Colossum, and have cleared both Trail bosses. I managed to do both of them with only Fina as my healer too.
I would say wait.
The difference between the 5000laps and possibly 300lapis summons is way too big. And the worst thing is, if you are wrong. You're only out 500lapis. If you're right, you save 2200lapis, on top of getting a bunch of keys, phoenix downs, and magcities.
Okay here are the results from even more pulls!
Leena (didn''t get her earlier so that was good!!)
Now what is interesting is that earlier today with my pulls i did not get Leena even once! Now quite a lot of her. I wonder if it has an effect of when you pull or how often at a time lol.
You're probably right. And my party isn't bad. I just cleared INT S-4 this morning.Till I got Kefka, you had the same exact party I did, except I didn't even have Cyan. I had Shanotto as my mage. I just had to make sure I prepped for the bosses really. Since I could equip Edgar with resistance skills.
As of right now, I'm up to A-5 Int Colossum, and have cleared both Trail bosses. I managed to do both of them with only Fina as my healer too.
I would say wait.
The difference between the 5000laps and possibly 300lapis summons is way too big. And the worst thing is, if you are wrong. You're only out 500lapis. If you're right, you save 2200lapis, on top of getting a bunch of keys, phoenix downs, and magcities.