WHy would you ever run Dunes INT?
I meant ADV lol. Sorry.
WHy would you ever run Dunes INT?
It seems so, I guess the dunes too.
Only got 1/2 Gigantuars in INT
Dunes rate has definitely dropped. We get green cactaurs now. I don't even remember seeing green cactaurs last time.
I got green last event, but not as much as this one.
Haven't gotten 3 gigantuars in a single run so far. And it was like 7/10 last time.
Reading the subreddit and this thread is making me realize how lucky I was pulling WoL in just 5 pulls.It's so crazy that I'm seeing people that have tried over 50 times with no sucess. Sometimes I really understimate how rare these units actually are.
He's level 60 now so it won't be long before I share him with all of my friends. Might as well show him off to others for a while.
Reading the subreddit and this thread is making me realize how lucky I was pulling WoL in just 5 pulls.It's so crazy that I'm seeing people that have tried over 50 times with no sucess. Sometimes I really understimate how rare these units actually are.
He's level 60 now so it won't be long before I share him with all of my friends. Might as well show him off to others for a while.
the rate of getting a 4star base unit is 2% with rate up. I get my chizuru in the sixth pull, and now i get my WoL in the 30th pull, so is just a luck thing.
Luckily, i dont need garnet at all and her TM sucks, so i wont pull for her at all in the next batch
Did they change the drop rate for Sacred Crystals in Awakening INT?!
I've done about ten runs now and only got one crystal... Never happened before. I can't even remember the last time I didn't get at least one.
You could go to the low level forest (the boss with 3 adds) and use Exdeath with Imperil + firaga. If you really want to use Kefka, I'd say find with fira rod and do the same thing or go to the catacomb and use thundaga on the boss. I'll put mine up for a day or so.
Kefka is a safe bet.
I managed to hit Belmodar for 600k+ with Imperil, Focus and Hyperdrive.
Yeah sadly the Metal Cactuar drop rate is way worse compared to the first time we got the stage - but its still the best option. I was hoping to max lvl my Kefka but now i will be glad to get him high enough on 4* so he learns his -ga spells.
Okay thanks - good to know there is another alternative because i have a bunch of OP Ex-Death friends. As long as its possible without Access to focus i should be fine.
Damn...i need to give it a shot - dont have Focus but the rest could be still enough for +300k dmg with a high mag Kefka friend.
Sasuke, want me to share out Kefka? He has 252 magic and easily got the 300K - I did so
You do't need Kefka
I did it with 2 exdeath, fina, chizuru, rain and laswell limit bursts
Did so - maybe I will leave him up for a bit. It's Megan if you don't remember
Went yolo on both my accounts and got all trash except one.
Was a gold crystal and I was meh. Click and it turned rainbow. Started to get excited hoping for WoL, but alas it was Chizzy.
One good pull out of 17 tickets this time for my SL account. Considering that Kefka was the best pull on that account, Chizzy is a good start. Hopefully I can pull another top tier character in the future.
Hey, I love chizzy. My sl account is full of trash where I am still using fina, laswell and rain. My gl account otoh already has chizzy. 😬And on the other side it's weird to see so many people unhappy about drawing Chizuru while trying to get WoL, when for the last 2 weeks I've been trying to get Chiz, with no luck.
Hey, I love chizzy. My sl account is full of trash where I am still using fina, laswell and rain. My gl account otoh already has chizzy. 😬
On one side I'm so happy to have been lucky enough to get WoL in so few pulls, especially when I'm reading other posts from people who try really hard to get him with no luck.
And on the other side it's weird to see so many people unhappy about drawing Chizuru while trying to get WoL, when for the last 2 weeks I've been trying to get Chiz, with no luck.
I guess this all evens up somewhere in the distance. RNG really is a bitch (pardon my french).
I'm also seeing a scary amount of people who will invest more money into many more pulls than initially planned, mainly because of seeing other's success stories, unit ratings, more happy screenshots, discussions about full break, discussions about future proofing, etc...
Of course everybody is free to spend his cash as he sees fit, but I suspect the "banner hype" has already made many victims.
Gumi must be having a killer weekend. We'll deserve some mighty-fine bundles after thatAnd I can't even imagine the craze of the pulls once Lightning is up for grabs.
the thing about the lightning batch is that we also get there Ryudomira, a crucial unit in the metagame, because her TM is dualcast, a must have TM in every white mage (i would say black mage but almost all top tier mages have W-Magic innate, and i can bet Kefka 6star will have it too). Dualcast TM is almost a must for quality survival. So in the lightning batch, i will pull most for ryudomira than lightning.
Is this optimized for a tablet screen? I rarely play mobile games, and if I do it's almost always on a tablet.
Do I NEED to link to a social media account to play? Or is it just bonus stuff? Can I play the game normally without linking?
I don't want to spend money on units or anything. But I'd pay for Sacred Crystals I think. Lol
I don't want to spend money on units or anything. But I'd pay for Sacred Crystals I think. Lol
Oh yea, but i don't wanna do that! Lol. I gotta get hero rings!After grinding int mat for two days, I was able to accumulate about 45 sacred crystals and 15 holy crystals. Spend all your energy on it for a few days and you should have more than enough.
I don't want to spend money on units or anything. But I'd pay for Sacred Crystals I think. Lol
Those GAFers who aint at my friendlist, I purged idle players and have few (11) slots free:
Feel free to send fr.
Considering, last maintenance there was bundle pic where price was 6,99$ and it had 7 Sacred Crystals.
Would you rather buy:
a) That bundle and 7 SC
b) 700 Lapis which is a lot of runs in INT awaken Vortex
About WoL / Chizzy:
Chizzy banner I hoped for Kefka. I made total of 17 pulls and I got Golbez, Exdeath and 40mins before banner Ended Kefka when I was ready to do 2 Lapis pulls but I needed one. I wasnt aiming for Chizzy.
I have Cecil so nor urgent need for WoL thus:
WoL banner I hoped for Lenna and I had only 5 tix to pull, thats not a lot and it could been Clyneshow. I pulled Tellah, Lenna (whoa), decided to end there. Well I still had 3 tix and after 20mins or so made 3 yolos, Lenna, Shadow, Chizzy (wtf).
Iam trying to get my Exdeath even more futureproof, DC Meteor boom boom pow.
Those GAFers who aint at my friendlist, I purged idle players and have few (11) slots free:
Feel free to send fr.
I was jumping on the subject after reading your post (and many other Chiz-pull on current banner), and then I rambled on, but I was not specifically targetting you! Sorry about that!
yeah, somehow have been running full non stop in awakening Vortex INT 8 times and not getting 1 sacred crystal drop. It is frustating.
So let me get some expert opinions. Is this team pretty good for the future?
Warrior of Light, Lasswell, Artemios, Kefka, Lenna
I'm not really obsessed over getting certain chars, unless Tidus and Auruon get released, so I'd like to settle in with a group of chars and slow down my playtime a bit.
So let me get some expert opinions. Is this team pretty good for the future?
Warrior of Light, Lasswell, Artemios, Kefka, Lenna
I'm not really obsessed over getting certain chars, unless Tidus and Auruon get released, so I'd like to settle in with a group of chars and slow down my playtime a bit.
How long it takes you to reach 80%?
Like you just do the entrance all day?
Wanna give it a chance.
Like current content as in what is out in Japan? I'd just like to know i can get a couple months with these chars basically.Future? Like an upgrade to 6*?
Only WoL and Laswell so far.
But for current content you're more than good.
On one side I'm so happy to have been lucky enough to get WoL in so few pulls, especially when I'm reading other posts from people who try really hard to get him with no luck.
And on the other side it's weird to see so many people unhappy about drawing Chizuru while trying to get WoL, when for the last 2 weeks I've been trying to get Chiz, with no luck.
I guess this all evens up somewhere in the distance. RNG really is a bitch (pardon my french).
I'm also seeing a scary amount of people who will invest more money into many more pulls than initially planned, mainly because of seeing other's success stories, unit ratings, more happy screenshots, discussions about full break, discussions about future proofing, etc...
Of course everybody is free to spend his cash as he sees fit, but I suspect the "banner hype" has already made many victims.
Gumi must be having a killer weekend. We'll deserve some mighty-fine bundles after thatAnd I can't even imagine the craze of the pulls once Lightning is up for grabs.
Basically yup, Earth Shrine all the day, except Vortex 5 BNG (usually Awaken, you get about 1 SC per 3 runs) and 2 runs in Earth Shrine Explo for the daily quests. That 80% Shantotto was my 2nd summon in May, I used her in party so much that she had 14.5% TM when I started TM grind.
Today is 30th day of TM grind, Iam getting about 2.2% per day, not waking at night, I rather sleep and let nrg rot. Manually, only using phone, boring as fuck, I try to do everything else same time while tapping phone. Roughly 18 days to go and then its done.
Like current content as in what is out in Japan? I'd just like to know i can get a couple months with these chars basically.
Basically yup, Earth Shrine all the day, except Vortex 5 BNG (usually Awaken, you get about 1 SC per 3 runs) and 2 runs in Earth Shrine Explo for the daily quests. That 80% Shantotto was my 2nd summon in May, I used her in party so much that she had 14.5% TM when I started TM grind.
Today is 30th day of TM grind, Iam getting about 2.2% per day, not waking at night, I rather sleep and let nrg rot. Manually, only using phone, boring as fuck, I try to do everything else same time while tapping phone. Roughly 18 days to go and then its done.
You already have a bunch of Top Tier units - you wont need a Tank anytime soon but Lenna obv. would be a Healer upgrade and WoL is future proof. If your goal is really to pull Lightning and you arent IAP - then you likely wanna skip this Gacha and most upcoming ones. Because you will need everything saved up to have a small chance at Lightning.So if my team is
(Sometimes Kefka)
And I have no other good units, should I pull for Lenna and WOL to upgrade my Vaan/Fina or should I save my tickets for Lightning?
I have 10 tickets and 12000 lapis, and I haven't bought the ticket bundle.
So let me get some expert opinions. Is this team pretty good for the future?
Warrior of Light, Lasswell, Artemios, Kefka, Lenna
I'm not really obsessed over getting certain chars, unless Tidus and Auruon get released, so I'd like to settle in with a group of chars and slow down my playtime a bit.
Eh, thanksRixa is sacrificing himself so that we will have an incredible overpowered Ex-Death in our friendlist soon...a true bro, you guys should be more thankful xD
Eh, thanks. Iam not sure why I started doing this what I do and not sure why I chose 4 Shants and Cecil, I had one Luna too. Oh well, Iam glad when this is done and I can actually burn my NRG fast