Chilly I didn't get WoL ... but I pulled 2 Bartz, Krile, Tellah, Firion, and Vaan with 11 pulls (all four star funny enough). I stopped with Vaan on the last pull, even though I wanted to keep going. Seriously, with as many gold crystals as I had and no WoL, it wasn't going to happen today. I'm going to make do, and hope for some good units down the road - still have 9K lapis
I can crush most available content with Chiz, Bartz, Tellah, Vaan, and Kefka for now, but the lack of a tank is concerning. I'm going to lose badly at PvP when it comes out.
Eventually I will be extremely DPS heavy when six stars hit because of Chiz, 2 Bartz, Garland, and Firion in reserve... and I have to get a tank eventually. Also, will spend a few pulls on FFIX banner in a few weeks just because its FFIX.
My team will be in flux until I find the right mix, and I should still be able to get new units down the road so the game stays fresh. I'll be running cactuars and leveling units for quite awhile, though I seriously have too many awakening materials still.
Well I am weak, and bought the $49 package to get 11 more tries. Got 3 gold crystals, which ended up being Krile, Penelo, and Shadow -_-
1 ticket remaining, already in "pissed off for spending money" mode based on my pulls, hit the button, blue crystal ---- Fuck!
Turns out it's a 3* Vaan. Not WoL but he has full break, so I'm golden.
Was it worth the money in the end? Nope. Doesn't matter though, now I don't "need" any particular unit and I can just go for the ones I'd like. And I'm pretty sure I have time to build up lapis before the Secret of Mana crossover (if we even get it).
Man do I have some shit to level up and ascend now though.
Yeah, been reading up on the six stars, and Firion will basically have a passive for everything in the game. Chizuru gets even MORE boosted attack at 6* level - as if she didn't have enough already. Bartz gets a major boost to his lackluster stats and some sweet AoE, and Garland could double as a tank with all that HP he ends up with - so I'm decently set up for a bit... Still will pull for the units I want though in the future, including a 6* tank unit of some sort
And Vaan is an amazing unit for now, even though not future-proof... yet. Happy for you that you finally pulled ExDeath. He's OP before six-star status. He'll be REALLY OP then - holy crap on what he gets. Best unit in the game that isn't a base 5*
Yeah Firion is a freak and hella strong; anyone know where we can view 6* info, like for Ex-Death ?
Definitely bringing Raise into the PvP arena, since CoD gets +75% versus Human units as a 6*. Need to be able to one-shot her before she tears your team to shreds. She's undead if I remember correctly.
Definitely bringing Raise into the PvP arena, since CoD gets +75% versus Human units as a 6*. Need to be able to one-shot her before she tears your team to shreds. She's undead if I remember correctly.
DrRob - that is awesome! I'm tempted to pull some more, but I'm going to hold strong for now. Cecil will get a rate-up down the road.
Haha, that's awesome. Congrats! It was a long-time coming, I hope you enjoy him.OMFG OMFG OMFG OMFG OMFG OMFG
Does it feel like the cactuar drop rate got nerfed this event? I'm not getting quite as many this time it feels like![]()
Whay, first post for a 3 year lurker of the forums!
Does it feel like the cactuar drop rate got nerfed this event? I'm not getting quite as many this time it feels like![]()
there's this thing where you get Magicite (currency) over a days time up to 100 and you get a notifcation on your phone when it's full.
Just got a triple big cactuar run. It's anecdotal in both cases, so I'll go with the usual answer: nothing was nerfed.
But that can't go over 2000 and job summons are 3000. It also disappears after 14 days if not used. It feels terrible to me.
Just got a triple big cactuar run. It's anecdotal in both cases, so I'll go with the usual answer: nothing was nerfed.
Been lurking around and seeing you struggle with this, but now I can congratulate you! Grats on getting Exdeath!
Which unit will be your next bane though?
Haha, that's awesome. Congrats! It was a long-time coming, I hope you enjoy him.![]()
Welcome to the thread Grezak. Post your friend ID so we can add you.
They actually changed that today. The magicite you get through that is now permanent. I think it works out that you will be able to buy the Mobius box for free every month now.
So glad I rerolled when I had the chance or I'd be so mad with this game. F2P and still going strong, got 7K lapiz and 12 tix still.but I really want a new event. Shits boring atm
Speaking of boring, you can always try TM farming.
And if something is boring, it's that. Thank god for Nox, only sensible way to farm TM's atm.
Still so far away from DW![]()
Man those last pages...RNG is nuts in this game - but it seems if you are at least willing to drop like 5 tickets you will get at least one of the featured units. Last Gacha i tried for Artemois...ended up using 4 tickets not getting a single of the featured ones...must have had bad luck, because on the Kefka/Chiz Gacha it was also possible to get at least one of the featured units in under 5 pulls.
But overall the pulls seem to be solid this time....seeing way more WoL than Chiz on day 1.
Damn those are some pretty damn good TMs.
Should be 2 decent melee units covered with those, first the blades were going for Bartz but todays pulls changed that. Gung+Doublehand still going to Vaan or 3rd melee dps instead of Kefka depending on boss/trial.
If we get a Zidane boost I might try for another DW since we can't stack buffs. I've no idea what to farm after these. Chiz+Cecil+2-3 Zidanes might be ideal (IF we get a decent rateup for Zidane, no chance otherwise).
Ah well, atleast I can farm TM during workdays <.<
Yeah hoping the Zidane boost is 3 stars above and not 4 stars.... I think it most likely going to be 4 stars. The only Zidane I got so far was a straight up 5 star.
I'm genuinely happy for you. You've been wanting Exdeath for a while now, so it's nice to see you finally get him (and at a base 5* form nonetheless, I had to level mine from 3* :/).He was a 5* so I didn't do much leveling lol His maxed now so I'm stoked! Working at maxing Lenna atm.
Given that I have Cecil, for the moment my eyes are only towards WoL and Chizuru perhaps?
Wouldn't mind a Vaan for full break?
I've been fortunate with pulls and Ex-Death is the perfect partner for Kefka...EXCITE
O_O!This is insane. I did 5 more pulls:
Luna (third one, yay TM!)
Bartz (didn't have one)
Cecil (didn't have one)
WoL (omgomgomg)
I'm so happy right now!
edit: for reference I had 4 pulls before with Lenna, Tellahx2, and Shadow. Reaaally happy with how today went!
One can always hope that we can get 3 star rate boost since we can't stack skills like JPN.
So far my only 5 star was also Zidane. Atleast it wasn't Gilbert <.<
Kinda shame that DW is so required on later content. Forces you to farm DW items/Characters. Ah well, shouldn't be a worry for global for a 4-6 months though.
I don't see why they wouldn't boost the 3* either. I feel like there are more benefits towards for Gumi to do so.
Once people have it, they'll grind. They can also start to sell Trust moogles for a pretty penny. People will be less likely to leave then if they have something long term like that.
Thank you!
My friend ID is 348,992,659
Kicked a few passive friends so I have open slots again for GAF!
Welcome to being a non-lurker to GAF (from a previous long-term lurker myself)!
Cleared some spots and sent an invite. Grats on making rank 44 already.
Quite true. That would indeed tie people to the game for a while.
But seeing how shameful the bundles have been for this banner, I wouldn't put anything past Gumi <.<
Welcome to being a non-lurker to GAF (from a previous long-term lurker myself)!
Cleared some spots and sent an invite. Grats on making rank 44 already.
Whay, first post for a 3 year lurker of the forums!
Went into whatever mode and bought another pack. First pull Kuja. Decent atleast. Ooh a 4 star...Chizuru! Maybe my luck is turning around! Meh, another 3 star... CoD![]()
Started pulling more and on the final ticket I got 3 star Garland.
Had mixed feelings at that point. I just wanted a damn tank, not all these DPSes... Of course I was also glad that I had a lot of future proof units in the bank.
Decided to go for 1 more pack... Tellah, Tellah, Shantotto. Yeah, clearly a bad idea.
5th pull, yet another 3 star incoming.. CECIL!
Finally I can stop wasting money on idiotic stuff!
Until Goddess Lightning-sama comes out....
Moral of the story, don't waste your money if you want to save your sanity.
Oh and cheers for the community around GAF!
This site has saved boring days at work/school countless times, and as per GAF tradition, I nowadays spend more time reading GAF than actually playing games <.<