I think I'm gonna skip the Brave Frontier Collab in JP. I'm out of tickets and Lapis atm and I don't want any of those units even if Tilith gets an AOE raise, lol.
Already got the Demon Hearts, now time to farm Farplane Souls.....
Oh my free ticket pull was Edgar.
Is the best way to get Gil to level up and awaken one of the lesser characters for a while then sell? Time to use my Cactuars on my new team.
I think I'm gonna skip the Brave Frontier Collab in JP. I'm out of tickets and Lapis atm and I don't want any of those units even if Tilith gets an AOE raise, lol.
And now I get to feel the pain from Europa...
In other (semi-related) news I'm digging Lenna as my healer, even though my Fina is 5* and my Lenna is 8 levels away from that. Her LB actually being a functional heal instead of a freakin' atack kind of helps with that. She's already proven more useful in just about any fight of difficult than Fina ever has been. :|
Which items would be best to make for Ability and Forge?
Chilly - once again congrats on dropping the dragon. You having a better day today?
You beat Europa?
I wish! I still only got one every time Rob's Locke was available. Have mostly gotten 0 all day, but never even two.So I just did my first Awakening run with a friend's level 80 locke.
4 sacreds. Is this normal?
So I just did my first Awakening run with a friend's level 80 locke.
4 sacreds. Is this normal?
Shintoko - I just craft blizzard and fire from HR runs, along with cure. Done so too many times to count. Craft shurikens/potions, and forge iron helms.
Getting closer to those trophies, but ran out of copper and iron
Do you run Nox on W10? I can't get it working correctly in my W7 VM
You mean the best in general or easiest to make for the trophy lol
Some user in this thread said it's easier to do it in your base star, cuz the amount required to level it up increased when you get higher.
I think leveling LB is worse than trophies or TM
Where's the Demon Chimera exactly? I went and crushed the White Dragon (Didn't know WoL could equip Kitanas so that was a good decision) but every other direction I went in the farplanes the moogles wouldn't let me through. Was I supposed to leave and then return to 'refresh' the farplane first?
I'm using the Advanced Vortex to try and level WoL and Lenna to max 4* and awaken them before using Cactuars on them. It's a painfully slow process, I'm so impatient to get them to the point I can use them for serious content and when you spend 15 energy and no one levels up.... I have around 38 Giganctuars so will be able to get WoL to 80 instantly after I awaken him and hopefully will have enough left over to get Lenna to a respectable level but not sure how many would be left over so trying not to blow any on their 4* states. I'm going to need a crap load of sacred crystals for those two as well which makes me all the more impatient to get them maxed out so I can switch to the Int Awaken Vortex.
Where's the Demon Chimera exactly? I went and crushed the White Dragon (Didn't know WoL could equip Kitanas so that was a good decision) but every other direction I went in the farplanes the moogles wouldn't let me through. Was I supposed to leave and then return to 'refresh' the farplane first?
Is Ultima stronger than Hyperdrive? Because as much as I'd love a toon with Ultima, it feels redundant when he already has a beastly non-elemental damage spell. Too bad Ex doesn't get Ultima instead of Meteor but I'm sure Meteor will still be great.It is now; don't jinx it, roll with it!
If Kefka doesnt learn Ultima I'll eat an owl.
Yup, same spot as the White Dragon. Leave and come back and it will be there.
Should be a swirly vortex thing you examine where you got the sword.
The third island will be opened once you've talked to a sailor in grandport. I'd suggest getting Ramuh, finishing the story, grind more levels for Espers, or grind TMs.Question: what to do after grinding for the Hero Ring recipe?
My team is maxed, and I did not get to the third island. So, what is it worth to do?
Story mode and then farm fire/ ice megacrysts?
Any other uber item I should be aiming to hunt??
If I could, I would trade you my Lenna dupe for your Exdeath dupe.I pulled four more times, hoping for Lenna.
- Exdeath (Dupe)
- Galuf
- Cyan
- Shantotto
Whatever, I give up. That makes 17 pulls and only one banner character (Tellah). Rate-up? Sure.
I'd trade you in a second if I could. :/If I could, I would trade you my Lenna dupe for your Exdeath dupe.![]()
I pulled four more times, hoping for Lenna.
- Exdeath (Dupe)
- Galuf
- Cyan
- Shantotto
Whatever, I give up. That makes 17 pulls and only one banner character (Tellah). Rate-up? Sure.
Yeah, I'm (relatively) happy with the Exdeath dupe, but out of this many pulls, you'd think I could have pulled the "common" one (Lenna, being a 3* and all). I never expected WoL, I just wanted Lenna. It's kind of frustrating, but I'll move on and (hopefully) get a better healer than Fina eventually.I pulled a total of about 30x between my two accounts and have Tellahs and Lennas. Unfortunately no WoL. I should've quit after I got Lenna tbh and saved the tickets for future pulls. At least you got another Ex-Death which is a very rare pull.
It depends on what the stats are but sounds like Vaan will get new armorYou get a awesome f2p light armor.
I pulled four more times, hoping for Lenna.
- Exdeath (Dupe)
- Galuf
- Cyan
- Shantotto
Whatever, I give up. That makes 17 pulls and only one banner character (Tellah). Rate-up? Sure.
Thanks man.Sorry ChronoSeemed like the most likely of the three to drop based on experiences here and you just got shafted. It will all come around though, just a matter of when but you'll get someone awesome at some point. I choose to believe those that are getting screwed now or that have never gotten a 5* pull are going to land Lightning ;p At least you got an Ex dupe, pretty sure Holy will be money against some boss down the road weak to light magic and I've already seen a number of enemies weak to that element in the game so far.
So random question. I'd like to experience Final Fantasy 6. I've only played FFX and this game. What would be the best way for me to play 6? I have a ps4, pc, mobile, and ds.
So random question. I'd like to experience Final Fantasy 6. I've only played FFX and this game. What would be the best way for me to play 6? I have a ps4, pc, mobile, and ds.
So random question. I'd like to experience Final Fantasy 6. I've only played FFX and this game. What would be the best way for me to play 6? I have a ps4, pc, mobile, and ds.
between Demon Chimera and Frost Dragon in Colloseum INT S-5, which one is harder?
because the last time i fought Chimera, only able to half its HP before he kill my Chizuru and I gave up.
Frost dragon by miles. Screech could give confuse status to 2-3 of your units. And that's what makes it harder. His blizzara isn't that bad.