Derived WoL rates from Reddit:
4* WoL --> 2% (1 in 50)
5* WoL --> 0.5% (1 in 200)
Total --> 2.5% (1 in 40)
Lenna/Tellah (13% each) --> (1 in 7)
Of course, RNG is RNG. Some people pull him in 1 or 2 pulls, others have posted nightmare stories about not pulling him after 80 to 100 pulls. Such is the nature of a bell curve.
Took 1 more pull on whim just now... Lenna.
That's 2 of the 3 featured; I'm done. No point chasing a 1 in 40 odds card, as that's wasting tickets/lapis/money.
Also, I miss the great/amazing bonus on feeds. This is making the slog through 5* quite painful. Hoping to maybe finish Artemios today. But, I strongly doubt at my current pace that if I start immediately on Lenna, that I can max her by tomorrow.