Chilly, don't you have both WoL and Cecil? I agree Cecil is the better tank, but WoL has better abilities. However, I'm not picky at all at this point.
Deciding what I should focus on next. I'm thinking some shard farming this weekend is in order. Going to level up my Ifirt, Golem, and Siren to 2. Followed by getting Shiva and Ram.
After that, they have some pretty solid items through questing for the third Island. Going to gear up my Art.
Also decided how I'm going to TM farm. I got my settings down where it is only a small bit behind energy regen. So I'll be running the program while studying, watching movies, playing other games, etc. Figure it will be nice to aim for a set of 2TMS every 2 to 3 months. Get that Cecil, Bartz, Hayate, Kekfa up.
If you haven't yet, grinding for Rank is never a bad thing. I've done that a bunch and I'm up to Rank 52 now. It's nice waking up to 62 energy everyday.
I was thinking of using Nox to start a little TM grinding, but it runs like ass on my laptop Not sure if I need to tweak some settings or if my laptop is too crappy. Maybe I should try out another emulator.
Nox is the only one with built in marco. I like bluestacks but it doesn't have marco.
That's a bummer to hear. I'll search around for a way to possibly make it run better, but I think I might be out of luck because it runs like a slideshow right now.
Wired, you have time to figure it out. Maintenance tonight so I'm not going to bother running my script until tomorrow night. Need to fine tune it to work towards the magic trophy as well anyway...
Intervals part. Input 300 second or subtract some time from your run.How do you delay 5 minutes wait for nrg? That's the only problem i have now. Can't run it overnight.
Wired, you have time to figure it out. Maintenance tonight so I'm not going to bother running my script until tomorrow night. Need to fine tune it to work towards the magic trophy as well anyway...
Cecil is top tank ; ;
If Kefka doesn't get a 6* I will eat my eyes.
Intervals part. Input 300 second or subtract some time from your run.
Click between the play and X button to maximize the options.Where's the interval option located?
On the script screen, it's only stop, play, pause.
Then if you want to run the script, only option is run 1 time or loop.
Thanks in advance.
I'm not sure if it's extremely shitty luck or what but if this keeps up I'm pretty much done with this game. Took a break from farming ice/fire megacryts for the gravity rod. Finished the hearts yesterday and started back on the rings. Fuck me this is ridiculous. 17 runs Wolfgang's peak - 3 ice Megas. THREE. Decided screw it lets do Westersands for the fire ones.. 2 in 10 runs. Fire used to be easier to get. This is absolute BS. It's beyond frustrating. This is making Möbius look a tonne better to me everyday. Ugh.
Click between the play and X button to maximize the options.
Watch this video. This guy does it pretty good, and I just found this today too.
I'm not sure if it's extremely shitty luck or what but if this keeps up I'm pretty much done with this game. Took a break from farming ice/fire megacryts for the gravity rod. Finished the hearts yesterday and started back on the rings. Fuck me this is ridiculous. 17 runs Wolfgang's peak - 3 ice Megas. THREE. Decided screw it lets do Westersands for the fire ones.. 2 in 10 runs. Fire used to be easier to get. This is absolute BS. It's beyond frustrating. This is making Möbius look a tonne better to me everyday. Ugh.
I'm not sure if it's extremely shitty luck or what but if this keeps up I'm pretty much done with this game. Took a break from farming ice/fire megacryts for the gravity rod. Finished the hearts yesterday and started back on the rings. Fuck me this is ridiculous. 17 runs Wolfgang's peak - 3 ice Megas. THREE. Decided screw it lets do Westersands for the fire ones.. 2 in 10 runs. Fire used to be easier to get. This is absolute BS. It's beyond frustrating. This is making Möbius look a tonne better to me everyday. Ugh.
Completely off topic but I'm 3 hours into FFVI and I am having second thoughts on using Kefka in my party. The man is vile and my good hearted Rain, Lasswell, and Fina wouldn't have anything to do with this monster.
96 energy I guess if I did the math right.I'm being lazy, but has anyone already mathed to see what rank allows you a full 8 hours of sleep without wasting NRG?
Yeah, I'm pretty certain both Terra and Kefka will get 6*'s, as will Vaan eventually. I would expect the same for Zidane and Kuja as well. The main hero and villain for each game seems to be getting one so far
96 energy I guess if I did the math right.
Where's Chilly today? ... I finally am getting to play with Kuja, and I don't care what anyone says about his "lack of power". He's the coolest of my mage units, and the best graphics. Besides, he crushes the available content pretty well. I'm working on getting him to L53
I always thought the Judges looked bad ass. I know there was a leader but it's been so long since I've played XII, did any of the judges have unique abilities? Or just good with weapons?
Gabranth has quite a few unique abilities. Guilt/Innocence/Sentence etc. Dissidia shows some. The English remaster will probably have the trials which will showcase some of the other judge's abilities. It would be awesome to have a full judge team.I always thought the Judges looked bad ass. I know there was a leader but it's been so long since I've played XII, did any of the judges have unique abilities? Or just good with weapons?
Went yolo and ended up with a 4*Maria. Is she worth leveling?
I'm surprised they don't have a villain for FFXII released, Dr. Cid would be awesome
Do you have any other healers?
I have a 5* Fina maxed .
Then no lol Though Maria will be getting a 5* upgrade in the future with some decent abilities, wouldn't be a terrible thing to level her if you have nothing else to do atm ^^
Nice, he'd be a good edition then. I should probably grab the remaster and give it another spin. Is the nonsense to get that spear in the zodiac version?Gabranth has quite a few unique abilities. Guilt/Innocence/Sentence etc. Dissidia shows some. The English remaster will probably have the trials which will showcase some of the other judge's abilities. It would be awesome to have a full judge team.
The wikis rank exp table only went to 100.I think Vayne would be a cool villain for FFXII he's actually the last boss and could have a cool sprite. And would be cool in the sense of Leo in that Dissidia and FFRK never used him.
Also, there's a max rank?
I think Vayne would be a cool villain for FFXII he's actually the last boss and could have a cool sprite. And would be cool in the sense of Leo in that Dissidia and FFRK never used him.
Also, there's a max rank?