The Silver
Is it worth it to keep Rain and Lasswell around, I just got a Firion(the ones I use on my friends list are monsters) and I feel like replacing one of them, I'm still early in the game, only around lv 19
Is it worth it to keep Rain and Lasswell around, I just got a Firion(the ones I use on my friends list are monsters) and I feel like replacing one of them, I'm still early in the game, only around lv 19
Yes replace one of them, ideally Laswell since Rain gets some heavy hitting at 6* but it really depends on your team dynamic!
Besides Rain and Laswell I use Golbez, Lenna, and Cloud of Darkness. I have Kain too and he's too cool not to use but I didn't know if I should take out Rain/Lasswell.FUCK A RAIN
Yes replace one of them, ideally Laswell since Rain gets some heavy hitting at 6* but it really depends on your team dynamic!
Finally got to Frost Dragon but I don't have enough damage to kill it. Garland and CoD are my only damage dealers... Kuja and Golbez are pretty much stuck to praying to RNGesus for sleep or paralyze to work since their damage is pretty negligible.
Besides Rain and Laswell I use Golbez, Lenna, and Cloud of Darkness. I have Kain too and he's too cool not to use but I didn't know if I should take out Rain/Lasswell.
I also just now got a 4 star Krile, don't know how good she is but she's my first four star.
Using a maxed Lenna, also have Fina and Krile but my issue is more damage than survivability. Currently working on leveling Locke and Cecil. Not much else of note.Hmmm, Golbez has a tough time keeping up in that given his lower MAG stat and Kuja has a much better stat but a much smaller library to utilize. Garland hammering away with Power Break and the occasional Firaga can help; though in all honesty he can become a liability if confused, one hitting your mages or at the very least Kuja.
What other units do you have, say healing or support wise?
Using a maxed Lenna, also have Fina and Krile but my issue is more damage than survivability. Currently working on leveling Locke and Cecil. Not much else of note.
Golbez is still my strongest unit easily, CoD is doing the 2nd least damage(don't have a good weapon for her) but i like her resistances. I'm still low level so I don't have stuff like barrage or cheer.Golbez can't dish out much damage at that point but if you add Krile you'll be able to elemental chain decently well. I used 5* Lenna as well during the fight and she saved my ass. Krile, in that set up, really should be your primary mage despite being effectively a Red Mage in utility.
COD is a beast though, her barrage coupled with Cheer will be a hell of a damage boon; adding elemental dual cast chains and you just need to focus on staying alive.
Golbez is still my strongest unit easily, CoD is doing the 2nd least damage(don't have a good weapon for her) but i like her resistances. I'm still low level so I don't have stuff like barrage or cheer.
You might be confusing me with someone else cause I didn't mention anything about a fight.
Golbez is still my strongest unit easily, CoD is doing the 2nd least damage(don't have a good weapon for her) but i like her resistances. I'm still low level so I don't have stuff like barrage or cheer.
You might be confusing me with someone else cause I didn't mention anything about a fight.
From my experience, curaja on Lenna is roughly the same as Kriles double cast cura.
I have Kain too and he's too cool not to use but I didn't know if I should take out Rain/Lasswell.
In a prolonged fight when he reaches 5* he's okay I guess?Kain has an awesome ability set. You have Jump which takes two turns and deals huge damage albeit delayed.
However, if that's too slow, as an alternative he also has Store which also lets you do big delayed damage on the next turn.
why is Kain so terrible
Kain has an awesome ability set. You have Jump which takes two turns and deals huge damage albeit delayed.
However, if that's too slow, as an alternative he also has Store which also lets you do big delayed damage on the next turn.
why is Kain so terrible
Yeah, I'm so bummed that Kain is so underwhelming in this game.
Is there anything we can do? Like a petition or something? Lol.
So to farm trust you literally just run Earth Shine with as many duplicate characters over and over and over?
He does get a five star upgrade, so you would be waiting for that in the future....
But the others would be six star.
He's always one star below the best ones.
Better than being stuck in 4 star purgatory.But the others would be six star.
He's always one star below the best ones.
Better than being stuck in 4 star purgatory.
- WoL Obvious choice
- Lenna Healer
- Tellah Mage
- Shantotto Just for leech TM%, replace when you get some 5* unit
- Lasswell Phys dam dealer equip with Murasame when you get it
That's the truth. At least at 5 stars, units are at least moderately feasible at level 80. At 4 stars, units are too crippled by low stats/skills to be useful.
No love for Shadow, lol?
Ahh, the sweet sweet feeling of finishing another crafting grind once and for all. Good riddance to the gil silk that is crafting abilities. Two gold crafting trophies down, one to go.
45 trophies in the bank now![]()
Farm TM and you are swimming in GIL. Later on you start to get so much shit that you sell and gain abour 30-40k per sell session. I have now 2516620 Gil...No love for Shadow, lol?
Ahh, the sweet sweet feeling of finishing another crafting grind once and for all. Good riddance to the gil sink that is crafting abilities. Two gold crafting trophies down, one to go.
45 trophies in the bank now![]()
I fucking love Shantotto, shes the only one in global I believe with access to ALL BLM spells...and shes a fucking 4* Max. FU
In a prolonged fight when he reaches 5* he's okay I guess?
Right, I did posit exactly that.
I also keep a loose eye on JP happenings just out of interest, so I'm basing my opinion around the future blueprint as much as I am the current state of the game, 4* characters and all.
edit: Would like to mention that with all that rambling, I'm not saying simple is inherently bad. Simple does mean approachable/accessible. Simple can also go with good balance, or bad balance. And even bad balance can simply be intentional (juicier carrot on a stick for monetization)
The opposite of simple would be Mobius, where you're thrown into the deep end with half a dozen arcane systems and left to try to figure it all out yourself.
GooglePlay said:====================
Google Play Summer Sale
[Sale Period]
Thursday 8/11 1:00 - Friday 8/19 0:59 (PDT)
[Sale Details]
Get a rare summon ticket, a magic key, a phoenix down, an elixir and five megacite for the low cost of 300 lapis.
So we should get those 300 Lapis -> Tix bundles starting from tomorrow.
Google playstore link to BE
Edit: JP has revealed summon rates. For the banners:
1% for 5*
19% for 4*
80% for 3*
As expected. Base 5* will be rare af.
hierotubas: ....just opened the rates. eww. vargas 0,04% tilith 0,08%
From B-E forum
So we should get those 300 Lapis -> Tix bundles starting from tomorrow.
Google playstore link to BE
Edit: JP has revealed summon rates. For the banners:
1% for 5*
19% for 4*
80% for 3*
So we should get those 300 Lapis -> Tix bundles starting from tomorrow.
Google playstore link to BE
Edit: JP has revealed summon rates. For the banners:
1% for 5*
19% for 4*
80% for 3*
Is it 1% chance for the exact 5* on the banner or 1% for any 5*?
Lol 19% more like 2%
But with this I know I won't get a base 5*, never had one and probably will never and I accept that fact.
Is it 1% chance for the exact 5* on the banner or 1% for any 5*?
Isn't that about 200 rolls or 200 x 500 = 100,000 Lapis?
18,000 Lapis = $99.99 which means I have to buy this at least 6 times... Lightning will cost $600 USD ..
18,000 Lapis = $99.99 which means I have to buy this at least 6 times... Lightning will cost $600 USD ..
While we're on this note, I want to say I'm honestly really baffled at the tuning of this Demon Heart event. The stamina opportunity cost for getting a simple 35 stat item is all out of wack when compared to other 31-39 stat items other than MAG. If I could give an analogy, it would be like if a STR item in WoW was a quest reward, while a MAG item of equal strength required you to be Merciless Gladiator or something.