Missed the perfect opportunity to use "Buttz lovers unite".
I mean whats the stat modification curve anyways
Is the damage difference really that deep? What about overall utility (chiz does have a robust skillset) and other angles? Like chain potential and limit building
Maybe the previous rankings were skewed because the game started out as a barrage simulator
I mean whats the stat modification curve anyways
Is the damage difference really that deep? What about overall utility (chiz does have a robust skillset) and other angles? Like chain potential and limit building
Maybe the previous rankings were skewed because the game started out as a barrage simulator
Where should I level my 5* Level 60~ units when I run out of cactuars? ADV experience dungeon is getting pretty slow and not worth it I think.
Where should I level my 5* Level 60~ units when I run out of cactuars? ADV experience dungeon is getting pretty slow and not worth it I think.
Chizuru has no equal right now on global. She absolutely destroys the competition.
But when 6* comes, some units gain more power than her. Like Bartz for example. Bartz has insane gains that their about equal on their 6* forms.
Altema has Chizuru above Bartz, while Famitsu has Bartz above Chizuru.
All the 3rd island explorations give more XP i believe (in the 40k range) but it would be tough and time consuming to get max XP even leaning hard on a FP unit to carry you
Honestly 30k instantly for 15 nrg and a couple minutes of time is the best as far as ease of use and itme investment...
Its a drag and at 5* you are going to get one level per run...
Thems the breaks but if you have plenty of other multitasking you want to do you can always just let them level naturally but hunting other content.
As far as raw speed power leveling it doesnt get more efficient than ADV vortex from what I can tell
Sorry man :/
Can't decide if I want to try and level espers to 40 or start working on TM![]()
Run ADV EXP Dungeon with just the character you want to level and a friend to help.
Repeat 28 times.
1. What the heck is this Friend Point event coming this weekend? I'm not sure what it's talking about. I thought FP was just the gifts we send each other?
1. What the heck is this Friend Point event coming this weekend? I'm not sure what it's talking about. I thought FP was just the gifts we send each other?
2. What did you guys think of the Crystal Void last time? Is it worth it? Or a waste of energy compared to whatever the other best option for crysts are? (Phantom Forest?)
Time to pull a you: woijaokjfjsad;lkjflka;jf;lkasjflk;ajflsj;
I had no idea you could reduce the amount of units you have in so they can hog all the xp. I've been wasting it on maxed units all this time! How do you take some out without swapping them for another??? This could be a god send for leveling WoL and Lenna!
Oh, snap. I thought you only got it via gifts. Too bad my WoL isn't ready yet, everyone would use him ;pBasically you will get 50 FP points + a chance at a random cactuar/gil turtle every time you use a friend or are used by a friend. Usually you just get 10 FP per use/friend use.
in the Unit menu, click a unit (non leader - can't remove leader) and pick the first option to remove. If you want to level only WoL, make him leader then remove all the rest.
Hmm... so right now I have 7750 lapis. I'm hoping that summer celebration chests come over. Think I should grab the 11 summon tickets now and then grab those?
Basically you will get 50 FP points + a chance at a random cactuar/gil turtle every time you use a friend or are used by a friend. Usually you just get 10 FP per use/friend use.
Oh, snap. I thought you only got it via gifts. Too bad my WoL isn't ready yet, everyone would use him ;p
Hmm... so right now I have 7750 lapis. I'm hoping that summer celebration chests come over. Think I should grab the 11 summon tickets now and then grab those?
If you plan on mass pulling for Zidanes, then I'd say go for it. Might as well get the extra ticket. If not, I'd say wait for better deals, 10+1 at worst should come back at some point.
Why the fuck isnt Kuja getting a rate up too ;(
Hmm... so right now I have 7750 lapis. I'm hoping that summer celebration chests come over. Think I should grab the 11 summon tickets now and then grab those?
Too sexy for that.
I was excited to max out my Chizuru, only to find that Barrage does 0 damage to Europa. What gives? Is Barrage elemental damage?
Ahh, great catch, thanks!I bet you have the kazekiri equipped. I made the same mistake. He's immune to wind damage. Try using the almost-as-good kiku-ichimonji.
Finally got enough trophies, time to go after my first hero ring. What's the consensus on ice megacryst farming? Is the marsh better than wolfsfang?
Toss-up, in terms of ice megas.
Marsh only costs one more energy, but yields violet magicite (which is arguably more useful for Shiva than blue for Siren). Also, the player doesn't have to deal with those gravestones in Wolfsgang. On the other hand, 3rd island collection points are wonky and tend to offer less drops than 2nd island collection points. So, for many people, runs are very RNG and YMMV.
You get 50 FP when you use friend or friend uses your unit. Also you get 50 friendpoints when sending & receiving gift.
As for Cactuars & Gil turtles. Use your FP in FP Summon and you usually get a lot those (mostly mini ones).
Finnaly stole the last farplane soul I needed to finish off Gravity Rod:
Since I'm crafting only one Gravity Rod this event, can I get rid of the second massive stone ? Or will it get another use further down the line ?
1/7 today running INT to get Demon Hearts - I hope this is just RNG![]()
I switched to ADV a while ago. I know it's 5 more stamina per, but I prefer the 100% drop on the heart. It's worth it to me, given my luck so far (damn you, Lenna).If you're having no luck in INT, why not switch to ADV?
And I hit a wall. That wall's name is Europa. Just can't do enough damage and a lot of it seems maybe RNG-dependent.
Tried with 5* Cecil (Cura, Barthundara), 5* Terra (Cura, Firaga), 4* Golbez (Firaga), 5* Kefka (-ga), and 4* WoL (just Mental Break, really). +Lightning resist all around, including Leather Shields.
I probably need WoL's Full Break and some serious levels.
Just did the math, and to get my newly pulled team to 5*, I need 64 Sacred Crystals. -_-
I'm going to be spending a lot of time in Awakening Vortex INT.
Has there been a better use of Stamina per crystal than that yet?
Also, any known monsters in Colosseum that have Sacreds in their stealing pool? I haven't had to farm these since a little after launch.
I spammed the shit out of silence. Had it on 3 chars. Blind worked some too.And I hit a wall. That wall's name is Europa. Just can't do enough damage and a lot of it seems maybe RNG-dependent.
Tried with 5* Cecil (Cura, Barthundara), 5* Terra (Cura, Firaga), 4* Golbez (Firaga), 5* Kefka (-ga), and 4* WoL (just Mental Break, really). +Lightning resist all around, including Leather Shields.
I probably need WoL's Full Break and some serious levels.
From my experience, curaja on Lenna is roughly the same as Kriles double cast cura.But double krile heal was a major major reson it was manageable for me.
If you're having no luck in INT, why not switch to ADV?